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@Razor any sort of progress on this?
Interested as well, under the same circumstances as LetMeDoStuff.
Definitely going to keep an eye on this, just don't know if I'm up to something of this depth.
WIP - Still fleshing out history(kind of), tech, and military in a word doc.

@Keyguyperson so are you expecting us to have a history that detailed/long?
I'm horrible at writing Histories. Its also my least favorite but more important (to me) part of the CS.

I agree, that's currently what I'm working on finishing before posting my CS up again.
@Keyguyperson Fenrir Heavy Industries has lesser holdings beyond the Belt (Refit and Repair stations) as well as both Gleipnir (Military and R&D shipyards out past Jupiter), and knock-off Tycho, Gosforth Station. But none of my claims are terrestrial save for the HQ on Luna.

As far as the weapons discussion, I don't trust myself to accurately convey it because I was just saying self-guided railgun rounds are OP and it has evolved into a level of complexity beyond my ability to constructively add to either side of the conversation.
For the sake of the RP, all tonnages are simply placeholder for the time being. I have no idea how much an average freighter would weigh, or how much an average asteroid miner would weigh, or the total tonnage of an Earth Destroyer vs a Carrier or Battleship.


@Keyguyperson for stealth I figured a combination of internal heatsinks, reflective coatings and sweet angles to send things in the wrong direction. Of course the ships would be running dark if they were in this configuration and it wouldn't be manageable for extended periods of time (think less time the larger the ship, more time the smaller) if anything I would only have Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers be capable of stealth everything larger would not be able to hide themselves.
Snip snip.
Speaking of which, how durable are the warships? Realistic as in paper thin and easy to destroy or they take multiple hits and behave more like naval ships in this sense?

So I'll take a modern day naval ship such as an Arleigh Burke Guided Missile Destroyer. Now poke it full of holes with some high velocity tungsten rounds. Ships come with a lot of redundant systems and a rather large amount of empty space meaning that the possibility of something vital being it hit comes in rather low all things considered, but it's likely they killed crew and damaged other non-essential systems. Hit it with an Exocet anti-ship missile or two and it's essentially a goner.

Now imagine your ship is in space. Poke it full of holes again and it may explosively decompress, so you just depressurize the ship before battle. You attempt to intercept any missiles because those are death sentences in space and pray that close-in-weapons-systems don't manage to poke a hole through something (or someone) important. Railguns would likely be a rather deadly hit as well, don't imagine anything would be capable of stopping a super dense round traveling at a measurable fraction of the speed of light.

Lasers are far easier to combat than its likely thought. Ablative plating would be a huge defense against them and doing things like setting a ship on spin during combat would spread out a continuous laser hit lessening intense damage to a single area. Not to mention most lasers have to be either A) Massive to do any sort of damage at anything farther than 1 light second or B) within 1LS range to inflict damage.

I think the real question is are lasers as we think of them weapons (Really powerful laser pointers) or are blasters (charged particle beam) such as those we see in Star Wars the real weapons.

I wrote this a bit ago, but didn't finish it until now and will just post it anyway.

@TheSovereignGrave the conventional railgun does normally fire solid ultra-dense slugs. If there are correctable railguns slugs, then the possibility of a knife fight is essentially null. Who ever has the best railgun wins, hands down every time. Your plasma arc will do nothing to the slug other than turn it into a cloud of molten hot metal still traveling as fast as it was before, if the arc even has enough time to act upon it. CIWS will not be able to intercept something so fast and a missile would face the same interception problem. A ship could not out run a self correcting round, at least not larger ships. I find the idea to be a bit OP.
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