Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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@Ambra aw yis
I'm at work will be out in like 6 hours to be able to post XD
It is midnight, and I've got to work tomorrow so whatever happens I'll be responding in the evening for me which is probably going to be around 4-7am EST.
Shall today be the day?

Do it you won't.
I'm going to chill out on posting until the Titans attack. So before then don't worry if I haven't posted for a bit, I'd like Emil to be on his way back to the orphanage when it happens so I can't really write too much of him going there for the time being.
I feel like I'm the only person not doing anything for this holiday, lol.

If it makes you feel any better I live 7,603 miles away from my family and Mother Days has been over for 10 hours now so I too did nothing for the holiday.
@LordVoldemort It's hard growing up in these streets.
<Snipped quote by FrostedCaramel>

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

I believe in you!

@wolverbells@Aquanthe I'm no actually worried about size, the other RPs I'm in I write stuff just as long if not longer than the intro posts here. As I said not really a problem for me :D
-Sweating from the post sizes- Oh lawd.

Here I thought this was going to be a simple few paragraphs every time. Although it's not really a problem XD
Emil Burton

Wall Maria, Shiganshina District

Emil sat among a group of older boys from the orphanage, their legs dangling over the edge of the canal as they basked in the warm sun of the day. Only recently had they ended up at the canal that cut its way through Shiganshina, earlier they had been chasing one another through the streets, much to the dismay of many of the good folk going about their business. But that had ended, Emil was happy it had, it made too much commotion when they chased one another through the streets. Knocking over small tables of goods and bumping into people, at least the others did, they just didn't seem to comprehend their surroundings as well as Emil did. It was puzzling to him that a group of kids, all of which were older than him and had been the ones to teach him how to climb to the rooftops and move through crowds, had such a terrible sense of the space they occupied and still managed to barrel into people.

'They probably think it's funny...' he thought as he realized for many of the boys, simply lounging around wasn't enjoyable enough of an activity for them, they liked causing trouble. Although he couldn't say that causing trouble wasn't fun for him either, he just enjoyed to keep the trouble quiet and unnoticed.

One of the boys stood to point at something, opening his mouth about to speak before he was ruthlessly pushed into the open space of the canal in front of him. The group of boys erupted into laughter as the boy hit the water with a loud thud, spraying Emil and the other closest boys with water. Emil rolled his eyes, being sure that no one saw the gesture as he stood to go help the boy who was now swimming up to the stairs on Emil's left that led out of the canal.

There was a quick movement to his left as the same boy now moved in on Emil to make him his next victim. As Emil walked the boy leapt forward, outstretching his arms to push Emil, at the same moment Emil grabbed the boys arms and simply leaned backwards into the canal taking the culprit with him to a watery fate.

The canals water was cool, a welcome relief after running through the streets and Emil let himself sink slowly to the bottom as he watched the light refract off the surface of the water in brilliant rays that reached to the bottom. He watched for a few moments before he finally settled on the bottom. His air running out he pushed off the bed of the canal and made for the surface. Breaching the surface of the water, Emil was met with a thunderous applause from the group of boys and laughter all around, he smiled as the culprit came up from underwater giving Emil a push as he did so, "Idiot." he said, obviously not happy that the tables had turned on him so quickly.

"Maybe if you hadn't been so obvious it would have only been me in the water." Emil replied matter-of-factly with a grin stretching from ear to ear.

As they both made their way to the stairs a boy in the back of the group yelled loud enough for all to hear, "The Scouts are back! Everyone's going to be lining the streets!".

It was all that needed to be said for the group to to leave their comfortable place at the canals edge, all of them starting to run toward the main road leading into Shiganshina from the wall with a series of hoots and shouts. Emil and the boy quickly made their way up the stairs, and chased after the rest of the group, sopping wet and leaving small puddles with every step.

The group of boys was spread out now, none of them close enough to tell that they were together. They had made it to the crowd that was watching the Scouts return in good time, not too early to be noticed by stragglers and not too late that people leaving would recognize what was happening. They were right on time. The Scouts were passing just ahead of Emil drawing the attention of the people, bloodied and battered, looking utterly defeated, although Emil tried to ignore that part. As he made his way through the crowd of disgruntled people he took purses from bags and what change he could from pockets that weren't filled with a hand.

There was a shout as someone noticed that one of the boys off to Emil's right was pick-pocketing people, with the shout Emil noticed other boys darting out of the crowd making their way out of the group closest to the new commotion. Emil snatched a few coins from a pocket before quietly making his way out of the crowd and stopping behind them. He couldn't see the Scouts anymore, but it was obvious they were still there by the clacking of the horses hooves and the sound of carts passing.

Curious as to take a look at the Scouts he made his way up a cart on the edge of the road and climbed his way onto the roof of a building. From his new perch he watched the men and women of the Scouting Legion ride by, the shouts and calls of the crowd doing nothing to help their already dejected appearances. A cart rolled past with injured scouts in the back, bandaged and bloody, Emil averted his eyes as the cart that followed was obviously carrying deceased members.

With the final unwanted sight, Emil stood on the roof and began making his way across it heading back towards the orphanage. The thought of just how crazy the scouts were to go outside the walls and face off against the Titans itching at the back of his mind as he walked.
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