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Emil Burton
Training Grounds
Interacting: @wolverbells


Emil nearly pulled away at the hand on his back, unsure of who exactly was touching him until he heard Jade's voice, "Yeah---" he coughed a little, "Yeah I'm good now." he said as he raised a hand of the ground in a thumbs up for the girl behind him to see. He took a few moments to gather himself before he felt the small girl trying to get him up. With a few unsteady steps he rose to his feet and frowned at the remnants of his breakfast now littering the dirt in front of him.

He turned to Jade and gave the girl a small smile, "Probably the chow yeah..." he lied to the girl as he clenched and released his hands from fists at his side. Looking around it was plain to see that he had caused quite the scene, many of the pairs in their immediate vicinity had stopped to watch before they turned their heads in embarrassment or disgust and got back to their spars.

Turning back to Jade he spoke, "No need for you to have gone easy on me, in a real situation the person I was in a fight with wouldn't have helped me up after that." he said meekly as he nodded his head at the mess he had made. "Training is training, even if it goes like that..." he began to move for his regurgitated breakfast but stopped in shock as Jade beat him to it, kicking dirt over the mess to hide it from Schulz and the other instructors. Reaching a hand out he managed to break the words free of his throat as his astonishment tried to hold them back, "Jade you didn't have to do that, I-- I was going to take care of it, I made it after all.". As he finished he began to hear Schulz and the other instructors yelling about how the training was coming to an end.

Emil let out a sigh of relief that this brief training in how to injure other people was over before rubbing his stomach, "I hope lunch is next, I'm pretty hungry after losing my breakfast." he grumbled to Jade jokingly, trying to shed some weight off the awkward situation.
These are the rest of the members of Lukas Greisers squad in the Garrison at Trost, Squad 9 (Patent Pending).

Squad 9
Squad 9 is one of the more dependable Squads of the Garrison stationed within Trost, with a high level of teamwork and a track record of being frequently used to cover the entrance and exit of the Survey Corps from the district along with a handful of assists under their belt with the help of other more experienced Squads, Squad 9 is considered to be one of the elite within Trost. They are listed under the plan for if the Colossal Titan appears in the district as an interchangeable squad, experienced enough to help lead the desperate defense that will take place in the Vanguard and to help boost morale of the soldiers stationed there, or elite enough to be placed in the Rear Guard to catch any Titans that slip past the first two lines.

Emil Burton
Training Grounds
Interacting: @wolverbells


Emil watched Jade as he rose to his feet, the look of triumph on her face quickly fading away to doubt, 'Did I make it too obvious...?' he thought to himself as he listened to the girl questioning the amount of effort he had truly put worth in the earlier bout. Emil let out a small laugh and raised his arms up in a shrug, "Why wouldn't I try when you're obviously out to get me? That'd just be a stupid choice for me." he said as he watched the girl take up her position in front of him.

He let out an audible sigh as Jade motioned for him to be the first to attack. Violence was never truly something that Emil was good at, he never had the nerve for it, the stomach for the blood that came with it. But this was training, it wasn't high stakes like out in the real world, and yet somehow Emil still had reservations for going on the assault. For throwing punches meant to connect, meant to bruise and break bones, the intense emotions that accompanied violence. It just wasn't what Emil was suited for.

He moved forward a step, and then another. He paused, his hesitation obvious as he seemed to survey the small amount of dirt in between Jade and himself. He breathed in, the sound of the air filling his lungs soothing him as he did, before letting the air out in a long winded gust. He took another step. His hands were still raised, shaking ever so slightly now, the thought of using violence against another; and a girl much younger than himself, causing him to lose his nerve just a little bit more every moment.

He clenched his fists in front of him, the tremors slowing to a practically unnoticeable level now. He took another step, the distance between the two now just a few feet. He stopped again, took a deep breath, attempted to push the sickening feeling in his stomach away, to somewhere he couldn't feel it.

He sent a punch aimed for the girls left flank at full speed practically guaranteed to hit, but as he did the feeling of nausea in his stomach grew immensely, so large that his vision clouded over, and it was all that Emil could focus on. His punch sailed past the girls side harmlessly as he no longer gave it any thought. His legs became weak and he stumbled to Jade's left, managing a few steps before falling to his knees. The gravity of violence toward another human weighing down his body as if he were being buried alive, his breath became harder and harder to pull in, and his body was threatening to give at any moment. Planting his hands in the dirt was all the boy could do to not fall completely to the ground.

He wretched for a moment, producing nothing before he vomited up the remnants of his breakfast. His earlier meal displayed for the world to see, Emil gasped for air as the tightness in his chest began to give way.
Aha! My first of a few characters I have in mind. I placed the bio in a hider not because it's excessively long or anything but just because I feel it looks nicer. Let me know what you think @Wolverbells!

Emil Burton
Training Grounds
Interacting: @wolverbells


Emil wasn't surprised that Jade was simply pulling away from all of his feigned punches, it was expected that most wouldn't want to be hit so the reaction was normal. But he was surprised that she wasn't taking advantage of any of the moments inbetween the punches, when Emil had to reign himself in. They were moments of weakened defense. Moments that Jade could easily have worked herself into and taken him down with a bit of determination and luck. Emil turned his head slightly to listen to Schulz as he yelled in their direction about the entertainment they were affording him.

He watched as Jade listened as well before throwing another punch in her direction. For a moment he thought he had misjudged the distance between them and was going to hit the girl, but then realized that Jade had in fact moved closer to him just barely dodging the punch. She let out a growl as she did and brought her arms up to him. He felt her arm on the back of his neck and barely noticed as her leg began to swing out, 'So that's how it's going to be...?' he thought as he didn't lift a finger to counter, allowing the girl to successfully press her attack.

Jade's leg met with his, sending them quickly backwards and off the ground. For the third time today Emil found himself falling, the ground eagerly awaiting his arrival. Landing with an "oomph" Emil rolled himself over and sat up, shaking a bit of dirt off himself as he did.

"HELL YEAH MIDGET GIRL!" called Schulz from off in the distance, "Great show!" he yelled before Emil watched him turn back to some of the other cadets. With Schulz's interest in the two of them extinguished, Emil smiled at Jade.

"You're pretty fast. Didn't have any time to react." he lied to the girl as he rose to his feet.
Emil Burton
Training Grounds


Emil stepped to the side, a punch from Mora sailing past him at chest level wuickly followed by a jab from her free fist which he managed to back away from fast enough to have it connect with nothing but air. 'It's working.' he thought to himself, proud that he had been able to pick the girl out as someone that would easily go on the attack. She was wearing herself out with every swing. Every kick left her a bit more gassed. Emil watched as she lunged at him again, her punch just a fraction of a second slower, her body moving just a tiny bit more sluggishly.

If he kept it up, he'd have no trouble downing an exhausted opponent. And keep it up he planned to do. Until Schulz yelled that it was time to switch. Dropping his arms to his side Emil smiled at Mora as he caught his breath, "Thanks," he said in reply to her compliment on his work, "You nearly took my head off a few times there, let it be known." he joked as he looked to the girl that was now patiently waiting at their side.

It was the girl that he had spooked in the cabin, Jade, if he remembered her introduction correctly. She seemed to have been watching the end of their spar intently. "Jade right?" he asked curiously as he motioned toward her, she seemed like she was smart enough to know what she was getting herself into. Not a great fact for Emil but he'd have to put up with a lot of not very great facts these next three years and for his enlistment afterward. "Might as well get to it then." he let out with a sigh as he raised his arms up, hands balled into fists in front of his face.

Emil stood for a moment as Jade readied herself. He settled his mind on testing his opponent first, dashing out and aiming a jab at Jade's left side. He pulled the punch about a foot away from the girl before starting to take a step back, all the while watching how Jade reacted.

Emil Burton
Training Grounds
Interacting: @HecateProxy


Emil was near the end of the line of cadets waiting to take the ODM gear aptitude test watching his fellow cadets intently as he slowly moved up in the line. There were few that, with some luck and immense effort seemed to be able to pull it off, and then there were even more that seemed to have no hope at all, falling flat on their faces as they were hoisted into the air. The resounding clunks of skulls meeting the dirt was far more prevalent than that of the cheers of fellow cadets when someone barely managed to scrape by, and as Emil neared the front of the line many of the cadets ahead of him were taking on anxious looks as they eyed the machines with fear and their fellow cadets who ahd already passed with what Emil could only imagine was jealousy directed toward their already being done.

He had watched in awe as one of the cadets seemed to remain motionless once hoisted up, barely swaying back and forth as remained suspended in the air. "Amazing..." Emil said aloud as he watched from the back of the group. The boy was let down and unhooked before being swamped by a few of the other cadets waiting in line on how he managed to do so well. Emil couldn't help but smile as the boy seemed to make an escape from the rabid group of cadets into the safety of the larger core group of the cadets.

He moved his attention back to the line, which had moved up quite quickly since he started paying attention to the other cadets test. Now next in line Emil stood nervously, shifting his feet as he watched the cadet in front of him being slowly lifted into the air before reeling forward. Emil couldn't help but to close his eyes as the boy smashed his face into the hard ground below him with a sickening thud. The brief moment over, Emil opened his eyes to watch as a few of the other Instructors rushed over to the seemingly unconscious boy and unhooked him from the harness. They pulled him away from the machine, leaving a bright trail of crimson as they did, before Emil was called forward, "Alright let's see what the our very own criminal Midget can do! Burton get the fuck up there!" called Schulz as he waved Emil toward the closest machine.

Silently Emil jogged to the machine, raising his arms for the two cadets that were working it to hook his harness up, 'Oh this is going to suck.' Emil thought as he gave a thumbs up to the cadet on the crank. Emil closed his eyes, listening to each tick of the crank and trying not to focus too hard on the new found tightness of the harness as it was pulled taught while he anxiously waited to meet the ground. A few moments passed of the constant clicking of the crank before it stopped. "Is something wrong? The crank not working?" Emil asked as he opened his eyes, "What's the ho--" he stopped his words as he looked below him, the ground now firmly out of reach.

"NO FUCKING WAY MIDGET!" yelled Schulz as he approached the machine at a brisk pace, "Here I thought we'd only have one cadet that barely broke a sweat doing this but I guess we've got two now! Just how in the world are you so goddamn good at this!?".

Emil still couldn't figure out what exactly was going on as he hung in the air, the motion of the winch the only thing that had him barely swinging in place. But then it struck him, he'd spent most of his teenage years running from angry people, sure they had good reason to be angry, but angry nonetheless. The boys at the orphanage had taught him how to run from angry people. Through crowds, down alleys, and most importantly across rooftops. He thought for a moment as he blocked out the yelling coming from Schulz on all the times he had leaped off of buildings, from rooftop to rooftop, and found himself falling unexpectedly. The sensation he was experiencing now wasn't all that different, familiar even.

"I guess being a criminal pays off Sir!" Emil yelled in response to Schulz question.

With his answer given Schulz motioned to the recruits at the machine to let him down, the feeling of being lowered now much more noticeable to Emil with his eyes open. He hit the ground with his feet and immediately undid the hooks on his belt before starting to walk for the cadet group. Much like the boy before him had been unexpectedly bombarded by nervous cadets, Emil found himself in the same position. He waved away the questions and smiled, simply stating that it was luck he did so well as he walked toward the main group, leaving the disheartened cadets behind.

Following the ODM aptitude test the group of cadets, regardless of whether or not they actually passed the test, were ushered to a training field where they were quickly run through the basics of hand-to-hand combat and the essentials of a take-down. Any good feelings that Emil had had left over from the ODM test were instantly wiped away as he watched the moves, 'There's no way I can manage these.' he thought as he looked at the cadets around him, many of the larger than him.

They were paired off with similarly sized cadets and sent to work. His partner was a red head, slightly taller than himself and by the looks of it probably stronger. 'Great.' he thought as they were given the okay to begin by the instructors.

The girl he was paired off with, Mora, gave him a smile to which Emil returned a warm smile and raised a hand in a friendly wave, "Hi, I'm Emi--" his words cut short as the girl burst into action. She rushed directly at him, seemingly ready to punch. 'Fuck.' Emil thought as he tried to back away from the girl to place distance between himself and her fist, but it was too late. Emil braced for the punch but was surprised to find himself instead experiencing something he was rather used to, he was falling sideways on his right side for the ground.

He lowered his right arm parallel to the ground and reached his left hand out for the ground as it came up to meet him, as his hand connected with it Emil pushed hard at the ground and rolled back over himself as quickly as he could, finishing the roll on his feet and rising. "Alright then." Emil said with a small smile as he angled himself to the girl and shaking his leg out where hers had met it.

Watching Mora closely he decided to play defense and instead react to the girl, as she obviously had no problem going on offense.
@QT Good to go.
Emil Burton

Interacting: Literally Whoever is at the tables....


Emil couldn't help but to feel as if Sano didn't really care who he was as he dropped the hand he had offered the boy. Reluctantly he followed him through the mess hall, his small stature making it easy to slip past the other cadets around him. Stopping for a moment as Sano seemed to decide where he was heading, Emil happily passed the boy as he told them to take a seat at the table with the girls from the cabin earlier.

Emil had chosen the far edge of the table, remaining mostly unnoticed by the group at the table as he quietly listened and ate the soup. He smiled to himself as the table seemed to make a huge fuss of the food, of it's quality and what exactly was even in it. Sure he himself wasn't too keen on the ingredients either, but it sure as hell beat scraps from the trash and charred bread from bakeries that had fallen under the ovens, "You guys don't know what bad food is if you think this is terrible..." he said to the table as he happily scarfed down the soup and rose for another bowl. As he walked back from the pots and to his spot at the table he took a moment to look the group over.

He didn't know any of them, well, that wasn't exactly true. He did recognize the rather tall one that seemed to be the butt of a few of the girls unwarranted hate. If he recalled correctly he used to run with one of the groups of kids that Emil had frequently ran into in Shiganshina, 'So another survivor then.' he thought as he sat back down.
Emil Burton


Nodding his head in thanks to the other boy who had been running, Emil took the water and drank slowly from it. Letting the cool water cover his dry mouth and lips before drinking a bit faster. He pulled the water away from his lips and looked to the girl who had asked him how he had ended up in the cabin in the first place, ready to answer her question he was cut off by a knock at the door.

The same girl that questioned him made her way to the door and quickly opened it. In wandered a boy that he had not seen with some rather unwanted news, 'Please no.' Emil thought as he hauled himself over the edge of the bed and dropped to the floor with a thud. As he walked toward the door and past the boy who had been the courier he gave him a small smile and a nod, "Thanks for getting me out of here. Would have never known I was in the wrong cabin..." he said, a tiny amount of red spreading across his cheeks at the embarrassing realization that he had somehow mixed the cabins up.

Outside of the cabin he waited for the other two boys to exit before speaking again, "Guess I'm do for a proper introduction--" he scratched his neck with his right hand, "my name's Emil Burton. One of the two that had to run." he said to the two and offered a hand to who ever took it first.
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