Avatar of FreeElk
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    1. FreeElk 8 yrs ago


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I've always liked creative stuff - art, writing, crafts - but haven't always made enough time for it. I find I'm always more likely to come back to RPs because someone else is waiting...I've got loads of stories I started but never quite finished. Hopefully RPing can get me back into writing more.

I like fantasy (medieval settings with magic, dragons etc), sci-fi (Love AI and space) and anything else that stays interesting enough really :)

PM me if you want to know any more, I'm always happy to chat to new people!

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@KatherinWinter I imagined her with a cart, barrels of ale on there and she can wheel it around the city - might be good for hiding small stolen goods too.

I'm not pushing the idea though, don't mind if you want something else, just realised I hadn't explained it very well.
@KatherinWinter or perhaps some sound that is expected. I could have Annie out on the streets selling ales and she could call out different things to pass certain messages on. Would have to be only certain things like that guards were close, retreat or something like that but it probably wouldn't be too unusual if she's pushing her ale cart around anyway.
@KatherinWinter I can see the communication problem, obviously we want to be able to talk quickly but perhaps if there are a short list of signals. Noises travel best (no line of sight problems and people could repeat them) but you aren't going to be able to talk a lot during the heist, only to warn people to run or something.

Magic or modern are both good solutions but we might have people wanting to change characters with those things involved.

It will probably just have to be well planned out before hand, scoping everything out for a few nights before, watching guards and stuff.
3 pages later, and nobody has answered my riddle. :(

Morwen took the knife, if her spells failed again it would give her a much better chance. She didn't mention the coins the human had picked up, at the moment the knife was much more valuable. As they continued on through the dungeon the number of prisoners it could host became apparent, empty chains, scratches and stains decorated the walls they passed. The human kept glancing back, Morwen met his gaze with a smile - either he was jumpy and cautious of her or he wanted to ensure she was following some trick...either way a disarming smile was never a bad idea.

They moved down towards the sound of movement and Morwen saw the human's body language change, she made to look past but he pulled her back, asking her opinion. She could hear the movement of several Goblins in the large room ahead, it all depended on the ability of the human but the only real option was to pass through this room.

"We're going to have to get past." She whispered back, moving her mouth to his ear "Either we fight or we sneak...I might be able to confuse some of them whilst we fight the rest. Do you think you can take a few running at you?"

Name: Annie Ford
Nickname/Alias: 'onest Annie (accent optional)
Gender: Female

Personality: Caring to those she sees as hard done by but can hold her ground against some of the meanest looking thugs when she needs to.
Biography: TLDR; She was married off to a rich lord who then killed her family, she took her opportunity when their carriage was attacked by bandits and made off with the finery and one of the bandits - selling the goods and buying a tavern in Luthias. For the past twenty years she has been carting ale for sale around the city, listening to gossip and picking pockets as she went.

Skills: Reading people, sifting gossip for important information, pickpocketing and her stout frame won't make her the deadliest fighter by a long shot but she isn't to be discounted.
Equipment: The dagger she used for her first kill has never left her side since.
@KatherinWinter Yeah, think we need a new topic. Did we decide on a new GM for this?
Honestly, I've been wanting to do a futuristic thieves kinda thing.
If anyone's see Cowboy Bebop, in that world - but we're the pirates/bandits.

I liked Cowboy Bebop but I think its quite a different RP to the one people have written characters for so far. Not writing it off but just might have to see what other people wanted it to be.

@KatherinWinter@Raptra I think agreeing on rough guides for roles might be a good idea, stops us stepping on each other's toes a bit more. I was thinking their base of operations could be a back room in Annie's Tavern but I didn't want her to be the leader, just that she provides information. Shes more of a spy and someone who can transport/sell stolen goods than someone who actually gets deeply involved in the initial theft.

Does make me wonder whether, with so few people, either I should double up or get a new character since I wouldn't be too involved whilst you're out on a job. What do you guys think?
@King Tai I think most people's patience for response from an RP partner can just about stretch to forgive the excuse "Sorry for the slow replies, got hit by a hurricane" :P Hope you and yours keep safe!

@Raptra I'm fine with keeping characters - I'm guessing we would write the plots around them but if you want to change yours thats fine. I agree with @LadyinInk, I think we have waited long enough. We can at least get started thinking about plots and such if anyone wants to get started with that before RPing.

@KatherinWinter feel free to hit us with your ideas, maybe we should all start a group message to discuss stuff? I've never controlled an RP like this (only 1 on 1s) so I'm up for giving ideas and stuff.

@KahleenCuthald Sorry I missed you out before ^^; had been over a week and didn't want to assume other people were sticking about. You're more than welcome though!
@LadyinInk@Raptra@KatherinWinter Well there are at least the four of us (probably more), does anyone fancy GMing a similar RP? We can start another topic incase Hazy does come back but I'm up for having a story just the four of us (better to know we have four people who stick around rather than ten with some who don't).
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