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    1. frapet 9 yrs ago


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Welcome to a roleplay of Kings and Queens, emissaries and diplomats, wars and destruction, and one Emperator.

Welcome to the world of Erde. A medieval period fantasy world in which magic exist but is shunned and even persecuted, where monsters exist but are so rarely seen they have gone to myth. A world of an uneasy peace between the realms of Men. A hostile ceasefire between Men and Dwarf and an open guerrilla between the Elves and anyone else. Raids from the Northern Satyr while the last of the woodland Satyr are being hunted down. A world of the Anderian League, who’s Emperator just died…

I plan on making this a roleplay in which each of the players is a representative of one of the provinces within the Anderian League. They all have been called to the Capitol in the wake of the Emperators death by decree of the twelve-year-old successor to be. In the meanwhile his uncle, the former Emperator’s brother is taking the Kings place as head of the ruling council of three (The Leader of the Church, The Protector of the realm and thus now Regent) until the boy comes of age.

For that reason I will leave big parts of the ‘lore’ unfilled so that every player can freely create his own region. After some show of interest I’ll get a character and nation sheet up.
For now: Some ‘fictions’ about our world.

As for our major players:

The Emperator-in-wait: Alexander Vandenbrecht.
A boy of twelve. Already the strong noble features of the line of Emperators can be seen on his face. A face that looks good on coins. He also rumoured to be an excellent duellist for his age and quite a headstrong boy.
Regent of the League: Derk Vandenbrecht, brother of the former Emperator, Uncle to the one in wait.
Derk was always close to his brother and served as one of his closest advisers for many years. He served as protector of the realm in his prime. That time has given him the reputation of a ruthless pragmatist who gets a job done no matter the costs. Others depict him as ruthless and cruel, but few doubt his efficiency of dealing with the revolts of his time and the threats of the Satyr or Tengi. Since his time as protector he has grown fat and complacent, but many say he still has his edge when it comes to politics.

Head of the Church: Aranyr the Third.
Named after Aranyr the first, his predecessor that converted much of the Anderanian League to Chamonism a good 4 generations ago through the use of the church militia: The Brothers of the Pure Blood. He is a dogmatist, that some say is a pawn of the Roccan Empire. Those who met him however would hardly describe him as anyone’s pawn. He is unbendable in his faith, Loathes non-humans and ever preaches war against the non-believers. Now he is pressing for an expansion of the Brothers of the Pure Blood. They have always been recruited only from the select few families that usually deliver priests but Aranyr wants to expand this small temple guard.

The Protector of the Realm: Adelmar Thrant
Hailing from the family that often provide the commander of the city watch of the capitol Adelmar has moved from that position to that of Protector after the Red insurrection (a revolt by a chamonistic sect that laid waste to several non-human districts and made for the capitol thereafter). He is often acclaimed as an honourable man who, while leading being the supreme stratagist of the League has a preference for non-violent solutions. A virtue to many that some have used to stress a rumor that he is more into the love of other men rather than women.

More characters will be introduced as the game progresses, most importantly YOURS!
But before we get to that, lets check if there is some interest. I hope that if you have read this far you are actually interested and if so, let me know. If not let me know as well!
Post a comment below.
Ill try to pm you a cs today or tomorrow!

No, except good plan, count me interested! I'd like to play a jedi or padawan.
Please let me know if someone is stuck, so we can work something out together!?
Yeah I aggree, but didnt want to post right after myself
All welcome our new player. Ready to move the plot forwards! Ever onwards.
Sergeant ‘BB-L41’ also known as Bees or Bel by those close to him was keeping watch at the door of the Comms room. He had pulled all staff back to the bridge when Erlo Grann, the ships engineer, went missing. Sending private Sid, SD-887, and some doctor out to keep an eye on the entry hatch. The crew was scared though. Not his 4 man security detail, but the doctors… No matter how many times he said that their now injured ship captain had send the distress signal out in time and that evac was underway, they remained scared. And the longer it took, the less sure Bel became.

Keeping only private ‘Fours’ with him, for he was the one most in touch with the scientists, he had sent the other two out on a search of the ship, patterned in a way that they covered Sid’s back. They hadn’t found anything yet. Bloody prisoner. If only protocol had allowed him to execute on the first encounter. Missing Engineer Erlo was reason enough for a ‘kill on sight’ order though. Exactly the order he had given. In the meanwhile he was babysitting a group of scientists that were debating how to get the distress signal out without having to go outside of the comms room. Cowards, Erlo atleast had the guts to do that after the meltdown. How the prisoner had slipped by his initial search would be a matter for reflection and discipline later though.

“-But if we reroute the power of the secondary grid…”

“No that would have us go to the engine room for a general reset, life support would be off for 10 minutes, besides we’d be in the dark at the engine room, who know-“

That was when the ship rumbled, obviously a ship docking with them. Evac? So soon?

“What was that? ” the mingling of fear and hope was palpable.

“I’m not sure, but that is what we got Sid for.”

Silence ensued that was pierced by the sound of blasterfire audible troughout the ship. Bel didn’t hesitate. And opened his helmet comm.

“Report back to Comm’s. Doubletime. We got some kind of breach.”

Bel and his crew had often complained about their assignment being dull, he had doubted himself for it the last few hours, now came the actual hate. It was high time he did something about this.

"Lock the door behind me. Respond only to codeword Erlo. Fours, you on my back. We'll take eyes front. Off to that karkin' hatch."
@ShieldsOfWar As Almosegosum already stated! (that guy reads my mind) I've send you a PM.

As for the rest of you, I'll have another post on the science vessel today
Ill take up on this RP, sounds cool, Love the witcher series.
The messages that untied the knot Jax had been forming in his stomach came rapidly after each other.

"Scout taken care of, Regrouping now."

That took away Jax’s concern about a Star Destroyer or the like showing up, and if the blast behind Jax wasn’t an indication Valana’s sweet voice relieved him of his primary concern:

"You're clear Jax."

He Laughed over the comms appearantly manically enough to prompt a "You okay?" from Valana.

“Never been better” was the immediate response, but he figured that a status update about his ship was due.

“Vector thrusters somewhat overheated, but that’ll clear out soon. 3 relays destroyed and 4 of them floating around. Most importantly the first relay between us and the Fortune is gone… It’s a mess but nothing I can’t handle… “

But the mess was serious, comms would be down for 20 minutes now or so, and who knows what could’ve happened in the meanwhile, especially with TIEs already roaming the field for some reason.

“Listen, I think we need to report back ASAP. Not only us, but the Doctor and Roka as well. It’s dangerous to be split up now.”

He paused for good measure to get some semblance of authority in his voice.

“Caster how about you get to Roka’s sector and check up with them, let them know there are TIEs out there. Scout out anything suspicious in the meanwhile. Valana I think it’s best you lay low here, latch to a rock and check for hostiles. We need an eye in this sector now… I’ll get comms back up on the double. That sounds ok to you guys?”

Less authority than he had hoped for. But it had to do in the absence of the Captain. He had already started tractor beaming the relay’s into place as he finished up his little speech. He hoped neither of them had a better plan.
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