Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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Emil Burton


Emil had found his way to his cabin first, climbing his way to a top bunk and lamenting silently to himself about his lack of water before exhaustion overtook his senses and he fell asleep in the bed.

He jolted awake as there was suddenly a burst of commotion within the cabin. Emil just lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling as he wondered why anyone would be making so much goddamn noise in the cabin right about now. If anything everyone should have been trying to get some shut eye after the grueling formation or eating in the galley, 'Those that aren't are not going to deal with this too well to start off.' he thought as he rolled over in the bed. His face pressing into the mattress as he pulled himself to the edge of the bed and peeked his head through the opening by the ladder.

Below him and on the other side of the room were three girls that he'd never seen before around the other boy that he had passed on their leisurely jog. The side of his head flat against the mattress he groaned as they seemed to talk to the boy. Reassuring him of who they were and something about wat-

"Water...?" he spoke into the mattress, his voice sounding more like a mumble than a spoken word. "Hey... Would you mind if I had some of that?" Emil asked, raising his voice just loud enough that he was sure at least one of the three girls would hear it. He pulled his arm out from under himself and reached it out into the open air in front of him. "I meant to get some water once I got back but I..." he closed his fist a bit and opened it again, "I didn't exactly remember, and I'm not too sure if I can make it out of this bed safely. Hell I'm not too sure how I got in it in the first place." he said, the confusion at the last part evident on his face as he seemed to look from th ground up the ladder and to the landing that was the bed.
@AngryBadger I've been pretty busy lately. I'll try and reply tonight.
Emil Burton


His feet had been numb for what felt like hours, the hot sun was beating down on him, his lungs were screaming in protest of his actions, and yet somehow he kept on running. Emil had made it to the forest on the higher end of thirty minutes and turned around with new vigor before realizing that he was another thirty minutes from the training camp. He ran and ran, until he passed another boy , much taller than himself, also running toward the forest. "Nice day for a jog?" Emil had called out, any semblance of comedy had long since been drained from his by the sun and the comment came off sounding like someone on deaths doorstep had said it and yet Emil didn't even care. He was pretty sure that the boy hadn't heard his comment anyway.

An hour and ten minutes give or take a few minutes, and Emil had finally made it back to the camp. Delirious in the heat and parched he stumbled back into his position in formation. Sloppily coming to a halt where he thought he had been and turning to the stage. He brought himself to attention and summoned the last bit of his strength to salute. He stood for a moment, waiting for the Head Instructor to tear him a new one over his delinquent time. He stood longer, his eyelids dropping over his eyes time and time again as he staved off exhaustion to not be the one to fall out of the formation.

'I-- It's so--" his train of thought was interrupted as he nearly fell over, all of his concentration focused on stopping the sway that nearly sent him to the dirt, 'It's so quiet...' he thought as he steadied himself. He looked around the formation, 'Fuck me.' he thought as he realized that he was the only one standing in the yard. He looked toward the area that held the cabins, noticing a few cadets walking around and making idle chit chat.

Dropping his salute he willed his feet to carry him just a little further. He dragged his feet along, moving toward the closest cabin as he did. Ahead of him were a small group of cadets talking among one another, he gave the group a half-assed wave as he passed no doubt looking like a living corpse as he did, "Great day for a run." he said jokingly as he went bu them, mocking himself as he waved.

Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Connor @SheriffLlama, Tanner @Aquanthe

Schulz simply watched the boy as he argued for his sake, even going so far as to compliment him about how only average people can tell other average people apart. "That's all very touching Cadet I appreciate it. But I don't believe your claim to be the fastest motherfucker among us today." he said in response.

Schulz took a long down the road, with the forest far in the distance. The midget from prior was already lost to the haze of heat that stood in between them but he was sure by now that the midget boy was probably nearing the forest.

He turned back to the boy in front of him, "If you're so goddamn fast, why don't you go beat the midget on his run!" he said giving the boy a shove toward the forest, "If you're not back before him I will personally see to it that you both make that run every day until you either wash out of my Cadet Corps, die, or in the extremely rare possibility that you are both somehow able enough to get through this, you graduate!" he said as the gave the boy another shove forward, "YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?" he barked as he turned to head to the next recruits in line.

Schulz stopped in front of another boy, his blonde hair and hazel eyes were staring ahead, with the slightest movement as the boy seemed to be struggling to keep his eyes from darting about. He leaned down in order to have his face on the same level as the boys, "I didn't know that we are accepting little fucking girls into the Cadet Corps!" he barked, "Since when has this been a thing? You mind letting me know because I guess I missed the goddamn letter and somehow you got it!" he pushed the boys head to his right shoulder and continued to scream at him, "You know you'll probably be one of the worthless scum that survives training just long enough to die at the end! You won't even make it long enough to be eaten by a Titan like the rest of your buddies out here with you!".

Letting go of the boys head, Schulz stood back up straight, "Why the fuck are you standing here Little Girl?! You fake your age to get in? I swear if you did so help me God!"
Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Olivia @Ambra, Connor @SheriffLlama

He held the girl in front of him as she answered. His smile vanished and he dropped the girl without warning onto her own two feet, "Un-fucking-believable! You two are almost twins!" he yelled at her before stepping back, "How does it feel to have the same aspirations and goals as Number One over there, Number Two?" he yelled at the girl.

"Don't even answer! Titans don't give a fuck about how badly you want to kill them and neither do I!" he called before moving down the line of cadets. Eventually he made his way to an averagely sized cadet, with brown hair and blue eyes. He looked the boy over and laughed aloud, "Cadet! Why is it, that you are simply the most average motherfucker in my formation?!" he barked at the boy, "Why the fuck can't everyone be as painfully average as you? Hell you win the prize for most average from Cadet Medic over there!" he pointed at Lauren with a hand, not actually looking her way.

"Would you enjoy a prize for being the most average waste of space in my formation? Or would you like to enlighten me a little on why you aren't a worthless piece of mediocre shit gilded in a few charming looks and dreamy eyes huh?!" he screamed, "TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU SHOULD STAY IN MY FORMATION YOU AVERAGE PIECE OF SHIT." he screamed aloud, spit landing on the boys face as he did.
Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Grant @LetMeDoStuff, Olivia @Ambra

"Out. Fucking. Standing. Cadet!" Schulz beamed at the boy, "Absolutely outstanding!" the boys response was gold. An attempt at easing the tension of the other Cadets, a measured response. He had tread a thin line and managed to walk on through it, although Schulz had a creeping suspicion that someone had likely tipped him off as to what he should be expecting here. Not letting on that Schulz had a good idea that the boy was likely getting outside help he spoke to the Cadets, "This Cadet just offered himself up as cannon-fodder! At least one of you sorry excuses for human beings understands what it means to truly be a soldier!" he paused and looked at the boy, talking low enough that only those in his immediate vicinity could hear him. "Know this cadet, if you so much as eek out a slightly higher than average score on a test. I will personally read every scrap of mail you receive to this training ground. You hear me? Don't think you're the first one to be smart enough to ask a friend for help."

With his little warning finished he sauntered on over to the next girl in formation. He glanced at her as he walked before stopping dead in his tracks. "YOU THINK YOU'RE FUCKING SMART CADET?" he yelled at the girl as he rushed at her, "YOU THINK THAT I WOULDN'T NOTICE?" he asked, now screaming directly in her face. "WHAT SMART ASS FUCKING IDEA TOLD YOU TO MOVE FROM THE FRONT ROW TO HERE?".

The girl was strikingly similar to the first female cadet he had encountered, the one with a determination that had him worried, and he couldn't pass up the opportunity. "THERE IS ZERO FUCKING WAY THAT YOU'RE GETTING OFF THE HOOK FOR THIS ONE CADET." he motioned to the girl at the front and back to the girl he was yelling at, "What kind of sick motherfucking joke is this huh? Why the fuck are you in two places at motherfucking once?" a ball of sweat rolled down his face as he continued to lay into the girl. "I want your fucking answer as to why you're here!" he paused and placed his hands on her shoulders before lifting her up in front of him.

@LetMeDoStuff you're up when you get the chance.
Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Gabriel @LordVoldemort, Grant @LetMeDoStuff

Surprised that the boy, Gabriel, stood up almost immediately Schulz gave the boy the slightest nod of approval, so small that unless another cadet other than Gabriel was intently watching him they wouldn't have even noticed it happened. Then he grinned wide as Gabriel told him who his parents were, Schulz laughed at the boy. "Are those names supposed to ring a bell Cadet? Are they suppose to resonate with me on a deep level?" he asked Gabriel. "I don't see a goddamn point in you answering that! Because I don't give a rats ass about who your parents are or what they've done!" he stepped back from the boy and began walking to the next in line, "Telling me who they are doesn't change what you are, you God damned Circus Freak!".

He left the boy were he was and moved on down the line. Next was another tall motherfucker, lanky compared to Gabriel but fucking tall nonetheless. Stopping in front of the boy he took a moment to size him up before beginning his charade once more, "WHAT THE FUCK CADET?" he yelled at the boy, "WHAT THE FUCK?" he stood still in front of the boy following the last part just watching him. Waiting to see if he would do anything, the boy simply stared through him with his eyes focused on some distant nonexistent point in space.

"Is there a goddamn reason you're eyeing me boy? You think I'm fucking pretty or something cadet? You want a piece of Instructor Schulz?" he tapped his chest, "Cause I'll give you a goddamn piece of these fucking hands that's what I'll give you!" he began at the boy once more, "You're a fucking pretty boy walking into my goddamn Cadet Corps? What makes you think you're even slightly able enough to fight fucking Titans?" he asked leaning in close to the boy, "You got any idea how badly blood stains pretty boy? You ever had a friends blood strewn all over you, warm as a person and wreaking of iron?" he continued to berate the boy, "Pretty boy tell me this! Why the fuck did you join my motherfucking Cadet Corps? Is it because you finally decided to man up? Or did something else happen Pretty Boy?" he yelled.

"Please, enlighten me!"
Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Reese @Solace, Gabriel @LordVoldemort

Schulz grinned at the boy as he answered, The Kestrel Company was well known, tucked safely behind Wall Sina far from anything that could do them harm and yet here was one of the members standing right in front him.

"Not only do we have a midget crook, a self-proclaimed medic, and a goddamn hero standing among us!" he called as he stared at Reese, "We've now got a prissy rich kid to add to the bunch!" he looked the boy up and down before giving Reese a question, "Why exactly is a rich kid like yourself standing in my training field? Did you get fucking lost on the way to boarding school? Hopped onto the wrong cart perhaps?" he laughed, "You didn't figure it out when you realized you were among a bunch of low life outer wall dwellers?! Or maybe your family sent you here because you turned out worse than shit, because there was no way they'd hand over such a successful business over to boy that seems to be lacking any sort of balls?".

He smiled wide as he watched Reese, "I FUCKING GOT IT!" he yelled victoriously, "You're probably on some soul-searching rich kid bullshit! Trying to find yourself before you take over the family business huh?" he took a breath, "Well good fucking luck with that, I doubt you could find your manhood tucked in between those legs before a Titan finds you outside the walls!". Finished with berating Reese he moved on down the line approaching what was easily the tallest among the group.

He stopped in front of the boy, a solid two inches taller then himself and inspected him. The boy was solid, built well and obviously stronger than most of his fellow recruits. He stared off into the distance right through Schulz, 'Good.' he thought to himself as he took a breath. "Just what the fuck do we have here!" he asked, bringing his face within inches of the boys. "Are you a goddamn circus exhibit?!" he knife handed the boy as he yelled, "As tall as a goddamn freak, you sure you didn't escape your cage? Should I call the goddamn Carney and tell him we found his missing beast man?! Maybe he'll send the goddamn Bearded Lady over to pick you up, hell I'm sure she'll overpower you!" he asked the boy still inches from his face.

He moved his head back and gave the boy another look, "Or maybe it's that goddamn look of confidence that you're airing that's giving it all away!" he moved around to the back side of the boy as he yelled, "Maybe you need a new goddamn perspective huh Cadet?!" he called. Extending his leg out he kicked the boys right knee in, bringing the boy to a knee forcefully. He leaned around the front of the boy and smiled, "How's that for a change of goddamn perspective? What's your name cadet? I want to know what worthless piece of shit Carney sent me a goddamn freak show exhibit!" he exclaimed as he waited patiently for the boys response.

Head Instructor Schulz

Interaction: Mora @HecateProxy , Reese @Solace

Schulz watched intently as the girl seemed to ponder her answer, likely tip-toeing around some less than choice wording before she flexed a fist at her side. He grinned wide as the girl replied, first with a want to regain her lost home, 'Good, just like the earlier girl.' he thought as she smiled at him and spoke again.

Had he not been doing this for years he may have been visibly taken aback by the girls final words, "CASE IN POINT!" he yelled to the cadets at hand, "THIS GIRL REALLY DOES WANT TO PLAY THE FUCKING HERO!"

His arm shot out, wrapping his fingers around her throat and easily lifting the girl off her feet by her neck. He took a step back and walked her to the front of the group, all the while bringing her closer to death as she wheezed and gasped for air. "This cadet." he pasued for a moment to watch the cadet clawing at his arm, "Believes that she can protect me from the Titans!". He paused again, the girls lips had gone blue but her eyes were just as full of fire, determination as they were before. He let out a small laugh as the girl began to kick toward him, her legs not long enough to reach his body simply flailing about in front of him.


"She can't even protect herself. Heed my words Cadets!" he turned so that he was now facing the group with the red headed girl dangling in front of him. "This cadet will spell your death at the hands of Titans!", with the last part he threw the girl off to his left side with a solid thump. He watched for a moment to ensure that she was still breathing before starting for the next person in line. "You had better have your ass back in line in the next thirty seconds Hero!" he yelled behind him as he walked toward a blonde haired cadet.

"Well well well, just what the fuck do we have here?!" he called aloud to the blonde haired boy in front of him. His hair was in a pony tail and well past shoulder length, although his actual gender was obvious it was the easiest thing to pick out on the boy. "Are you a goddamn boy or girl huh?" he asked the boy, "You see with Titans it's fucking easy! They don't have any parts, but you? Hell I'm not sure?" he let out a grin, "About as pretty as any of the girls here but lacking all the basics! You got something in between your legs there?! Or did you lose it somewhere along the way cadet?!"

"I'm not fucking around cadet! You a boy or a girl cadet? I want your motherfucking name as well!"
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