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I'll be posting once it's no longer 5:30 in the morning around four hours from now, until then I look forward to what everyone can get posted before me.

Squad 9
Squad 9 is one of the more dependable Squads of the Garrison stationed within Trost, with a high level of teamwork and a track record of being frequently used to cover the entrance and exit of the Survey Corps from the district along with a handful of assists under their belt with the help of other more experienced Squads, Squad 9 is considered to be one of the elite within Trost. They are listed under the plan for if the Colossal Titan appears in the district as an interchangeable squad, experienced enough to help lead the desperate defense that will take place in the Vanguard and to help boost morale of the soldiers stationed there, or elite enough to be placed in the Rear Guard to catch any Titans that slip past the first two lines.

To add onto @FrostedCaramel's note. Some pilots will also be referred to by their callsign even outside of battle. Ie Travers and Moe would probably referred to as mother or gramps just as often as they would by name.

For sure, at least within their unit. Anyone from outside the wing wouldn't call them by their callsigns.
Here he is, a slightly newer rework of the very character that got me into RPing over five years ago.

Going to be getting my CS up here in the next hour or so, it's morning where I live so everyone has been doing stuff here while I slept XD
@BellBottomBlues not a stupid question at all, I remember asking my officers how they refer to officers when I first entered.

So I'll use Bing's moment at the end of his post as an example:




As you seem to know already, enlisted always call officers by either their ranks (Commander, Captain, Lieutenant), with a simple "Sir" or "Ma'am", or if they are a doctor then most prefer to actually be called by "Dr. Bill" because, and I quote, "I worked far too hard for this to be called sir".

The only off thing in what Bing wrote is "Officer" that will never be said, no one calls an Officer by officer, they'd probably take it disrespectfully and give you an ass chewing depending where you work.

Officers on the other hand can be a bit more lax with each other. The officers I work with range from Lieutenat to Commander (O-3 to O-5) and are on a first name basis with each other. But to people they don't directly work with they tend to use their rank no matter if they are above or below them just out of common courtesy.

You only salute outside, wearing some sort of cover (cover <- Hat or cranial <-- What anyone that works on a flight deck says they wear it's not a helmet) and accompany it with a greeting. In a ship you only give a greeting to an officer once as you first see them and clear the hall by moving to the wall to let them pass, every subsequent encounter you can just not greet but still move over (this also applies to higher ranked enlisted, E-7 to E-9, but only for other enlisted). The only person you must always greet on a ship is the CO no matter if it's your first time seeing them or your fifteenth the CO of the ship always gets a greeting.

Lower ranked officers salute higher ranked officers while in uniform outside with some sort of headwear on, they also go by the same rule above for greetings shipboard.
@AngryBadger it was Clint, I thought that was obvious I apologize for that inconvenience.
@BingTheWing well if we're talking a Wing, like our squadron. The CO normally isn't much of an actual flier from what I understand, they just end up with a shit ton of paperwork on their desk and a lot of headaches (But this is the futuuuuuure). XO tends to do a lot of the actual out of the office work. On deployments though COs fly just as much as any other pilots so they'd be just as exposed to the assholery as any other pilots.

General assholery would be high. This is aviation, they're a weird fucking bunch. Love em to death but weird as they come. Within a wing their are usually plenty of jokes and pranks and asshattery all around up and down the ladder.

Other places than a wing.... not so much. Fuck with the CO and you're not a close friend of the CO and you can expect a Disciplinary Review Board, Executive Officers Inquiry or Captains Mast. Depending on how severe the assholery is you likely would end up at Captains Mast, but probably not a Court Marshal.

As I said, aviation is weird. They're a whole separate entity from anything else Navy. They get away with shit no one else would get away with within their commands because there are so few of them and they tend to be real close. This is all just my knowledge on wings from what I've been told by others, I am not aviation in any way shape or form.
I felt like seeing what mundane and extremely normal thing I could do with zero gravity, so that's most of my post... But otherwise I've got my first IC post done with the Mother of the squadron already starting to try and gather up her lost chicks, if they permit it of course.

As well if anyone needs any sort of help with naval acronyms or sayings, as well as common courtesy and traditions within a naval military structure, I'm more than open to help with those questions as I am currently in the service and have first hand knowledge and experience with this stuff. But not with space Navies, I have no knowledge of space Navies. Yet.
LCDR Travers, Adrien

Travers rolled over in her bed, the sound of the automatic alert blaring through her holo-tablet was almost enough to drive her insane, "If it weren't for the damn announcement I'd have blown my brains out already." she sarcastically lamented to herself as the very same alert that was blaring from her tablet was drowning itself out through the 1MC in the ceiling of her room. She pulled a pillow over her face, willing the announcement to stop and allow her just a few extra minutes of sleep before she would be forced to dress herself and make her way to the briefing room.

Finding small solace in the fact that the 1MC shutoff without repeating its alert, she took the pillow currently pressed against her head and tossed it at the holo-tablet that was still happily blasting away as it waited for Travers to acknowledge the alert. The pillow connected easily, the distance being laughable when compared to some of the ballistae kills she'd scored, but the holo-tablet remained upright in it's charger, the alert piercing through the room as if in triumph of its survival at the hands of such unbelievable odds.

She rolled her eyes before finally pulling herself from the bed and dismissing the alert on the tablet with the flick of a finger across the screen.

Moving to the small control panel at the head of the bed, Travers turned the lights up and shut off the gravity of the room. Weightless she lifted into the air around her and used the wall at her front to push herself over to the small locker that held the majority of her belongings, as she passed she grabbed a handhold built into the wall to stop herself before swinging it open. She grabbed an undershirt and a pair of socks before pulling her flight suit from the locker and letting it float into the space behind her. Gripping the edge of the locker she spun herself around so that the floor was now her up. Travers reached into the bottom of her locker and undid the velcro straps that kept her boots from attempting an escape in zero-g. Content that she had everything she needed she closed the locker and gently pushed herself into the middle of the room.

Her uniform pieces floating around her she took a moment to admire the beauty of zero gravity before slowly pulling on her undershirt and socks, quickly followed by the flight suit which zipped all the way up to her neck, and rounded out with the boots.

Dressed but floating in the middle of the room, Travers reached for the closest wall, her finger tips barely scraping the surface. With a small huff she tapped the heels of her boots, the red light indicating that the magnetic function was now on blinking to life a moment later. She ratcheted the level to max and swung her hands over her head and behind herself, sending her spinning in place. Travers watched as the room spun past her, a small part of her slightly unsettled by the sight, before pushing her legs out as they passed the nearest wall. With a loud clack the boots connected to the wall and Travers found herself standing with her new down being the wall and what would of been sideways on a wall had the gravity still been on.

Turning the level down on her boots she pushed of the wall and swung her feet in front of her before reaching the true floor of the room. She quickly moved over to the head of her bed and turned the gravity in the room back on, noting a few small clangs as she did so and making a mental note to find whatever made those sounds next time she was in the room.

Travers gave the green button at the door a press and pushed herself into the briefing room as the door hissed open. From a quick glance it seemed that the majority of the Direwolves were already present, 'Only -0028, plenty of time.' she thought as she double checked to ensure that Knight wasn't at the front of the room yet.

Satisfied that he wasn't yet at his own briefing Travers pulled herself to the front of the rows of chairs, grabbing the closest one to ensure that she didn't fly past them and into the wall. She took a moment to look over those already sitting before deciding that the young and anxious looking one that screamed of being newly assigned was going to be the one she sat next to. She pulled herself over the heads of those already in their seats and tucked herself into a ball, somersaulting as she passed over an empty seat in order to put her body into the "proper" orientation of the room.

Slipping into the chair at the side of the new guy, she strapped herself in and offered a hand to the new face, "Lieutenant Commander Travers," she said smiling, "Most of the guys just call me 'Mother'."

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