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Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Lauren @Jinxer, Mora @HecateProxy

"AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WHAT SORT OF A GOOD LITTLE KID YOU HAVEN'T TURNED OUT TO BE!" Schulz yelled in the face of a female recruit, the last in the first row. He had went off on her for a good minute before she had muttered under her breath, it had been the wrong choice for the new cadet. "Drop and give me one hundred you little swine! If you can't get it done by the time I'm done with your fellow cadets..." he smiled at the girl, "Well I imagine they won't be too happy having to run because of your pathetic ass." he finished calmly before stepping away from the girl.

He moved toward the first in line of the second row, "First row! About, Face!" he yelled as he neared the red haired recruit that was first in line. She looked nervous like the rest, maybe more determined than a few of the first row, but nervous nonetheless.

He gave a look back to the girl he had yelled at earlier, the strikingly average cadet, as she answered her question. "A fucking medic huh?!" he said still walking toward the next cadet, "Every goddamn injury during training is going straight to you! And if you can;t do anything about it I want a written report in my hands before they make it to a real medic!" he yelled, "And I swear to God if anyone dies in your hands you will be held solely responsible, you understand me Cadet Medic?!" he yelled back to her.

He stopped as he approached the girl, taking a note on her height he was about to start going off on her before he noticed something in the girls eyes. The twisted smile that had been growing on his face disappeared in an instant as he grabbed the girls chin and turned her face from side to side, inspecting the new cadet. 'Just as it seems.' he thought before letting go of the girls face.

"I want everyone to take a good goddamn look at this recruit in front of me!" he looked around as a few of the recruits gingerly turned their heads, he sighed, "USE YOUR USELESS BRAINS AND TURN YOUR GODDAMN HEADS YOU HALF WITS!" he barked at the group. After a moment all of the recruits save for the currently... Occupied recruits were looking at the short red haired girl in front of him. "This pathetic piece of shit in front of me! This red haired short shit!" he called out to the formation.

"WILL GET YOU KILLED IF YOU ARE ON HER TEAM!" he proclaimed raising a hand to the group, "She's got the fire burning in her eyes! A wild fire! The kind of fire that spells trouble for us rational thinking soldiers!" he took a step to her side, in order to be yelling just past her left ear, "This kind of hot head will get everyone she fights a Titan with killed and won't be the wiser that it was her goddamn fault! Because I guarantee you!" he paused as he looked across the group, "This is the IDIOT that will play hero and utterly fail! Because heroes do not win against Titans!"

He stepped back in front of the girl, his expression grim, "Soldiers do." he spoke to her. "Why is it that a fucking aspiring hero would join my goddamn Cadet Corps?" he asked the red-headed cadet.

Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Lauren @Jinxer

Present: Everyone.

The insubordinate little shit dealt with Schulz sighed and moved on to the next few in line. Giving a good berating to a boy that left him on the verge of tears Schulz moved away from him to a girl standing to his right.

He gave her a quick look up and down before settling his jaw and leaning forward, "Well thank fucking God! It seems like we have someone here that actually lands on the scale of normal sized fucking people!" he spoke aloud to the girl. He leaned back to look down on the girl, his eyes seemed to stare through the girl as he just stood for a moment and watched her face. He salute was tight, better than the boys before, 'Should have chewed him out for that too.' he thought to himself.

He stood in front of her still as a statue before he whispered just loud enough for her alone to hear him, "You ever seen a titan little girl? You ever seen how they tear apart people and eat them like snacks...?" his face took on a twisted look as a smile grew were there had once been nothing, "I guarantee you'll see if you make it out of here, if you haven't already." he finished. Raising his voice for the whole group to hear he spoke, "And why the fuck do you find yourself joining my fucking Corps huh? What makes you think you're good enough to take on the Titans and protect Humanity?!".

Without waiting for her answer he began to move on to the next recruits in line, "I better hear your fucking answer loud and clear while I'm having a chit chat with these other lowlifes!"

Oh GOD so everyone is getting grilled. XD

The Great Grillening
2 Years Later

Training Grounds | 104th Cadet Corps | Somewhere Inside Wall Rose


Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Emil, and Jade @wolverbells

Present: Everyone.

Head Instructor Schulz stood in front of the group of fresh cadets, he was elevated less than a meter off the ground on a stage meant to allow all of the recruits to be able to see him as he spoke. Except that he had yet to speak once, in the hour that they had been standing at attention in the formation.

He turned his head to the sun beating down on him, raising a hand up to shield his eyes from the shear oppressiveness of the light. 'Got to be at least an hour past noon.' he thought to himself. He gave another look over the recruits, many of them visibly sweating from the nonstop heat and a few looking like they really needed a drink right about now. Schulz undid the top on his canteen, lifting it slowly to his lips in front of the entire group before he took a simple sip. He seemed to ponder the water for a few moments, some of the cadets licking their lips as they watched, before he poured the entire canteen out onto the ground.

Dropping the now empty canteen he dropped off the stage and made his way to the beginning of the first line of cadets. In front of him stood a rather short boy, no more than a hundred and sixty five centimeters.

"What the fuck do we have here?" Schulz started up, "A resident fucking midget?!" he lifted a hand over the top of Emil's head to really get the point across before bringing it down on the boys head hard. "Last I fucking checked dwarfism was a sure as hell way to get rejected from the Cadet Corps. How the fuck did your ass manage to get in then? Huh? Fucking enlighten me!" he yelled, spit depositing on the boys face as he did.

The boy looked slightly panicked, his eyes darting to the left and the right before settling on Schulz himself, "Spit it the fuck out midget I don't have all day to decide if I keep a little person or not!" he yelled again, more spit landing on the boys face.

"I'm not a midget Sir!" the boy responded, his voice seemed sure of himself, but his face said otherwise.

"Bull. Fucking. SHIT! Yes you are I'm looking at a fucking midget! Why the fuck would a midget join my goddamn Corps?!" he yelled, the question little more than a reason to punish the boy. He waited for a moment as the boy seemed to mumble out a response. "I can't fucking understand you! What language was that? Fucking midget?!" he responded to the boys timid answer.

The boy shuffled in place, "It was this or jail Sir!" he yelled loud enough for the whole group to hear.

Schulz stopped. Lifted his hand off the boys head and stood for a moment. His smile grew wide as he looked at the boy, "THAT'S FUCKING FANTASTIC! OUT-FUCKING-STANDING! WE'VE GOT A REAL CROOK IN OUR MIDST!" he exclaimed to the group.

"Well midget crook! You picked the wrong goddamn choice!" he pointed into the distance, a forest barely visible through the waves off heat coming of the ground. "You've got exactly twenty minutes to get there and back or I fucking end you right here." he said calmly to the boy.

"S- Sir?" the boy responded.

Schulz brought his fist down on the boy quick, slamming him in the side of his face with all his strength. The boy crumpled to the ground, clenching his face in both hands as he lay. He knelt at the boys side and grabbed the boys hair, pulling his face close to his, "DID I FUCKING STUTTER MIDGET?! DO YOU NEED ME TO SPEAK MIDGET TO YOU? YOU BETTER GET RUNNING OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL KILL A CADET TODAY!" he screamed at the boy.

In a fraction of the second that it had took for the boy to hit the ground he was up and stumbling toward the forest in the distance before he broke into a full sprint for his destination.

"YOU BETTER MAKE IT BACK IN TIME MIDGET!" he yelled to the back of the running boy.

Schulz clasped his hands behind his back and turned around to move on to the next person in line. A girl, only slightly taller than the first boy, with eyes the color of jades. He smiled once again before opening his mouth.

"NO FUCKING WAY?" he called to the girl, "I've got two fucking midgets in the group? What are the odds of that?" he asked aloud. "Huh little midget? What the fuck do you think the odds are of there being two midgets in this group?!" he yelled before moving closer to the girl.

"Don't even bother answering midget girl, I don't give a single flying fuck about what you think about that! Do you even know what midgets are worth in the military? Huh? Any fucking idea?" he paused for a moment to give the girl a chance to reply. As she began to open her mouth he cut her off with a fist to her stomach, sending the girl collapsing to her knees gasping for air. Grabbing the girls hair he forced her face to look up at his, "Midgets aren't worth shit! Titans won't even look your way! They'll just fucking walk right over your tiny ass! You won't even be a motherfucking after thought!" he yelled at the girl from above.

"What the hell do you think you're doing joining my Cadet Corps? Are you trying to doom humanity? Are you trying to get your comrades eaten at the hands of the Titans? Because that's what it fucking seems like to me you tiny piece of shit." he sneared at the cadet.

General update on how this getting grilled by the Instructor is going to go down!

The first post involves ONLY Emil and Jade getting their asses chewed out. Every subsequent post will just be going down the line of the image provided here.

The easiest way to get this done without controlling all of your characters into oblivion is going to be as follows! As you can see, at the end of the first Instructor post Jade was left to answer questions! So Jade @wolverbells will need to answer those questions before the Instructor will move onto the next PC cadet (We can just pretend he harasses every cadet but fuck the NPCs for now or this will take ages).

So once Jade answers Instructor Schulz, I will respond. The first part of my response will be directed at Jade, the second part will be directed at the next PC in line. The Instructor will leave your PC alone once you get a single response in, whether you want to have your character respond to his response is up to you, and if you say something snarky after he has already left your side expect to be running with Emil, However, I'm not going to have him leave the PC he is currently with to reply. You'll just get yelled at across the group.

Every subsiquent response will be the same:

Instructor Post:
1. Responds to PC answer
2. Grills next PC in line

1. Answers

Instructor Post:
1. Responds to PC answer
2. Grills next PC in line


I hope that is easy enough to understand! Here is the placement of the recruits, unmarked circles are just random NPCs and can be assumed they've been yelled at before getting to your character if there are any between you and the last PC.

As an edit, everyone can freely react to the treatment of your fellow cadets if you're itching to get posts up. Just know that it may take a little for Instructor Schulz to actually get to your character. Also your characters will be held liable for anything they do in these posts, if Schulz sees it happening (He probably will). You've been warned.

@Ambra if the last few days are indication I give it 3-4 days.

Let's get to it then.

*All the characters watching their friends and family die around them*

Emil just standing in the background like, "I was an orphan before it was cool."

@LordVoldemort fucking ripEmil the first time we find Gabriel's Titan bae
@LordVoldemort the bromance will stand strong.
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