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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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I'll get a reply for Travers up tomorrow after work is over, looking forward to what others may put up before then.
@Aquanthe that makes sense, but how do we determine their leadership, teamwork, and Gear skill with that XD
What exactly do you mean by the skills should reflect our characters appearance? You lost me on that.

Also I don't know what I meant by crazy, but I doubt it will be crazy.
As far as ranks go, are you going to be assigning our characters their ranks?
I'm still interested, barring anything crazy appearing in the OOC.
@vietmyke I think the whole space station over planets was more a matter of a lot of the listed colonized systems didn't have anything in their Wikipedia pages that even said they had rocky planets (Or planets for more than a few of them) at all. So stations were the easy alternative. You can put them in any system you want and name them as we please.

At least that's why I chose a station over a planet. Deneb is a double binary star system from what I read (4 stars in two pairs). Due to gravitational forces from all the stars there could never be a planet anywhere near a habitable zone in that system, and there likely isn't a habitable zone or even a planet there anyway. So station it was.
Travers kill count as well as the end of her history is updated, hopefully that reflects the fighting better.
@FrostedCaramel looks good, though there are a couple discrepancies. The Varaxians have been around for about 5-6 years yes, but they haven't been seen in force until the declaration of war 3 years ago. So for Travers to sink so many ships in her first handful of skirmishes is unlikely- perhaps after the start of the war, but not before.

Before the war, humans really only saw a few Varaxian Corvettes, Frigates and frigate sized light carriers. Larger and more powerful warships such as destroyers and cruisers weren't seen until the attack on Tau Sigma.

And in general, capital ships in both fleets are relatively rare. Most battlegroups in the TSN fleet are headed by cruisers- with the exception of destroyers, most Naval vessels have at least a small compliment of strike craft, as TSN doctrine revolves heavily around the use of strike craft.

And unlike some Terran fighters, virtually all Varaxian fighters are jump capable, so their carriers are typically well behind their front lines and their battleships are typically attached to fleets large enough to sound a retreat in most TSN battlegroups

Roger that, no way I could have known this so I'll get right on it, thanks for the info.
You've caught my attention with another astounding RP @Vietmyke, figure I'll throw my hat in the ring and see how it does.
I feel I got a little carried away with the history but this is the advanced section so I'll leave the wall of text in the hopes it scores some sort of brownie points or something I don't know.

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