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I'm so sorry I haven't finished this yet! I've been extremely busy than I expected these last few days!!!
Basic Information

Name: Jett Pendrahan
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Current Residence: Coruscant
Current Occupation: Smuggler, Merc, Bounty Hunter, Spacer, Backstabbing Prick, Liar, and/or Murderer, depending on who's asking.
Affiliation: Republic

Physical Info


Casual Attire:

Battle Attire:

Personal Info

Personality: Jett is a busy bee when it comes to information. Sociable, hyper and easygoing are a few words that come to mind upon first glance, but he tends to use this as a facade as he analyzes everything around him. He's calm, collected and always in thought even if he seems all over the place at times. He tends to seek more logical solutions to problems that don't involve brute force. Jett tries to take reasonable approaches to situations and discussions and tries to see both sides before attempting to resolve them. If you piss him off, it's as if some lit a firecracker beneath his feet, so prepare for a fist fight- or maybe just a vibroblade to the throat.

Connections: No connections besides people he has worked for in the past.

History: Growing up with status and wealth on Coruscant, Jett had everything he could have hoped for as a child. Although after slowly maturing he came to hate wealth and how it consumed his parents entirely. It was no surprise that after his mother and father passed away and he inherited their belongings he gave everything away freely to those who were less fortunate than he was. He promised himself that he would never look back on his past life, convincing himself that true happiness will arise from being independent and forging success from himself. He wanted to sincerely help others and tried volunteering for a few months before totally giving up on it. Coming to the realization that he now had no way to economically support himself, he joined partners with Mako, a childhood friend and learned the smuggling trade. The rush of his first smuggling run acted as a drug that he couldn't get enough of. He eventually split away from his friend after personal difficulties and became a Freelancer- an independent Spacer. As a lone Smuggler he learned his way around weapons and their importance to any Spacer. Years passed and Jett began challenging himself to collect bounties on wanted criminals. After all, they were criminals and someone had to track them down. The thrill and adrenaline that pumped through Jetts veins as he committed to these insane tasks were well worth the danger and risk.

Whether it was planned or not, it was clearly a set up from the start. Was he too blind to see it? The day before his twenty third birthday, he only had one last mission to carry out for his client. They had outfitted him with brand new gear a few days prior to ensure his results. Some type of Prototype Mandalorian armor, is what they claimed it as? It didn't matter, to him it was still just a job he couldn't wait to get over with. As he approached the target warehouse, he called up the Jet Boosters from his helmets HUD and shot directly onto it's roof. He carefully trudged over to a roof access door and slipped inside. As he reached the high rafters of the warehouse he began scanning for his target, analyzing each persons face until he received a matching confirmation. Seven scans later, the target is identified, twenty three year old Gerard Mako, Jetts childhood friend who introduced him into the world of smuggling. With the knowledge of the fact that they would be the same age tomorrow and with the remembrance of their past, Jett backed out.

His client was less than happy with the results. A group of thugs now began to encircle Jett, but he had the upper hand still- he had the prototype armor. He quickly bolted to his former clients side and called out in an attempt to use his helmets voice recognition functionality. "Blade." He stated with a subtle hint of authority. Two discs rotated on back of the armors lower torso and revealed the grips of two Vibrodaggers. He whisked them from behind him and held them to the mans neck, like a butcher preparing to slaughter his livestock. The rest can be read in a lengthy news report anywhere in the Coruscant news archive.

Combat Info

-Sonic Pistol
-x2 Vibrodaggers
-D-20 Projection-X sniper rifle
-Pop-out Wrist Incapacitators (Stun Gun)

Non-Weapon Technology:
His Helmet is the control center for all of his gadgets and suit functions.
-A rangefinder attached to the helmet.
-Voice recognition to control the suit through verbal commands.
-A dark-casted macrobinocular viewplate with a variety of vision modes.
-A pineal eye sensor on the helmet
-Internal overlay display
-Motion sensors,
-Encrypted internal comlink
-Environmental filter system, with a two hour reserve oxygen tank
-Wrist-Mounted Grappling Hook

Armor: Mandalorian Partial Armor, with leather in between all armoured plates. Reinforced durasteel biceps, triceps, thighs, calves, shins, Achilles armor. Beskar iron crushgaunts, forearm plates, and torso plating.

Standard Abilities: TBA

Force Abilities: None

Special Abilities: TBA

Other Info

Notes: TBA

I'm so sorry I haven't finished this yet! I've been extremely busy than I expected these last few days!!!
Yeah I'm mega-sorry about my delay, I was very unlucky in the past few days and ended up being extremely busy, I'll work on getting my post done.

Emilie Glen-Carter: "There's something else to her I can't quite figure out. This barrier she keeps between her and the world, it's unhealthy. She gets the job done and the job done right though, and I admire her, well, professionalism is a way you could put it I suppose. I just hope she doesn't end up putting an arrow into Andrew with the amount of times he's almost fucked us over."

Andrew Jones: "Where do I begin? He's got his heart in the right place but fails to grasp the bigger picture in things. It seems too often he rushes the situation and takes his approach without consulting anyone else first. Yeah, real heroic of you Andy. Even after all that, I'd have to say the one thing I do like about him is his quick initiative."

Mary Jones: "Sweet and patient. The perfect equalizer for Andrew. She has a calm, collective nature that keeps our group morale up high, which is extremely important in these dark times. I've also too often heard her talk about rebuilding the "perfect" safe zone and being able to make things how they were. Sorry Mary, the closest thing you'll get to that is Heaven if you can believe in that."

Evelyn Hayes: "Fuck, am I glad that she is with us"

Harry Mitchel: "Take all your feelings of revenge and resentment and pour them into a bottle with gasoline, throw in two big ass knives, a shotgun and shake it violently for about twenty minutes. Now put pour that into a gorgeous Victorian flower vase and fill it with your favorite flowers. Remove a single flower and the concoction blasts the nearby area to little bits. That's Harry. Well, maybe he's not so bad and I just wanted to use a really interesting analogy. All I know for sure is he keeps good company and he's not a psychotic killer- which is alright in my book."

Hunter Weiss: "Definitely one of the more stable people in our group. Even if sometimes he's a bit put off by my sense of humor I can tell he appreciates my attempts. Also, I've gone to him a few times already on advice, and he seems to know just what to say when you need it."

Jimmy: "Ah, good ol' Jimbo. That beautiful piece of metal he carries around must have been his fathers because there were times when I wasn't sure if he could shoot the damn thing to save his life. He's smart, and I mean book smart, smart. He's a definite asset to our group, and even though he has trouble spitting out the right words in a conversation, I can usually pick up his general premise and spare him a dozen words. Oh yeah, and if he thinks I don't notice him chatting up my sister all the time, I do. He'd be wise to treat her right, because if anything bad happens, I'm going to have to save him from her."

Harlan Hanson: "I couldn't imagine not having him in our group. He reminds me so much of my father, I could spend hours out of my day just talking to him about anything. I see his struggle with his habits, and I respect his commitment to the group. I can't help but feel for him when Benson went missing, I know I can relate with losing my lifelong best friends back home. I only hope I don't see him go like the others."

Benson Schwartz: "I hope we find him. He was battling some serious addictions."
Yeah I like this, should I add that kind of stuff directly to my CS?
I'm actually pretty excited :D
Personally both systems sound fine to me, I'll leave my vote to the others!
I edited my CS into my first post. Cheers! Let me know what you think and anything I can improve/work on in it. It's pretty late where I live, so I may have some redundancies or I may have put some things into the CS that I wasn't paying attention to by accident!

Thanks, I appreciate it and am totally open to anything that needs to be changed or slightly altered.

I'm just starting to get active again on here, haha.

Oh and a side-note, I have a much bigger backstory/bio thing I'd like to write up but I don't have much time right now and I'm afraid my creative juices ain't flowin'!
EDIT: WOOO Here's my CS :D

Name: Lyon "Lee" Cooper
Age: 29
Appearance: Standing at six feet and two inches, weighing in at 227 pounds, Lyon is often seen with his black hair greased up and in a self-proclaimed "magical" fashion. Lee's face is a smörgåsbord of cuts and bruises that- when left to heal, actually don't make him look like a total delinquent. His slim profile makes him almost stick out around the crowds of obviously largerly augmented men and women. The one thing he'll never depart with is his closely shaven beard that he claims "keeps me, me"

Background: The Sprawl, a pretty shitty place when you get down to it. Lee found his way to the Sprawl by a way of work. Small defense contracts for up-and-rising corporations in the area. A lot of, hush hush, do this and don't ask any questions kind of work. Lee worked under his alias Gabriel, which was supported with plenty of fake documents that made his real name seem like a fake. It took all up to about a few years before he quit with a bang, and- by bang I mean walking into his clients office and sending a bullet out the back of his skull. Working for corporations wasn't a one time job, they tended to keep you in their pocket and slowly find ways to make you do what they want, without even a cent paid to you. Corruption ran deep, and once Lee found himself amidst a scenario that was nothing but a set up to "tie loose ends" as his client would have called it, he took the initiative and as he would have liked to have said "terminated" the contract between him and his client.

It was obvious at that point he hadn't thought about the repercussions of killing a Corporations board member in cold blood. In fact, it was too late and his only option was to slip off the radar, no matter how close it would bring him to death. So as his list of offenses began to build up in the databases, what is left for a so called "criminal" to do in the Sprawl? The answer was simple to him. The illegal narcotics trade was something those of the lowest class thrived off of. His operation was just a means to make enough money to live in the Sprawl out of sight, but it quickly blew up into something more. Lee found himself the target of varying street gangs and thugs who wanted his product to market for themselves. Slowly and slowly his reputation began to build in the underground, which was exactly what he was trying to avoid because as traction builds, the real people he was running from would soon lock on to him. Left with the threat of thugs, corrupt corps and the peacekeepers, Lee isn't just living in the Sprawl anymore- The Sprawl has him trapped.

Personality: Often preferring his soft classical music and quiet time, his rapidly changing life leaves him little room.
He would much rather evade people altogether, but to live in the Sprawl he uses deception as his tool, often being able to use his charisma to get what he wants. He has no one who truly knows him, and often feels alone and secluded from the world entirely. Tends to try and keep to himself.

Skills: Working as a defense contractor for many years, Lee has very refined skills in weapon handling and exceptional hand to hand techniques. Lee can easily talk his way in and out of various situations and has a very high sense of perception of situations and people in general.

-Nasal Filters- As the name implies; Keeps threatening gases and fumes from him.
-Color gland control: Change eye color.

-Thermograph: See heat patterns, temperature readings.


Current state-of-affairs: Currently renting an old brick and mortar building in the lower Sprawl in a much more "peaceful" and "quiet" zone than most of the lower Sprawl. Moves from his apartment to a warehouse where he stages his Narcotics operation with the help of around a dozen peddlers that work with him. Spends much of his time secluded in his home or the warehouse.

-Currently wanted by local Sprawl Peacekeepers, and a big time tech corporation working out of the Upper Sprawl district under his alias.
-Holds no personal relations.
I have some interest in this. I'd like to see a lot more though before I make any decisions.
I'm interested.
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