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History is WIP, and I'm going to come back and flesh out the Culture and Army tabs more so that they make a bit more sense. But for now I think it's ready to submit.

I’ve been getting all my CIF gear issued, checking in to my new command and shit, getting wrecked in PT by my Battalion, etc.

I’ve got good time today that I can post up during as long as SSGT doesn’t find some bs working party for us.
Mehl’s Vox had been on standby when they had been woken up, so whatever it was that the regiments headquarters had caught on the Guard net had been long since transmitted by the time he knew enough to turn the damn thing on and try and listen in. But it hadn’t stopped him from keep the headset firmly over his ears all throughout their short briefing and the subsequent march to the aid of the Vanquishers.

He’d had little time to think about exactly what they were getting themselves into, in fact he’d had little time to think about anything beyond the fact that the Vox was catching some strange ghost transmissions on the net, echoing in and out every so often, far more often than he had ever experienced in training, but it did nothing to unsettle him beyond mild annoyance as he constantly sling the heavy Vox set to his chest to fiddle with the dials and switches enough try and clear up the interference.

The halt came precisely as he was fiddling with a dial after a ghost transmission that sounded more like incomprehensible screaming than any sort of real transmission bouncing off the mountains of Arosep Tertias. Nearly walking into the halted medic in front of him Mehl cursed and did what his predecessors had done for tens of thousands of years before him and would continue to do long after he was dead with no actual success. He hit the Vox.

“Damn thing keeps catching ghosts.” He mumbled to Varren just in front of him as he slung the pack back around and took up his las in a ready carry. Taking a knee facing the tree line some several hundred yards out to their right Mehl sighed and wished it were a bit warmer, “You stick close to me, I get all the medic requests right here,” he patted the Vox on his back as he continued to watch the tree line, “so if someone needs you, I guarantee I’ll be able to tel you before anyone else can run to get you. Head start on helping ja?” he shrugged, not waiting for the young medic to answer he stood and trotted over to the Lieutenant and Baumeister.

“Nothing on Guard net since we started this Sir, I can try their known freqs but I’m not positive they can hear us, getting some wild ghosts out here, could be the mountains Sir.”

@Jbcool personally I have trouble with big open ended scenes in which I can just have a character do whatever or go and interact with any other character, in my mind that’s like controlling that persons character to have to interact with you.

Otherwise I’ve just been really busy with this training as stated before. Weekends tend to blur by in sleep as we get next to none during the week.

I’m currently taking flights to go home for this holiday and should be able to post this weekend.
I’ve been busy all weekend but I’ll get a post up when I’m back tonight after dinner.
So our heavy weapons are heavy stubbers and mortars? What I mean is while regiments have mainly infantry they do have a token, at best, amount of vehicles. Do we have anything like that?

Along with that how large is our regiment? Like 3,000? Or bigger or smaller?

Not all 40K Regiments have armor attached. Some of the lighter infantry (Such as our very own Uzanian Rifles) rely entirely on other regiments to provide them such support assets.
Months Earlier.

The din of tools and the constant hiss of welding torches filled Mehl's ears as he tried to work a wire around a support beam that he could have sworn was in the wrong spot according to the blueprints. But this was part of the job, working around what the other construction workers put in the wrong places without the Foreman seeming to notice or even care was pretty much the first thing he had learned during his apprenticeship. Stretching his arm as far as it would go Mehl felt something pop in his shoulder at the same time that the wire touched the tips of his other hands fingers. Taking a hold of the wire he would pull it through enough to leave the uncomfortable position and move to a far nicer one to work from.

Several hours later and far more sore than he had been upon arriving to the work site that day, Mehl dusted himself off and threw a glance to the power switch down the hall, "Jan! Jan! Throw the switch! The power is wired up on this floor!" he yelled toward the switch. After a brief moment of waiting a man stumbled out of a different room, knocking over a bucket and some brooms in the process before throwing him a thumbs up and sauntering over to the switch.

"Any day now Jan!"

The switch flipped and the lights around the floor came on first in a slow glow and then quickly warming up to their standard brightness. Mehl smiled.

"Hamlin." came the voice of none other than the Foreman from behind him.

"Sir?" Mehl responded as he turned in place to face the man, finding a piece of Administorum parchment held out to him.

"Take it son. It's your time to serve the God Emperor."

Hamlin Mehl stood amongst the men and women of his platoon as they shuffled forward to the gear issue ahead. He mingled slightly with the other newly minted Guardsmen around him, shooting the shit as they waited, complaining about the heat slowly building as they waited, the timeframes that could have been simplified if they’d simply put everything in order rather than having each person walk to different stalls seemingly haphazardly places about the area to gather their things. True Guardsmen thoughts.

His time came and went to gather his gear and he found himself fumbling with an ungainly pack, stuffed to the brim with not a sliver of sense as he attempted to find a place to put it down and organize it slightly better. Finding a small area off behind the lines of Guardsmen still waiting, and began to unpack the ruck and lay everything out in a jumble.

Some twenty minutes later and Mehl was content with his efforts enough to bring the large and much more compactly packed ruck back over his shoulders just in time to hear the order to board the transport. His heart skipped a beat as he turned to face the gaping maw of the ship that would most certainly take him to his demise, but he composed himself enough to reach down and pull the Voxcaster backpack set up and across his chest before falling into the line of straggling men and women making for the ramp.

He clutched at the cold and now very familiar metal of the caster in front of him as he began to trudge up the ramp and into the consuming darkness of the hold.
@Jbcool Just a heads up I’ll be in the field for the next two days, no phone or internet. So expect me to get a response up on Thursday evening or Friday after 1630.
And he’s back, didn’t change anything to be honest.

I’m currently at a training school for the next ~6 weeks and won’t be terribly available at all times of the day, but I should be able to respond at least twice a week if that’s alright.

Name: Hamlin Mehl
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Former Profession: Electrician
Rank: Lance Corporal
Specialisation: Vox Operator
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