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<Snipped quote by FrostedCaramel>

the LAST roleplay already had a beyond the galaxy hivemind faction that got deaded faster than the Tasen fighting the Komato.

I don't really know who those two are but okay, I wasn't much of a fan of the beyond the galaxy thing in the first place so it's no loss to me to not do that. I'm just a bit stuck on ideas as to how I should add in an entirely new race/nation with the few hundred year jump from the prior RP.

As in where would they be located? Have they been discovered before? How close are they to other nations that they were able to develop unimpeded long enough to reach into space?

Those sort of questions are the ones I have after figuring out that they're definitely not going to be extra-galactic .-.
...typical extragalactic aliens ploy...

So I'm actually a bit stuck on whether or not I should make my Hivemind Empire (And I use the word "Empire" very loosely) to be the typical extragalactic threat i.e. The Tyranids

Or if I should just make them a fledgling group to reach into the stars... If any of you would like to help me out on what you all would prefer it would help me out greatly, because although they are a pre-existing race from a past RP I essentially have to rework everything about them.

@Sigmaif you would be okay with the extra-galactic threat like the Tyranids, I'd be okay with playing that, otherwise I'll figure it out somehow XD
I think that sounds just fine with me :D

Alright, I'll get working on bringing them into this Universe and working with the lore/technology and such. Thanks for the speedy reply!
Hello! I'm rather new to this site and was poking my head around looking for some interesting SciFi because this place is just full of it (Thank you all).

Anyway, I've got a pre-existing Empire from an RP that didn't get farther than a month... They're an Insectoid Hivemind race (Very original, I know) that I really did enjoy for the short amount of time I played them.The Hivemind part is probably the big thing that I would want to ask about is if having a Hiveminded race would be within the bounds of this RP.

If not I'll put sometime into brainstorming a new race.
@SkinnehMinneh I'm not sure if you've seen that this has garnered a nice amount of interest but if you haven't maybe now you'll know I hope this is how the coding works here .-.
I honestly made an account to reply to this because I like the work you put into it (Even if it's just an Interest Check) and I enjoy the idea.

I'm always up for a Halo RP that doesn't have Spartans in it, super humans ruin everything.

I'm quite well read, just like Rain here although I haven't read that many of the books... Just want to make sure I got this right, we are going to be playing the Commanders and not individual boots on the ground so to speak? Or atleast the commanders will be more of our main characters?
I can do UNSC ODST to go along with Rain, as well as a Pelican pilot or some sort of Bridge Officer.
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