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So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
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Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

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Act One: The Defense of Relouse____ __ _ _

Chapter Five: Pyrrhic_________ __ __ _ _

đť…  Relouse, Parrence

They fought down to the very bitter end: two immense armies relentlessly throwing bodies against each other until the gates of Relouse closed, the last few defenders were left to die for their nation, and powerful magics came down to form an impenetrable protective shell around the town's walls.

For every Kol that pounded at the stone with fire, force, and fury, there was an Eleanor on the other side. For every Hrothgar, an Arcel, for every Sweyn, a Talit. Relouse stood firm in the face of the onslaught. From their redoubt, the defenders hammered back at the Eskandr horde and the King's banner was raised that night from the steeple of Notre Dame de la Liberté. Try as they might, the Southmen could not prize it forth nor set it ablaze.

Terror stalked the night for hours yet, people killing and dying for ideas: Parrence, Eskand, friendship, hatred, vengeance, faith. Nerves frayed and bodies wearied. The Gift was called upon to shore up flagging strength and rebuild broken flesh. Every time ground was given, it was taken. Sleep found no purchase where it could very well lead to death, and the making of war continued.

It was during the later hours of Ipté, by Parrench reckoning, that the King of Kings called upon his army to step back from the walls. They gathered what they could from their ships and began to move inland, first trickling and then streaming past the towers and parapets of Relouse. Some were bloody and sullen. Some sang as they marched: paeans to their gods, bawdy war songs, promises to return. If the city still stood, so too did the Eskandr on Parrench land, and they were not to be easily rooted out.

As the first rays of the sun stretched their hazy golden fingers across the dew-covered ground, banners hung limp and wet from flagposts and ramparts. Knights slept sitting propped against walls. People walked the streets, eyes wandering, necks craning, gazing up at their changed home and hoping that the fireballs, lightning bolts, and boulders of their enemies had not struck the small places within that they called their own.

Yet, as the final wisps of smoke petered out within the confines of Relouse or were torn to ribbons by the persistent drizzle that had replaced the night's furious storm, fire hungered elsewhere in earnest. Work of Tourarre horsemen, Hrothgar would later claim, four hundred longships burned on the beach, black smoke from their deaths billowing over the city: symbol of some kind of victory.

Among the first to step out from the protection of the walls was Arcel, his arm linked with that of his beloved. If the Queen was a radiant dawn, her golden hair and silver armour glowing against her grim backdrop, the king was a solemn dusk, walking with the deaths of thousands stacked upon his young shoulders.

Casualties lay about the killing fields of Relouse, scattered, dessicated, piled in great stinking mounds that reeked of blood, burnt flesh, and feces. As the drizzle faded and droplets clung to them, slowly drying as another day began, the flies, newly hatched at this time of year, came upon a feast. Crows and dogs picked at the bodies, tearing at these things that had once been sons and daughters, that had once held hopes, fears, and dreams, that had laughed, loved, and wondered at the world, until they no longer looked like the people they had been. Still, there were so very many that the animals would gorge themselves for weeks and the poppies would grow thick for years to come.

Arcel did not flinch from his duty. He walked his path as king and only his beloved felt the tightening of his grip around her fingers or the quiver in his voice. He stood by the ocean, staring out into its greyish-blue bulk for a moment before turning and giving his address to the people who would bring news of the battle back to Solenne. Behind him fires guttered among the blackened skeletons of the Eskandr fleet. Somewhere beyond the low-lying hills and the forest on the horizon lay the men and women who had come here to kill his people.

đť…  Four Miles Northwest

It was barely six kilometers away that the Eskandr made their camp, near the coast on the way to Port Morilles. The force was vast but ragged. In the early morning sky, behind and around them, rose tails of smoke that spiraled up from ransacked farmsteads. Some ate greedily from their provisions or their plunder, others teetered on their feet, standing guard. Still others dozed where they could, collapsing and lying on the ground now that the rain had abated.

Yet, spreading out from this epicentre, foraging and raiding parties hacked down trees, looted and burned homes, and hunted game. This land was not theirs but it was not so different and they now had no choice but to make it a temporary home, perhaps in preparation for something more permanent for their children and their children's children. They could only hope, for Eskand, cold and bitter, both made them and constrained them.

Between their tents and bedrolls, by their bonfires and stewing pots paced Hrothgar: a tireless presence the entire day amongst their ranks. He joined them in mourning or celebration, offered words of praise and encouragement, assured them that this fight was now there to be won and that the gods were with them. Why, even now, he could feel Mother warming their fires, Father mending and crafting, Sister's light and laughter in the camp, and Brother's strength and daring in the parties that ventured out. These visits from their king filled the cups of rank and file and nobility alike, buoying their spirits and imbuing them with energy and vigour.

It was all the Gift of Essence and the minds of young men and women who wanted to believe. In truth, Hrothgar did not know if the Gods were with them. He did not even know if the Gods were real. But they had to be. There was no other choice: they had to be because his people needed them. His people were hurling their lives at the feet of the Gods so that it was not on his account that they threw themselves into the fire.

It weighed on him - it would not be a lie to say so - the sacrifice demanded of this generation. Children, half of them, still boys and girls in mind and spirit if no longer in body, and part of him recoiled at the barbarity of the task he had set before them, at the way that their religion not only justified but glorified it. And yet, his guilt did not cut long or deeply. Their lives were the stones that paved tomorrow's road, that gave the Eskandr a chance to remain what they were. The Parrench were as blades of grass and, where you mowed one down, more would spring up to take his place. That they would crawl like ants over this continent, that they would seduce his people, coerce them, convert them until there was no more Eskand: of this he was certain.

Unless something was done.

Unless something was done, the Greenlanders would not stop. They were too many, too greedy, and they did not know how. Their lands afforded them advantages that his people did not have, and avarices. Extinguished would be the flame of his culture, his people, their names: fallen by the wayside of time, something to read about in dusty old scrolls. The excitement of gathering for the Althing on a sharp sommer's day when the bugs hummed thick in the air would be no more, the childhood games of Thistles and Neskals among the birch and pines, the hiss and snap of the Yule log and warmth of its fire as one gathered with his family in the dead of vinter. He could not bear for these things to be lost: not to a soulless people who did not respect his. And so he had burned his own fleet at anchor and blamed it on the Tourrare. Now, the Eskandr could not retreat, and he would shovel more of their lives into the fire like coals to be consumed. If it was his fate to be named 'villain' by those living a thousand years hence, then it was a crown that he would accept if it meant that his people endured.

When he returned to his tent, Hrothgar had nothing left to give. All day, he had been lending his Gift to his allies and countrymen. There were some who counted only dubiously among their number who wanted to see him: yasoi. He had called for them, and so held himself upright through their meeting, muddled mind outlining his plan as best he could. That these Red Thorns were enemies in allied dress, he was under no illusions about, but they could be useful until they no longer were. More awaited him yet: some of his finest, faces that he would've wanted to see under almost any other circumstance, and so the king met with them too. By the coast, where the seas churned against boulders, sheltered a handful of knorrs in a small cove. How he ached to be leaving upon one: to see his wife and children again, but it was his job to lead and he would not let them near the fighting. He would send some of his most trusted people - those now before him - to Meldheim in his stead. They knew their lines. He had been scribing their talking points all day as he'd made his rounds: first in his head and then onto parchment. Eskand had given much. It had taxed itself to its limit. He needed still more.

The man himself had given his everything, however. He had nearly died many times over against the young monster known as Arcel of Parrence: the Blessed. Hrothgar, called 'the Black', for both his armour and his disposition, remained steady on his feet until he pulled his curtain closed and collapsed into the welcome nothing of sleep.

đť…  The Yasoi Lady

That they loved the same man was the tragedy that lay between Eleanor and Talit. It lay open between them like a festering wound and infected the words that they spoke and the time that they spent around each other. It could not be helped. Right now, however, the two women knelt side by side, drawing upon the same Gift. One prayed as she did so, under her breath. The other bit back the bile rising in her throat and hummed silent hymns of Loriindton to distract herself.

By the work of their hands, bodies repaired themselves. Burns turned to healed pinkish skin. Hair regrew itself, wounds filled with flesh, and pus dissolved under the push of Binding magic. From one to the next they moved in near silence, issuing occasional thanks, pardons, and necessary comments. By some unspoken agreement or out of simple familiarity, they stuck beside each other. Yet, Tali was convinced that they each had a different effect on those who they healed. There were many who would make full recoveries: whose bodies were battered but whole. There were also many whose newfound pain the yasoi remembered stingingly well. Each bowman short an arm, huntress short a leg, knight rendered an invalid, or child whose eyes had been popped like grapes by Sweyn Thunderspear's evil lightning: she presented herself before them, rendering something more concrete than the personal care of an awesome glowing figure of queenly majesty. Talit simply was, and she was recognized. It was as clear as the couple inches of stump that hung, soft and limp, from her right hip, and yet she was in a position to walk among them as a healer and protector. She could not offer anything so trite as verbal encouragement or platitudes of strength, so her mere presence would have to suffice.

Then, after four hours, she needed to be present elsewhere. She bade Eleanor a quiet, polite goodbye and made her way out of the church that they had been using as a hospital. Nearly all were healed or as healed as they could be. Aches and pains that the battle had hidden were back. Joints grated in pain. Muscles stabbed and stiffened with the exhaustion of an entire night's worth of struggle for survival and a day without so much as eating or resting. Tali leaned against a wall, not trusting herself to sit, lest she be unable to stand back up. Her limbs were nearly numb, her senses buzzing indistinctly, hazily. She let her head back, setting it against the cool rough stonework behind her. Oirase, I know that I am not you, as I once thought, but thank you for forgiving my childhood arrogance and sparing me. Thank you for allowing me more of this adventure called life.

The young woman made a mistake out of breathing through her keen yasoi nose, and vomit burbled up in her throat. She strained and blinked it back, eyes watering. She left them closed for some time longer, just being, just feeling: the cool drying sweat in her hair, the chirp of birds, the inconsequential aches and scrapes on her knee and elbows, the damp scratchy wall against her back. Old Grandma Merit had been twenty-three when the empire had fallen, and Tali was now that age herself, now renowned herself. She, too, would witness the fall of an empire, so long as her heart remained beating. She lifted a hand to her chest, feeling the weight of one crutch swaying gently from its cuff.

She had stayed with her people. She had protected them and they had won in the Witch Wood. The legend of Talit'yrash'osmax would only grow. Other legends would have the chance to grow as well. There were less dead yasoi than there would've been without her. Three deep breaths, Tali took. She pushed off of the wall and opened her eyes. Calling upon the Gift to dull herself to pain, she began to walk in a way that she just couldn't help, searching for Arcel and asking those she ran into of his whereabouts. She could not very well ask Eleanor. It was part of their wordless agreement.

The mounds of bodies were... otherworldly. It overwhelmed her to think of it, and so she tried to imagine them as hillocks, stone hedges, old cairns. Just not people: humans and yasoi, for they were so the same as much as they held themselves apart. They had fought together on this battlefield and died together as Parrench. Tali was Parrench, just as she was yasoi, and did not see why those two things should not be combined. She had even encountered Eskandr yasoi who had hissed at her in their odd dialect about fighting in a human war. Meanwhile, they were doing the same.

Tali wandered, eyes roving this way and that, stopping and talking to people, taking in the sensory overload, staring up - every so often - at the crows circling in the sky. It was late afternoon before she found Arcel. He was lying beneath an apple tree at the edge of the woods, his personal guard some ways back. They recognized her and let her pass. His head turned languidly her way and he pressed his eyelids shut for a moment, before turning to stare back up at the branches and their sweet-smelling blossoms. "Tali. Thank Oraphe."

"Beardless." She sat on the damp grass, feeling it through her hose and then her shirt as she lay down beside him. Their hands found each other and held fast. "Did we win?" she asked, not taking her eyes off of the branches. "We didn't lose," he answered, grip tightening momentarily on her hand. Talit went silent and so did Arcel. When she turned his way, loath to be idle any longer, she was surprised to find a tear rolling down his near cheek. The last time that she had seen him cry, he'd been fourteen and leaving Loriindton to return home. She had wiped his tears away even as she'd wept too. It was not her place to wipe them anymore, however.

"I failed them, Tal. I failed my people."

She watched his face in profile. "Relouse still stands," she offered lamely.

"Thousands of people. I can't look at their faces." He turned to her suddenly, eyes red-rimmed and searching. "Every one was just like us until a few hours ago. Then, I sent them to die: gone. They don't get to finish their lives."

She didn't have anything good. Tali felt things in her own way, but not like Arcel. Besides, she was not one to inspire with words. "You did your job as king. We can't very well let the Eskandr butcher our people and take our land."

"Our land..." he echoed softly. "Is it?"

The yasoi propped herself up on her elbows. "Well, it isn't theirs."

"Is it yours too?" he inquired. "Do the yasoi think this was worth it?"

"The yasoi are a free people. I don't command them. If they came here, they came of their own will."

He propped himself up beside her, twisting slightly to meet her eyes. "Are things going to be okay for you? I know you put a lot on the line. I know the... damage my father did still hasn't totally healed." He glanced away.

Tali sat up, pulling her knee in and sitting cross-legged. Well, not exactly, she knew. You can't cross your legs if you only have one. She thought for a moment, tucking some hair behind an ear, and shrugged. "I probably need to go back and see. I shall leave on the morrow." She was sore and exhausted, not looking forward to days in the saddle, but she could rest among the trees of Loriindton. "Without a resounding victory," she continued, "Dyric will be stirring things up. We caught a Tar'ithan agent in the lower town a week before I came here. More will be active."

"I'm sorry, Tal."

His apologies were starting to vex. "Don't be sorry. Be a king. Do better next time. I know you can. I've seen you at your most brilliant."

He let out a snort that trailed off into a sigh. "We had them too. I was just so busy with Hrothgar, so focused on taking the head off the snake that I didn't see it for the distraction it was. Then, Montblaise panicked and I wasn't there to allay him." Arcel sat up beside her, and they were two children, cross-legged in the shade of a tree again.

"I believe in you," Tali said softly, and she meant it. He had always been the warm, strong hand that guided and protected. He would find a way again. She couldn’t imagine otherwise, "You will find a way. The gods will stand behind you. We will be free of this war, to live and move across this land as we desire."

"I love you." It came after a long, steadying pause.

"I love you too." Yet, she knew that the love that each referred to was of a different species.

đť…  Evening Prayer

They knelt beside each other: husband and wife. "In nomini Ipte, Chune, Oraphe, Echeran, et Dami, Amen."

“Oh heavenly Pentad,” they recited, the mere ritual of prayer one that centered Eleanor, “who hath crafted the heavens, the sea, and the earth beneath our feet, who hath brought life, love, learning, and laughter to us, who destroy so that we may be renewed, who give us choice, magic, and freedom, for the day that has passed and for these things we give thee thanks:”

"Ipte," began Arcel, and it was hard not to reach out to him, but he ever forbade it during prayer. "We give thee thanks for keeping the fire of love burning in our hearts, so that we found the will to protect the things that we cared about and that we remembered the gift of beauty even as we stood amid carnage."

"Chune," Eleanor said, and she did not know if his eyes were upon her. "We thank you for your wisdom: for revealing to us the enemy's trap so that we maintained our forces on the beach. Without that quick thought and action, the city would have been lost."

"Oraphe," continued her husband, but then he paused, and a silence built where they both knelt. Eleanor opened her eyes and looked his way. His left eye twitched and his hands were clenched so tightly around his prayer beads that the knuckles were white. "Why didn't you save more of them?" His teeth were clenched as well. "Why couldn't I?" he was breathing heavily, rapidly. "We pray to you every day! We are ever loyal. We defend your lands and your people against those who would kill them. I do not understand! What have we done for you to desert us this way?"

Just as surely as Eleanor was horrified by his words, her heart went out to him. The death that she had witnessed - the bodies - she had never seen anything like it and she was shaken. Yet, she knew that, perhaps, it should've shaken her more. She had passed by the faces of a thousand dead people: Parrench and Eskandr alike. She had witnessed human suffering on a scale she had not imagined possible over the past twenty-five hours. Yet, all that hovered inside of her, aside from those moments when she forced herself to truly think, was the dull sense that it was a horrific thing and that she should've felt something more strongly, done something or said something more. That her husband had always felt more deeply than most was one of his greater qualities: one of those that made him a good king as opposed to simply another greedy man on a throne. Now, it was breaking him, though. "My love -" she began, and his eyes snapped to her, red-rimmed. "And Echeran," he grated, "why does he empower the swords of those butchers, those murderous heathen against us? Why are they our equals: they who give him nothing while we give him everything!?" His mouth formed a hard bitter line. "Dami, how were we so stupid? Truly, it was our doing. You took no hand here." He shook his head. "For years, you haven't. For years, we've been stupid."

"Arcel, my king, please." She reached out to him and laid a hand upon his shoulder. It rested there, cold and alone for some time, while he stared up at those five benevolent faces that gazed down from the woodwork in this little alcove of their chambers. Eleanor glanced their way too, an anxiety building in her chest. Then, his hand reached up and enfolded hers. His eyes turned her way as he brought it to his lips and kissed it. His voice was calm and steady and he looked her in the eyes. "The gods will not favour us," he said softly. "They created all people: those who recognize them and those who don't."

"This is true," she confirmed, and he nodded at her response.

"The Gods will not save us," he said. "They have given us the tools to do that ourselves, and we will fail or succeed on our own merits."

"They may yet intercede, my love." She had to believe it. She had seen it during the fight, after all, with Arnaud, with Camille, in her own fight against Sweyn. "There remains -"

"We cannot rely on that," he said firmly. "We cannot beat swords and magic with trust and prayer, just as we cannot crush or inspire the minds of men with mere force alone."

Absently, Eleanor made the Sign of the Pentad. Arcel followed her after a moment and they rose. "So what is it that you propose?" she asked as they walked, both intrigued and concerned.

He stood there in profile on the other side of the bed that they shared. Eleanor bent down to peel back the covers and found his eyes upon her once more. "On the morrow, I will have my best gathered in the Archbishop's residence. If we cannot put the love of the Gods into these Eskandr, then we shall instead instill the fear."

𝅘𝅥𝅮 The Red Table, Notre Dame de la Liberté

Last night, they had burned as many of the bodies as they could. The raspy smell of smoke and the sweet stench of cooking flesh had filled the senses of all those who stayed within Relouse. Flames had danced in the darkness and shadows against the city walls, yet Arcel had found sleep despite it.

Talit and some of her yasoi had left with the dawn, hoping to reach the next town by nightfall. Sir Rodric of Lindermetz, who had been such a force of nature during the fighting, was also preparing to depart, and so he was not present. Otherwise, the group that now gathered around the enormous red table in the Archbishop's residence was perhaps the greatest collection of storied warriors to gather in a single place since the collapse of the empire a century and half ago.

Arcel took his place at the table as they gathered - not at the head, for it was round - and stood. "I thank all of you for attending, as I thank the almighty Pentad for sparing you in the terrible clash of two days prior. I was... greatly relieved to find your names among the register of the living." His eyes scanned the room, meeting everyone else's, one by one, and he leaned forward, posting his hands on the tabletop which was covered with maps and models. "You are here because each of you possesses skills that have proven hugely useful in the fight so far and I know will continue to prove useful in the fight to come." He paused to let his words sink in. "Relouse yet stands, and I thank the Gods for that, but this is no complete victory. We must fight the Eskandr now, on our own soil, and I pray for Echeran's blessings upon us all. Yet, it occurs to me," he continued, standing and clasping his hands behind his back, "that we cannot merely defend. These Eskandr are brutes. They refuse to be led into the light through peaceful means, they seek relentlessly after our land on their own terms and are more than willing to kill our people for it. What is the one thing that we can count on such savages to understand?"

"Force," Eleanor offered quietly, from opposite him. Arcel nodded. "We must not remain solely on the defensive. Certainly, we shall dispatch forces, under our ablest commanders" - Comte de Montblaise was conspicuously absent - "to hunt down the forces that, even now, I have been told, are splitting apart and ravaging the countryside. But we shall do more." He leaned forward again, gaze steely and unrelenting. "It is with a heavy heart that I say this, for it was always my hope that this war could be conducted in a way that would not draw the ire of Oraphe, but that has proven a fool's dream. The fear, the suffering, and the deprivation visited upon our people, we must return to our enemies. We must strike at them as a great beast when struck and harried enough by a lesser one. You twenty-five are gathered here this day because I believe that you are the right people to lead such efforts." The blood red shadow of Aun-Ipte's rose fell upon him from the great stained glass window behind. "We shall stab into the very heart of Eskand and deal them a blow to break their spirit."

Act One: Fin.____ __ _ _

- next -
Act Two: Scattered to the Winds_________ __ __ _ _
Served Cold // Tall Trees and Long Shadows // Fields of Fire

Just a brief notice that, following today's first voice chat, we're holding a revote. Please vote here.
Act Two: Scattered to the Winds____ __ _ _

Potential Storylines_________ __ __ _ _

With our fifth and final chapter of the opening act, The Defense of Relouse, the first engagement of the Parrench-Eskandr War will come to a close. Next up, the cast that we brought together will spread out to the seven winds as numerous subplots unfold. Welcome to Act Two, Scattered to the Winds! Sadly, we won't be able to play through every single significant event that'll take place. As a result, three or potentially four of these plotlines and locations will be chosen for active storytelling involving our characters. The remainder will happen 'off screen', so to speak. Please vote for your favourites using the google form at the bottom of this post and feel free to let me know and discuss matters in the chat below or on discord.

1) War Upon the Sea: With much of Eskand's seaborne forces beached in Parrence, La Marine Royale strikes against Eskandr and Kressian shipping, fishing, and trade, hoping to cripple their economy, food supply, and reduce morale on the home front. The Eskandr gather what forces they can in a desperate bid to fight back. However, their conflict may end up stirring the interest of a third faction from neutrality.

2) Best Served Cold: Handpicked elements of La Grande Armée undertake a dangerous and secretive mission into the very heart of Eskand: a lightning raid upon the capital of Meldheim itself. Their targets: the Kongesalan (Hall of Kings) and the Grøntempel (Green Temple). If Parrence bleeds red, Eskand shall bleed with them. Of course, the Eskandr will be busy with plans of their own and the selection of new members of the Æresvaktr.

3) Tall Trees and Long Shadows: Hoping to flip some of the Parrench yasoi, or at least incentivize them to remain neutral, the Eskandr send their yasoi agents to the largest of yasoi settlements in the region, Loriindton, to spy, meet up with sympathizers, and stir the pot. The Parrench send theirs to stop this group.

4) Uncertain Allies: Wishing to take Lindermetz out of the war and install King Otto's pagan cousin Alfric on the throne, the Eskandr have asked their Kressian allies to send a diplomatic mission. In truth, this will act as cover for a team of assassins. The Parrench and Lindermen, however, have their suspicions and have prepared a clandestine force of their own.

5) Fields of Fire: The Great Heathen Army has split into five separate forces, and these now raid and pillage across southern Parrence. Elements of the Grande Armée pursue, but the Eskandr are not eager to engage. Finally, however, by the Convent of Sainte Genevieve près du Lac, the Parrench spring their trap. But is it truly they who have been trapped instead?

6) The Star Chamber: Back in the capital of Solenne, the less than stellar performance of the Grande Armée is much discussed and political unrest and intrigue waits in the wings. How will the nation hold itself together and rally behind its king? As a member of that court or the delegation from the front, that's entirely up to you.

Storyline Voting_________ __ __ _ _

The clock struck five and, across San AgustĂ­n de las Arenas, it happened. Four of the six Internal Guards, called 'owls' by the residents, collapsed where they stood: two rendered unconscious by internal chemical spells, one by a hard knock to the head, and another - notorious for his abuses of the Tethered - by having his neck slit. The remaining two slept in their rooms, off shift and having been made asleep for... much longer than was natural.

Cardinals at their posts found themselves overwhelmed by lesser Afortunado - half-trained boys and girls - but overwhelmed nonetheless, for such is the powerful advantage bestowed by the Gift. A couple tried to fight and were subdued. One took flight through the hedgerows and flowerbeds of the gardens and was unceremoniously knocked out mere feet from the Side Gate. Others protested with words, recognizing resistance as futile. Many were, in fact, already loyal to Don Escarra and this was mere formality. They nodded to the Tethered and continued to guard, in some cases turning their attention on those less cooperative.

When he returned, the kids appeared to be occupied with whatever new game Ayla came up with to distract them. Ayla and Jocasta were whispering worriedly to each other, leading him to approach the two and squeeze into the conversation.

When Ayla mentioned the others, Yalen looked at Jocasta and spoke in a hushed tone. "That magic you use. The... space-time stuff? Can you use it to observe people remotely?"

Jocasta blinked. "We... can, in theory. I haven't really mastered the art of it, though." She turned to Ayla. "And I suppose we could try to check in on the others with it." She rolled off to the side, then, a bit away from the swimming area, and furrowed her brow in concentration. Around her moved the fabric of space and time. Jocasta reached out for it, finding some of its threads, and started to reel them in. People, long gone, and even glimmers of those yet to come flashed past too quickly to make sense of them. Stone smoothed and cracked with age and wear. Trees grew, sands shifted, voices came and went.

Then, she was in the present and searching. Dully, it occurred to her that she'd forgotten to ask 'who' Yalen had wanted to observe, and she could not do it now, so intense was her concentration. She tried focusing in on the various places visually, without tearing a hole in the fabric so that she could move through to them, but it was hard, and she lost it after a moment. Jocasta blinked and shook her head, taking in and releasing a deep breath. "I fear it is not easy to look without opening a physical path and, in any case, I forgot to ask you who you'd intended to look in upon." She shrugged in apology. "We can always just reach out and sense their energies, too."

It bothered the Djamantese, though, that she could not do it. That was a skill that she would have to practice: practice until she could master it.

Yalen scratched his head nervously. "Ah, the thought merely occurred to me since Ayla showed concern for Zarina and Kaspar. We can indeed check to see if they're still alive from here, but I see there is no way to gauge the success of their mission without going there in person..."

The young priest did not have much of a respite, however. No sooner had he started to turn away than Rita was there. "Mistuh Yawen?" she prodded, tugging on his sleeve. "That wasn't juss a show, was it?" Her face was earnest and implacable. At his momentary discomfiture, she decided to provide more evidence. "Caretaker Manazes nevuh does shows fow us." She shook her head adamantly. Almost as if to underscore the loss of innocence, the sky chose that moment to open up, and the rain went quickly from a few stray drops to a downpour.

Yet, for all that Yalen found himself having to offer a mea culpa or a very convincing lie, things had come together everywhere else. The old regime fell as surely as the rain did, though precisely what shape its replacement would take remained as yet undetermined. For now, Head Ranger Escarra took Warden Ortega's place in the big chair. That he had killed Tavio was revealed only to a select few, and with mixed reactions. The remainder believed him locked in the securest part of the dungeon beneath the Red Tower. Nonetheless, Escarra remained nominally in charge.

There was much to do. All evidence of the uprising was removed, aside from its organizational results: blood scrubbed from tiles, clothes laundered, wounds bound, and the bodies of three staff who had died for various reasons sent to the crematorium along with that of one 'zero' who had breathed his last as the revolution succeeded in freeing his people.

The Tethered who had formerly assisted in bookkeeping now took over the posts of those who they'd worked for. Many of the guards who remained found little change aside from the hovering threat of the Royal Sand Wyrm, maddened by an aberration, lurking somewhere in the desert. The residents swept the endless wastes, in every direction, for hours each day with the Gift. Patrols were sent out. Yet, while it entered their senses from time to time, at the edge of their range, it had not yet approached the Refuge. The place remained true to its name, for the time being, for once.

Two days passed like this, but they were not idle ones. A portal was opened on the first to Ersand'Enise and, with Hugo's silent approval, Ysilla, fallen strangely ill, went home. Three new faces replaced her, and then more familiar ones. The recent arrivals were brought up to speed quickly and then the majority of the students set about training the Tethered to use the mana in their blood and not just to suffer from it. They lived, slept, and worked amongst them under the desert sun. The wyrm would come, sooner more likely than later, and they would need to be ready.

The third day of freedom at San Agustín de las Arenas dawned cool and windy, but it dawned with news. "Jocasta! Jocasta!" shouted Laëlle, hammering on her door. The older girl rolled over in bed and hoisted herself out of it with the Gift. "What is it?" she demanded, "to be waking me up as Ipte is barely over!" She floated over to the door and opened it.

The lord of this region, and solidly a quarter of all Torragon, was on his way. His messenger was nearing the gate and a host of some four thousand soldiers would soon follow: an apparition from the sands, but one all too real. The night guards, ebbing in energy and attention at this hour, had sensed them. This, then, must be Duque Huarcan Frannemas - El PatrĂłn - who they had received furtive warnings about. Yet for all of these, his agenda and his purpose remained variables that they could not truly account for. He would likely not be pleased.

Still worn out from two days of using the full extent of her magic to physically restructure every aspect of the Refuge that created barriers for the non-ambulant, Jocasta stretched and rolled her neck. This was it, then: the reckoning, or at least one of two. "Go tell the others, Laëlle: students, Afortunado, Escarra, and Amanda." She was already getting herself ready, mind racing with scenarios and ideas. "Tell them to be on the staff patio overlooking the Great Bath by... 1:00 Shune, no exceptions." She was already in her day dress. Jocasta allowed herself to settle into her wheeled-chair. "I will meet them there. Time is of the essence."


After an awkward moment, One eased up. "Apologiesss," he offered, and this was followed by a symphony of apology from the others, including Nine. "We had received a notification that there were othersss in the caves: pirates. It did not come from people whom we trussst."

"It did not," someone echoed.

"A notification."


"We don't trussst them." The last was hissed by Nine with uncharacteristic venom. "Kassseels!" A handful of others repeated after her with equal intensity.

"In any event," said One, "I must be on a call with Kassseel One now." He looked distinctly unhappy about it.

"Kassseel One," the others growled.

"Feel free to enjoy the ressst of your dinner."

Nine was quick to distract. She eventually coaxed her sister Ten out of the doorframe and the two of leaned easily against each other, tails flicking back and forth, the elder teasing the younger about her hesitancy to emerge. There were plenty of questions to ask and answer and the sirrahi seemed alright with doing so.

Then, came Ingrid's questions about... sirrahi culture and romance:

"What are your favorite genre of music?"

"What do you guys fine attractive?"

"Do you kiss?"

"Do you also have trashy romance novels?"

"What's your favorite food?"

At Ingrid's first question, Nine pursed her lips quizzically. "Electronic, mostly," she replied.

"Electronic," echoed some of her siblings enthusiastically.

"Mostly," deadpanned Ten.

"Though I'm not sure how much that might mean to you," the sirrahi clarified. "Think of it as music made using machines instead of instruments."


"Instead of instruments."

The Eskandishwoman asked further questions, and her new... friend answered as best she could. Apparently, nice arms were attractive on a man, sirrahi did kiss, in a sense, and sirrahi romance novels were never trashy but, instead, works of art. There was a pause. "Ingrid?" Nine asked, tilting her head to the side with a cheeky smile, but then closing her mouth, wary of making the humans nervous.

"Ingrid," said another sirrahi.



"If I did not know any better, I would think that you are 'hitting on' me." She tried the odd human phrase out and then simply couldn't stop a big snakey grin from spreading across her face. "But, um... my favourite food isss... right here in this room, actually. You guessss!" she squealed.

"You guess!"

"Right here!"

Ingrid giggled a bit and looked at Nine. "Well you see, Eskandish people do love getting to know each other through more intimate means."

Both had initially been joking but, after a moment of consideration, were intrigued. Simply put, the sequence led to... what may have been the world's very first human-sirrahi female-female interspecies kiss. "Not bad," Nine mused as they pulled apart. "Does not hurt that you are pretty."

"Not bad," the other sirrahi echoed, and this drew more of them out. They surrounded the humans inquisitively. "I want to kiss a human!" one of her brothers exclaimed, but she shot him down. "I want the yasoi!" said another, and Ismette looked... less so insulted than fairly open to it, actually.

Long story short, it was a good evening, though Penny never made an appearance. The Diskas promised them an escort close to the surface in the morning, though it was impossible to say what time it was beneath the ground like this. When they were led to their rooms down a hallway similar to the one they'd been in, care was taken to keep their prying eyes away from technological secrets. The issue was that it wasn't so much 'rooms' as 'a room'. There was a single enormous circular bed in the middle, its mattress made not of hay nor down, but of some unknown substance that was at once gloriously soft and perfectly supportive. With a final wave from Nine, the group was left to their own devices. Ismette threw herself back onto the bed, sighing. "You can all sleep on the floor," she teased, "I claim it!" and she began undressing.

"So you just gonna strip?" Benny interjected.

"Pretty much," Ismette replied. "I sleep in the buff, you know."

Benedetto's eyes wandered momentarily to her chest, still covered in a light chemise, but he quickly pulled them away.

"I'm just fucking with you," she laughed, "Ipte! Don't get a stiffy." Dressed in something like a nightgown but too short to be one, she sat up and swept some hair over a shoulder. One way or another, the group found sleep that night, of varying quality.

It was difficult to tell what time it was, but Ismette did not feel rested when she awoke to find Nine gently shaking her. The sirrahi seemed to have recently-dried tears in her eyes. "Friend," she said, and there was nobody there to echo her. It felt... oddly lacking.

Ismette blinked. "What's up?"

"You are naked."

"Aw shit." The yasoi covered herself up.


"Yeah, what's going on?"

"We have not been totally honessst with you."

"No shit."

Nine hung her head for a moment, but then she continued. She seemed to have some fire in her eyes. "There is a war among my people right now: it is not a 'hot war' but a 'cold one'. The other group here: the Kassseels, they are from the other ssside. They view your peoples as 'lesssser races' and -"

"What are you trying to justify, Nine?" There was no annoyance or accusation in Ismette's voice. She simply wanted to know.

Nine's face became serious. She expelled air from her nose. "Trypano mentioned a woman with one leg. The Kasseels have her. They have blocked off her magic and they are going to kill her."

There was more. Nine was an empathetic being. Ismette could sense it. She could also sense that something further was wrong, even without the Gift. "What else, Nine?"

The Sirrahi worked her jaw back and forth and looked away for a moment. "It wasn't humans," she said, in a quiet, angry voice.

"What wasn't humans?"
the yasoi prodded, sitting up, careful not to disturb the others. Desmond was rolling over, though, Trypano was already sitting up, and Ingrid had opened her eyes. Benedetto was sprawled across half the bed, still asleep.

"Who killed my sissster." Nine clenched and unclenched her fists. "It was the Kasssseels." Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "They murdered her for going up to the surface and made it look like the humansss to cover up their crime. We have jussst learned this." The sirrahi took a handful of deep breaths, addressing everyone now that they were awake. "I am sssory." she bowed low. "I do not want to drag you into my fight. Thisss is why I talked to Ismette." She turned to the yasoi. "I know how you feel about violence. I am angry. Thisss is more anger than I have ever felt and I do not know what to do about it." She was still wearing her 'hair', and she tossed it over a shoulder. "I hate them!" she hissed. "For a sirrahi to kill in cold blood isss.... unthinkable. We have... weapons for our protection, but we are not much in the habit of using them, not the civilized people on my ssside anyways."

"So what are you saying?" Benny croaked, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. A dark sort of light came into them. "You want us to kill those fuckers for you?" He grinned.

"Why are you happy about death!?" Nine squeaked.

"Won't you be happy when the Kasseels are dead?" he replied, tilting his head to one side.

"I do not know," replied the the sirrahi anxiously. "I do not know what I will feel, only that I cannot jussst let them.... get away with this!"

Benedetto stood, his face serious for once, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's called revenge, Nine, and it's something I'm very familiar with."

"It's a dark emotion," warned Ismette. "Acting upon it rarely leaves one better off."

"You don't care about Penny, then?"

"You don't," Ismette shot back, and a mix of the others' and Nine's intervention was required to cool things off.

"For what it is worth, Ismette," the sirrahi remarked, "One agreed with you. He wanted to negotiate with the Kasseels, but his blood runs too cold and he does not see that you cannot negotiate with people who murder your sister." She regarded the others. "I believe that this 'revenge' is something I need, and I cannot let anything happen to the friend of my friends. The Kasseels have killed enough."

"So uh... one small problem," observed Benedetto. "We don't have the Gift here."

"No, you don't," admitted Nine, furrowing her brow. "Not in here, and you won't in their base either, not unless you shut down or destroy the emitters. I will seek to do that. In the meantime, I mentioned that we still had weapons." She nodded matter-of-factly, drawing up taller on her coils. "I can help you save your friend. You can help me have revenge."

This was done without the approval of One, Two, Three, Six, and Eight. Ten slithered up alongside them, as well as Four and Five. They made their way stealthily through the hall. "The Kasseels are many," Ten said with concern. "They use artificial means to increase their numbers. There are twenty of them in this little outpost."

"Twenty of them," echoed Five.

"Artificial means," said Four and Nine.

Then, they were in the armoury, Nine having pressed some strange species of card to the lock mechanism in order to open it. The variety and advancement of the weaponry present was breathtaking. Desmond, in particular, had ascended to fifth heaven. The five humans and yasoi equipped themselves with a form of armour known as bulletproof vests, and the following weapons:

Ingrid: Pistol, Grenades, Chainsaw
Trypano: Machine Gun, Medkit
Desmond: Rifle, Shotgun
Ismette: Gas Gun, Taser
Benedetto: Atomic Blunderbuss, pistol

Nine took a submachine gun, a pistol, and a sword. Her brothers and sister armed themselves too, and all learned that, just because the sirrahi abhorred violence did not mean that they didn't train - extensively - in the use of weapons. "Now," their host said, screwing a silencer onto her pistol. "Let usss go: quickly and quietly, like a human ssstriking in the night."

"Quickly and sssilently," echoed Four and Five. "Like a human."

"That does not work so well with actual humans here, sissster," observed Ten.

Nine blinked. "No, I sssupose it does not." She turned to the group. "Sssorry, humans." She blushed.

They slipped out through a small side door, with another one of those card taps and a blinking light that went from red to green. Then, they were in a long, hollowed out hallway of stone, hewn from the rock and evidently quite old. There were occasional faint lights along its length, and then a great steel door at the end. Nine fished a key from her pocket instead, and it rattled in the lock as the door opened. "Keep your eyes sharp and your witsss about you," she warned. "We are in the cave now. It is not our friend."

"In the cave now."

"Wits about you."

"Not our friend."

Nine had given them each a thing called a flashlight and, as the five youths left the underground compound of the Diskas, they could feel the Gift returning to them. They could feel the magnetic currents flowing, as if in controlled lightning inside these devices. The lead sirrahi twisted back at them knowingly and smiled. "I hope for the day when your peoplesss can use these freely." Her siblings repeated after her in nervous chorus.

They crept, then, with guarded silence, through the dark caverns, and the smell of sulfur and a faint heat grew stronger. Nine was reaching in her mouth, now, and so were her siblings. "Milking our venom," she explained in a low whisper. "We may need it."

Ten dutifully whispered a repetition. Then, they saw it in the distance: a glow, as if from some sort of artificial light. It was some thirty yards distant, around a shallow bend. Desmond held up a hand for them to stop simultaneously with Nine. "That will be their door," the latter whispered.

"Their door." Hatred had returned to her face, and determination.

"They will have a camera: one of those artificial eyes I told you about, that they can all see through if they look on a screen." The group had witnessed a screen: a wondrous device that was like an arcane illusion, but a perfect reproduction, and using a machine instead of The Gift. "When you enter, you will lose the Gift. Right now, though, can you kill that camera or use your... illusions to trick it?"

"Then," breathed Ten, drawing near to the front, "we will enter. We will go in 'hot', claim your friend, and have revenge for Seven."


"Your friend."

"For Seven," they all said together, making that same strange gesture they had made hours ago when the students had first arrived. Nine held up a hand, her other cradling a gun. Five fingers stood up, then four.




@jdh97 You are good to go! Looking forward to having him onboard.
@jdh97 Overall, I like him and he works. Your prose is as evocative as ever and he holds some nice nuance. A few little nitpicks below:

1) There's no 'K' in the transliteration of yasoi to the Avincian alphabet.

2) Have a look at some of the yasoi names in discoveries on the discord for some idea of the sound of them and maybe try to carry these through to the cognomen and surname. Triple consonants are rare except when necessary to make at least two different sounds that could not be made a simpler way.

3) Just be a bit wary of how you frame Vyshta. She's not so much a war goddess as one of fortune: luck, essentially.

4) Anything else about how he uses the Gift? And favoured moves, proclivities, or quirks? Feelings toward it?

@Suicharte I believe that we covered everything in Discord. Welcome aboard with either or both characters once you've looked a those couple of little things.
7-12-22 Updates

Hey all! Dropping some big and long overdue updates today. Please find a list of them below, by OOC Section.

Overall: All Lore section posts are now linked in the opening post for quicker access.

General Magic Lore: Added An In-Depth Guide to RAS Levels; Sensing, Drawing, and Casting Range; Animals and Magic.

World Lore: Additions to 'The Yasoi' and 'Fauna of Sipenta', added Sentient and Near-Sentient Species of Sipenta, Past and Present.

The Nations of Sipenta: Miatto added.

School Lore: All Arch Zeno profiles have been added to Eminent Figures,

Visuals, Maps, and Graphics: Section finally added.

Location: The Crows' Nest // Date: February 25, 2057 // Time: 8:55 // Interactions: Vincent, Akaia, Poppy, Indigo

Lysandra had been surprised to be among those chosen to leave the Crows' Nest. Strictly speaking, it made little sense given that she could be of far more use at her work table than out in the field. She'd be out there again, though, doing something new, seeing a new place and people she hadn't met before.

By the time that the alarm went off, Lys was already heading out the door. She had assumed and made an ass of 'u' and 'me'. She had equipment to prep, things to pack, the mistle to check, and projects to tuck safely away. The sound only made her hurry even more. Scrubbing speed with her gloved palms, she pulled up to her door, opened it, and raced inside. In seconds, her headset was on and Guardian's controller was in her lap. The drone burst out of its cubby on the rooftop and then its cameras were her eyes.

Below, Vincent had burst through a window for reasons unknown. Idiot, Lys thought. Akaia popped her head out and... then right back in. Poppy appeared.

Standing in front of the Crows' Nest was a tall, shaggy vagrant who... was not a Lost, at least. They had people like this come by from time to time, either begging for blood beads or trying to steal them. If this one was a thief then he - or she? Lys wondered - was not a very good one. She kept her fingers light on the controller and kept Guardian moving, well away from any structures, the drone's weapons systems aimed and ready. You never knew what kind of abilities Revenants might have and this one had somehow made it past the outer layer of sensors undetected. Vincent was already asking questions, so she decided not to. "What he said: your name and your business here," she demanded into her headset's mic. Guardian's speakers repeated it. "I'm glad this thing can't smell."


3) Just wanted to have everything on the table and, if it's something that you went into with full knowledge of how it might play out, we're cool! I'm hoping we can maintain an authentic voice on this and have it be an intriguing, fulfilling, and thought--provoking character plot or subplot.

6) Yoburu, Bangui, Lohasi, Semenjo, Jahar, Abumi, Zimbasu, Mazenga, Ozumbo, Imangya.
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