Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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@Skylar so my Corp is shaping up to be one of the major players in the shipbuilding industry. They're a bit more ethical than North Star (Okay a lot more ethical) but it doesn't mean that they wouldn't have mutual interests. The way I've set them up they have small slips or yards on most stations and asteroids big enough to house them as well as free floating yards in and past the belt, which would mean it's very likely that our two companies would interact out of necessity.

Your company needs a way to keep its ships flying, my company needs ships to fix to stay in business. We both need to turn a profit.

So what I'm asking is if you would mind having some sort of a business relation with my Corp, not an alliance or anything but just allowing me to have holdings on your stations (but not all of them). Strictly business.

Also we build ships so come to me if you need 'em.
@Keyguyperson what are your thoughts on a megacorp that specializes in ship building, I'm pretty sure it's what I'm going to do but I'd like an idea on what a good market share would be for one. China as of 2015 had 35% of the world market share by orders if that helps with anything. I was figuring Something in the mid-to-upper 20% range would work for a megacorp in a universe dependent on ships.

Last I'd just like to ask what the capabilities of ships are when it comes to stealth (Absorbent coatings, heat-sinks, etc).
Hello there, I'm quite interested in this.

I'm a huge of fan of Hard Sci-fi and the Expanse so just reading the intro already had me drawing the few similarities then I got to your mention of the Expanse and had a little moment of happiness.

I'm going to preface with the fact that I am bothered by some of your choices, especially considering the attempt at hard sci-fi but overall I'm not too concerned, I can overlook those and just add... I don't know... Regulations on my nations end to correct any deficiencies.

At the moment I'm between a few ideas but as this rolls on I'll make a solid choice.
If this ever happens, I'd be very interested in playing as China if possible.
Still interested. Heavily Infinite Warfare inspired I see, not a bad choice for setting.
Same as Javier.
I'll throw my interest in and see what comes of it.

I've got to vote for the vigilantes or the Mars space movement.
Still around, still interested.
Hey I'm just testing the room. Is this RP still on, and if so, are there any open slots?

The only reason it hasn't started yet is because it's waiting on a few more players. Just hang around and keep an eye out for @Vietmyke to respond haha
Are we still on?

I'm planning on just sitting around until we get word, not like I have much else to do.
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