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6 mos ago
Current Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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10 mos ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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12 mos ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
1 yr ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app
1 yr ago
Happy birthday John Constantine 🎉😅


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Kay also put trash that she found in the trash bag whilst also neatly piling up the newspapers on the table so they weren't all over the place. "I don't know Trish but I sure hope so. If what the teenagers upstairs told us is true then I really do hope so. I don't want to become the cause of the world's end or whatever it is" she replied honestly.

Fia gave it some thought, thinking up all the pros and cons of both options for him. If things hadn't changed then Drake going back still recovering would be dangerous, not to mention it's risky for someone injured to time travel through portals. "I think you should stay, I don't want the portals to cause more problems for you, especially as you're not the primary caster of said spell needed. I think I should go and check what's going on. If things haven't changed I'll come straight back once I've sussed everything out and come get you. If it has changed, i'll do the letter to our secret spot like I previously suggested." she explained.

Josh slowly turned round but still didn't oogle her at the same time. He wanted to be of some security to her but not come across as a pervert either. "I can understand that, you don't have to explain things to me if you don't want to Serena." he replied to her truthfully. It also dawned on him again how their future son was named after her ex partner which just proved to him how special this Drake must have been for her.

Sam was honestly glad that she didn't pursue the topic and what he said was just enough to drop the subject. As much as he found it easier to talk about Mika than Dean did at the moment, it was still a blow to his mental state, losing someone who had been tied to their family since they were kids. No matter the connection, that's not the kind of grief you get over very easily. He only pushed himself through it quicker for Dean's sake and out of sheer determination to try and help his brother get out of his head. The fact that he knew at least Anya lost her father, made it easier for him to explain as he knew she'd understand.

He watched her sad expression turn to one of amusement and he knew in that moment that his hobbies outside of hunting clearly was funny to her to some extent. Letting her mull over what she wanted to say, he waited for her answer, which when spoken through her phone, made him smile sheepishly. "That'd actually be really nice to be honest. If it means I don't have to hear Dean's choices of tv watching through the walls I'm one hundred percentage on board with watching stuff with you" he chuckled.

"And before you ask, Dean's choices branch from old westerns to scooby doo...I'm totally serious" he added, sensing that she would no doubt want to know what Dean could possibly watch loudly to make Sam want a break from hearing it. Truth was, he did actually miss the days he, Dean and Mika would all cram into one of their rooms together with the biggest bowl of popcorn and snacks imaginable and all watch Game of Thrones together. They never did get round to finishing the series before Mika was killed and so he figured it'd be something they'd never finish watching. He was just thankful he had read all the books over the years and he didn't need the series to know how it would all end.

"So what are your favourite shows or films?" he asked her,curious to just how nerdy she truly was and if it matched up to anywhere near his level of nerdiness. Though Dean always called him a nerd a lot more than he called himself one. He much preferred the word 'cultured'.


As much as Dean tried to hide it, Lexi could tell he was getting a pink flush to his cheeks from their flirting and it made her feel rather accomplished that she could make the infamous Dean Winchester blush. She was sure that not many people could have achieved such a task if the stories told were at all true.

She let him read what she found on the dark web forum and nodded at his take from it all. It was on the same lines as her own thoughts. There couldn't be many reasons why someone would sound desperate on the dark web to get their hands upon such a gun so messaging said person did seem like the only logical option for them to go down. It certainly wouldn't have been the first time she did this kind of thing to get answers and a case over with.

"I'm thinking the same thing, it's a solid lead and if anywhere is going to give us answers it's going to be people like this user on the dark web." she replied, pulling her laptop back toward herself and clicking on the envelope icon to open up the messaging. "Agreed, if we can give her at least this then I'm content for the time being" she said as she began typing a message to the user in question.

I came across your request for seeking the item mentioned,
Although I do not possess the item in question, I am certain I have the lead you need,
Can provide any proof you want,
respond if you wish to meet for info.

With the message typed out, she clicked send, waited for the message to show up delivered then leaned back in her chair. "And now we simply wait" she commented.

Cason narrowing his eyes at her made Nat smirk. She was half joking when she said it but also half being serious as she was curious if he could stand by his previous words and actually win the puppy toy. She knew there was nowhere to actually store the thing, other than the back seat of her car but if he won it for her, she knew she would actually treasure it because it would be the first thing ever that someone went out of their way to win for her. Not even John won her anything at a carnival or arcade when she was a tiny little kid before he disappeared from her life.

She kept where she was as he squared himself up for the ball throwing and watched him intently. Even if he wasn't taking any of this seriously, to her it almost looked like he was for the sake of her, which she couldn't help but feel warmed by. All of these things and realisations in her head making her grow more attached to Cason without her even consciously knowing it. She couldn't help but smile and lightly applaud him when he continued to constantly knock all the bottles over and barely give the counter staff get the bottles back upright.

The moment the guy basically put a stop to Cason's skills by deciding he won a prize, she couldn't stop herself from laughing and applauding him once more, a smile growing on her lips. Cason's excited declaration was incredibly endearing to her and was infectious, she found it impossible to not smile and laugh around him as he acted this way. "right!" she replied to him, before turning to the counter guy and pointing to the giant grey husky looking puppy. "That one please!" she beamed, whilst instinctively leaning her ear closer to Cason as he whispered to her.

Hearing him say that he was convinced the counter guy thought she was hot made her roll her eyes but smirk at him comment about hating him. She took the plush toy from the counter guy when it was handed it to her, giving her thanks to him before turning to Cason as she hugged the toy and kissing his cheek without even thinking about it. "It's adorable, thank you" she said truthfully to him. "So where to now oh skillful one?" she chuckled, glancing around to see what else to do, then she felt her stomach feel empty which gave her her idea. "Actually...lets eat I'm starving" she admitted.


Mika smiled as Dean said about owing Bobby a beer for keeping her grounded and alive. She felt that way toward her uncle herself now, even if she didn't at the time and actually held a grudge against Bobby for a good chunk of that four months for doing all he could to stop her from doing anything stupid. He just didn't calculate at the time that the stupid things she was doing was in fact mostly staying locked in her room, drinking herself until she blacked out and barely moving from her bed. The going out and hunting any demon to try and bring Dean back was all Sam and Nat's doing at the time.

"Ya know he'll either take you up on that tenfold or refuse because 'she's me bloody niece, what else was I supposed to do!?'" she replied, putting on her impression of Bobby for the last part of her reply then chuckled at herself. She followed his gaze as he looked around the saloon and saw what he was seeing. If couples weren't being all lovey dovey they were either being R-rated or care free. She remembered the days they were like that and yet it felt like a distant foggy memory at the same time, proving to her that this job mentally just ages one so much quicker than any plain joe on the street.

She looked back toward Dean and looked him in the eyes back, taking in his green eyes as if he would just disappear right in front of her and she'd wake from a cruel dream. At his next words, she smiled and shook her head despite said words surprising her just ever so little. "It's not sad. I'm perfectly content going back to the motel and doing boring. I always loved our movie nights in bed, I'd love nothing more than that tonight" she replied to him, moving one hand from round his neck and stroked his cheek.

"Sometimes simple is just perfect and you're right, we won't have much peace in the coming weeks so lets go back to the motel and make the most of this whilst we can. We can always grab some beers and snacks to have in our room" she suggested. She really meant every word she said as well, she didn't know how much longer they'd have this peaceful time alone, especially whenever Nat decided to show her face again, let alone whenever Sam and Anna returned to them.


Sam knew it would be risky telling her he planned on getting revenge on Lilith, but he did want to be honest with her. At least over the things that mattered in this moment. Everything else he knew he had to be honest had to wait until they were back with the others and he admitted to things in front of everyone in one hit. He dreaded the time when he'd have to admit about Ruby and her involvement and association with himself, but he also knew he couldn't hide it from everyone for that much longer.

Snapping his thoughts back to the here and now, he kept his eyes on her and saw a slight sign of relief when he suggested about getting her tattooed to help with lowering the risk to her. He himself couldn't hide the relief in his own eyes when she agreed to come back with him. It was all he wanted from her, to come back with him where he could protect her himself and not worry about what would be coming for her when she wasn't in his sight. He let her brush his hair with her fingers, glad to be feeling that sensation again and that back with the others wasn't the last time he would have felt that.

At her next request, he gave a small but genuine smile, "Yeah....yeah I can sleep with you" he agreed, lifting a hand up and stroking her cheek once more. "I'll stay beside you the whole time you want me to be" he told her lovingly, unable to stop the smile from growing on his lips as she brushed the top of his ear. "Come on...let's get off the floor and into the bed" he said, helping her up onto her feet and guiding her to the bed.

"We can leave in the morning or whenever you feel comfortable to head back. I'm not going to rush you okay? If you wanna say goodbye to Max you can before we do eventually leave. Back with the others it's all chaotic anyway, so we got time." he chuckled, "pretty sure Nat has done a runner at least temporarily with Cason as her and Dean but heads all over again" he told her, figuring that hearing some normal family drama might be a nice change of pace for her as she got ready for sleep.
Kay realised that Trish was right, the ash trays and cigarette butts did look rather old now that she took a proper look at it. "You're right, he hasn't. Or at least, hasn't when we've all been in the same room as him" she replied, grabbing the ash trays and chucking the contents into a nearby trash bag. "If you find any rubbish put it in this bag for me okay? I can put it by the front door later" she explained.

Fia could understand where he was coming from, she too wanted to be sure that what they did actually worked, but the consequences of what happened, happening so much sooner than they were supposed to, was concerning to her. "I'm not sure either. We have to know if it worked but what's happened here because of it has worried me." she replied to him, going into thought of what they could do. Then one option came to her, "Only thing I can think of is that one of us stays here, in this time just to watch over things...for a couple of days tops and the other goes back to our time to see what's happened there. We use the communication through time spell I taught you to keep each other in the loop by sending messages to our secret hiding spot in this house" she suggested.

"Of course" Josh replied, instantly turning round so he gave her her privacy for her to get into the bath without worries of someone watching her. "I won't leave you alone, I promise" he said once again to her.

As she pulled Cason across the carnival to the games section, she listened to him explain without using the 'demon' word how he had so much expertise on these kinds of games. She didn't think he was bluffing about how good he was, but the way she saw it was that a little bit of competitiveness wasn't such a bad thing when it was all for fun. She gave a small chuckle at his words when it dawned on her a few seconds later that he said about a date from World War 2. "wait...what?" she muttered to herself, following him over to one in particular game. "You're telling me stories at some point about those times" she told him, deciding she wanted to know.

She let him pull her over to the counter, seeing instantly what the game was and her mind instantly started wondering whether or not to use her skills as a hunter on the game. Hitting a target in this kind of game couldn't be all that different to focusing on a target that usually was moving constantly and getting a hit in. She snapped out of her thoughts when Cason pushed a bucket of softballs over to her and then leaned in to explain to her what the trick was. She was going to say she thought she had it figured out, but from the way he was being with her, she decided to just go along with it all.

Watching Cason do a demonstration and practically getting all the bottle in one hit, she had to admit she was impressed with his skill. She was starting to think that even when she thought she previously wasn't underestimating him, she very well may have well been after all. She looked where he was gesturing and saw the giant plush puppy available as a top prize and even she had admit to herself that it was beyond adorable and she does kind of want it.

Looking at him back, she saw the pride in his face and it made him seem so much more warm and kind of a person. It's like she was almost seeing a whole new side to him she had once wanted to deny he even had. "Okay, I'm impressed! But I'll be more impressed if you get the puppy!" she smiled more at him back. "So lets see what ya got!" she said one last time.


Mika was glad that Dean didn't try and convince her that she hadn't been selfish and hard work lately to be around. She knew she was, and she was glad that Dean still was of the kind of person to not try and say differently. That always was one of their things, they always knew when and how to admit they were wrong and call each other when it was warranted and not try and sugar coat each other's negative traits. She gave a nod and smiled widely when he told her explicitly that he loved her too, he was right, he didn't say it often and it was rare to hear those words leave his mouth but she did also know it. "I do know it, even if there's times my mind tries to convince me otherwise" she replied.

When the sound of the chair screeched against the floorboards, she saw the change in his face and without him even needing to say anything, she got a good idea of why it was causing such a reaction. "It's okay, it's just a chair" she said to him, lifting her hand up and placing it on his cheek, which seemed to work as he mentally came back into the room and looked at her again, making her give him a reassuring smile. She didn't need to say the words 'i'm here', her look back at him said everything she needed to.

Her hand lowered again from his cheek as she wrapped her arms round his neck loosely, swaying with him to the slower song that played and listened to him thank her. A smile and soft chuckle left her lips when he admitted he was surprised to see her when he arrived at Bobby's finally. "I won't lie...things were rough and I thought of many stupid things to try and bring you back but honestly, Bobby needs to take the credit for keeping me under his roof. But I was ready to give up on everything until you showed up." she admitted to him.

"I'm just so thankful I got you back thanks to that Castiel angel" she said one last time and smiled warmly at him as she continued to dance with him. Considering how this night off for them all came about, she had to admit she was damn glad for it and almost didn't want it to end, but she knew the night could only last so long before tomorrow reared it's head.


Sam did mean every word he said to her, but hearing her say to him that she only thought of herself as strong when she was on the demon blood, it saddened him honestly. Yet he did understand it to some extent, it just wasn't the time for him to admit what he had been doing before she came back into his life. He let her talk once she had composed herself with a few deep breaths. "Then we'll get you the tattoo done if you want it, if it'll help you feel a little bit more secured when it comes to the demons that are around." he suggested, willing to do anything to bring her some kind of security.

"Listen to me, she's already hurt me once when she stuck her hellhounds onto Dean, sending him to Hell. I've seen her games, I've seen what she's capable of but that isn't stopping me from defending my family and my loved ones. I'm working on finding a way to kill her once and for all for what she's done to Dean and what she's doing to you." he told her, never once letting his eyes stray from hers.

He then decided to fully answer her wishes in the hope of squashing some of that pain in her eyes and giving her some kind resolve or hope. "It won't be easy, it never is in this life but I can promise you, together we will find a way to ward her off completely and if learning about the powers is what you want then we'll do that" he gave a soft reassuring smile to her. "No matter what" he said one last time firmly.

Sam watched Anya continue to look around and touch all the old leather bound books, and as much as he saw her smile at him for telling her it was nothing or no big deal, he could see she didn't quite believe him. He hoped she would drop it and just want to see something else but it seemed his hopes were dashed when she sighed and walked over to him before typing a message on her phone and it speaking for her.

He listened to it and appreciated at least that she was aware she could be over thinking on things and intruding on his thoughts but he let her continue anyway. Then came the word of 'girlfriend' and he couldn't help chuckle lightly before shaking his head. "it's nothing like that. Honestly. To be honest I forgot all about what I remembered until now, but uhh...my sister in law, or at least, she was pretty much it without the legal formality of marriage to Dean, used to come here a lot when she needed a quiet room to write. She was an avid dairy writer but neither me or Dean know where she hid said dairy in here." he explained, figuring she'd no doubt find some clue about a woman having lived here that wasn't Lexi.

"So I mean it when I say I'll be okay. I promise." he reassured her before deciding to answer her other question. What did Sam Winchester like to do in his down time. "As for your other question? I usually resort to watching a lot of box sets of shows or upgrading my laptop with new parts for fun. Nerdy I know, but it keeps my brain focused" he admitted with a sheepish smirk. "so that's me, ultimate nerd through and through" he chuckled.


She smirked when he denied being a tease and just being straight forward. She couldn't deny he was being rather straight forward, especially when he brought sex the way he did. Yet that wasn't going to stop her from seeing just how far she could play it out before they truly did just give up on the case in question and decided to fully focus on each other...intimately.

She chuckled when he told her about needing to cool down, thinking how ironic that was considering he was being just as bad as she was, but she loved that they could be so flirty with each other like this. "Pot kettle black Dean, you should head your own words" she teased back. She thought about what else to say whilst she looked at the article she came across online, but paused her reading when Dean clearly found something in his book and read it out loud. Listening to what he was reading, Lexi found it interesting to say the least.

"okay that's interesting and it seems to match up sort of with what I've seen here. It'd make sense if Anya's dad was one of the poor sods who got given the Colt to watch over if this is anything to go by." she explained, turning her laptop round so he could see what she found herself. It seemed to be a dark web auction site, or more precisely a items needed for auctions site and there were people asking for a gun that sounded a lot like the Colt.

"Seems the hunt for the gun is still on-going and whoever this user is, they're desperate for it after hearing it's gone from it's previous owner" she explained, deciding to jot things down on the notepad next to her so they could have the information easily obtainable without needing to find this site again.

At Cason's agreement to go on, she felt like they had now truly started an evening of stupidity and fun without the consequence of fighting anything nasty or demonic and risking their lives. She let him lace their fingers together as they made their way to rollercoaster and as they got up there and sat down in one of the 'cars' she felt a strange sense of adrenaline, not the usual type from being on a hunt and fighting monsters, but an innocent type of adrenaline that she presumed most normal people feel at these kinds of places.

Cason's words about teenagers building this contraption made her lightly smirk and roll her eyes at him, but she let him hold onto her nonetheless. She didn't think for a second she could be flung out of it but she wasn't going to complain about him keeping his word in keeping her safe either. "wow, you have such faith in our safety" she said sarcastically and teasingly back.

With it over, she felt exhilarated from the first ride. Sure it wasn't some amazing ride that would be up there as completely unforgettable. But it was the first coaster she had ever been on, which if she admitted that out loud, she'd feel like it was utterly pathetic. She waited for the attendant to unlock the safety bar and she took Cason's hand as they exited and walked through the carnival again. "It was fun! A good start to the evening!" she told him honestly and started to smile just a little bit more than earlier.

She glanced around as she pondered what to do next when some games stood out to her. "let's do that next!" she suggested, pointing at a ball throwing game with a load of various sized plush toys as the prizes. "You can show me those supposed carnival game skills you like to boast about to me" she smirked at him, giving him a light side nudge with her shoulder into his.


The moment he spun her round, Mika smiled widely, gladly accepting him taking the lead as she spun round and back to him. She didn't want this night to end or this side of Dean to go away ever again but she knew their lives wouldn't allow such luxuries for them. It would only be a matter of time before something else came crashing down on them and making their lives difficult. It was just a case of when.

She kept smiling as he touched noses with her and replied to her words, her heart fluttering just as it did when he took her out for a first date when they were teenagers. Only this time there was no third partner waiting to drag her home after beating her ass for being with a Winchester. She stepped back as he guided her out and then back into him again, where she gladly placed one hand on his shoulder, keeping her other hand in his.

"I haven't been the best of partners either to you lately. But I'll never say no to going out with you for a night out." she replied to him, leaning up slightly to peck his lips after he touched noses with her again. "we're chaotic but we work, that'll never change. I love you Dean" she smiled, if she never got to tell him anything else, she was determined to always remind him just how much she did love him. Despite everything they had been through, she had loved him since her teenage school days and still did to this day. She knew she'd love him until she died which she hoped wouldn't happen until they were very old.


Annabeth may not be fully human, but to Sam, she felt emotion, reacted and did everything else just one and that to him is what made her human. She had humanity and that was the most important thing to him, especially as when they very first met neither considered each other as anything but human. That would never change in his mind.

They both had their secrets, both had their problems that were lurking behind them every step of the way but he was determined to not let her feel alone with that. He wanted to be there and help her through things, even if it put him in danger. It wouldn't be the first thing that meant he was in danger over something or someone. He's done some pretty stupid stuff to keep ones he loved safe and he didn't think he would ever change that trait.

He looked down at her as he heard her repeat his words and confirm what he said about them being stronger together. As she finally looked up at him, he looked her in the eyes to show he meant every word he said to her. He let her brush her fingertips across his lips, causing her to smile. "I promise you, I will keep myself safe as well as you. I know now you believe her, and frankly, it's probably not too bad an idea to have some belief in the words. It'll keep you grounded and ready for anything she may throw at you and us. But I also know you, and I know you're a damn strong fighter when you have something to fight for. You won't give up the fight, even if it doesn't feel like that now." he explained to her with a soft smile.

He lifted a hand up and tucked some of her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead once again. "I won't let her hurt me, I won't give her the chance to. After Dean, I'm more determined than ever to not let anyone in our family, which includes you, to ever feel lost or leave me in any manner again." he said with pure conviction.

For Natalia, she didn't even care that she could clearly hear children among the screams of joy and adrenaline from the rides. For her it was actually a pleasant sound as she had spent far too many years only hearing screams of pain and agony. His remark to her comment making her lightly and briefly smirk. She briefly smiled when he slung an arm over her shoulders and began to walk with her to the ticket booth and entrance, being aware that he kissed the top of her head without even a second thought. She kept her head close to him as they walked, only lifting her head up a bit so he could pay the woman at the booth.

She took notice of how they were being judged negatively when all they had done was walk up, drop some money down for two tickets and not much else. Okay so granted Cason probably could have done it less abruptly, but she knew Cason enough to know that was clearly just his personality, which got her wondering just how old he was as well. She just about heard something be muttered under the woman's breath and she glanced at Cason back before looking forward again.

At his remark to the woman, she couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his comment, his usual snark coming through clear as day. It was becoming more evident as each snarky comment was made from him, that he and herself were clearly well matched in the snark department. She walked with him as he dropped the tickets in the bucket by the sleeping man as they then continued through the gate and seeing the whole place in it's bright colorful glory. She almost didn't know where to start as all her senses took in the sights, colors, sounds and smells of all the food stalls. "....wow" she gasped in a whisper before snapping out of her mind as she heard Cason's voice pierce the noise of the carnival.

Looking at him, she saw him with raised eyebrows, clearly interested in what her decision was to be. "I say rides before food" she replied, deciding that no one deserved being vomited on because their stomachs were full of junk food and alcohol and then being hurled around on rides. She then looked around at what rides there, seeing all the typical ones that were always at a carnival in movies or tv. Ferris Wheel, bumper cars, ghost train....it all looked tempting except for the ghost train as she had enough of real ghosts. She didn't need to ride something with made up ghosts. Eventually she decided upon the first ride which was a small scale rollercoaster, or at least, small scale compared to big theme parks. "And I say that one first!" she beamed, pointing at the coaster.

She reached her hand out and grabbed his then started heading to the ride of her choice. The vibe of the place starting to lift her out of herself. She felt like she just a normal person for the first time in a long time and she didn't want to let that feeling go. She didn't want to let him go as he was the source for this growing feeling in her soul.


Dean's words made her laugh and shrug knowing that he was right in every point. She never had complained before and she certainly wasn't go to start complaining now. She also laughed when he pointed that half of this bar felt like a massive orgy because he wasn't wrong. She noticed from the moment they walked into the bar that it seemed like anything goes in here and no one would judge or say anything, unless it was some kind of bar fight.

She took some more sips of her beer, when Led Zepplin came on through the speakers and she knew instantly where this was going to go. Dean never could resist a good Led Zepplin song, yet him dragging her up off her stool still managed to take her by surprise and she only just managed to get her bottle on the bar before she was yanked right across onto the dance floor. She smiled and laughed as she got pulled onto the one place of a bar where Dean normally wouldn't go near for love or money.

Yet he was also correct in remembering she always used to love a good dance on the dance floor, especially if that moment included him in it. So she made the most of the moment and gladly danced with him to one of his favourite bands playing. "You never fail to surprise me Dean, usually I'm convincing you for ages before you'd dance with me" she said to him over the music. There was a part of her that wanted to add 'I'm so glad to have you back and be like this' but she didn't due to her not wanting to be the one who brought back any negative memories of Hell to him. This was to be a Hell and impending doom free night and she was going to stick by that mindset and decision no matter what.


For Sam, it wasn't for fear of her exploding on him that made him hesitant to touch her. For him, it was because he didn't want to scare her off. He knew sometimes, as it showed with Nat before he left the group, that not everyone appreciated being touched when they were having a meltdown, whereas others needed to be touched to be brought back into reality and slow their breathing. He was still learning which way was best for Anna due to it being so long since they were remotely this close with each other. He was terrified of doing the wrong thing.

He let her decide when it to be touched, and it seemed to be the right decision as she reached out and placed her fingers on top of his hands. He gave her the time she needed to slow her hitched breathing and the sobs that were clearly stuck in her throat. "It's okay...take your time" he cooed to her softly, letting her know she didn't need to rush her talking to her. He just wanted to be a calming influence on her in this moment. Nothing more, nothing less.

He listened as she began to talk, still convinced something would happen to him if they stayed together. Whatever Lilith said to her had clearly twisted her mind deeply and it made him even more determined and tempted to just beat the crap out of the demonic woman. Hearing that he was a light to her brought a small single tear to his own eyes, as it fell down his cheek. "I treat you like a human because as far as I'm concerned you are human. You're no less of a human than myself or the others in the group of ours." he began to explain to her, gently pulling her into his grip to hold her against his chest.

He looked back down at her and stroked her hair, keeping it out of her face for her, before kissing the top of her head. "shhh....look, staying away when someone like her is trying to drag you down is not the answer. She will say anything to get under your skin. But it doesn't matter if I have to be there for you through every cleansing of demon blood if that comes back to you, or you think you're losing control of your growing powers...I'm gonna be there to help you through it all. We are stronger together Anna. I love you too and you're as much of a rock to me as I am to you" he told her, still wondering how on earth he could tell her he himself has a demon problem in the name of Ruby.
Kay was glad that she could cheer up the kid, even though she felt like she didn't know what she was doing when it came to kids. Which just got her thinking and wondering how her future self managed to raise a daughter. At Trish's question, she gave it a thought before deciding on what to do next. "I guess our next room will be the main room. I don't know how John finds anything in there with the amount of rubbish on that coffee table and dirty whiskey glasses and cigarette trays" she chuckled.

Drake's next question was something that Fia was deciding on herself. She didn't know what to do either, part of her wanted to stay, make sure John is alright but the other part of her wanted to go home and see if what they did, did in fact change things and she had her mother back in her life. She knew how depressed John had gotten without Kay, which was one reason why she went on this crazy adventure behind her father's back. "I guess the logical thing to do is go home" she replied, "but are you even strong enough to handle the travel?" she asked him.

Josh gave a nod to her thanks, "Do you want me to stay or go?" he asked her back, not wanting to come across as a pervert, but he was also aware she said earlier on that she wasn't on the best of terms with baths because of a previous incident.
Harper was surprised that Arabella hadn't already booked in somewhere to stay, as for her it was always the first thing on her agenda, no matter where she went. Though hearing that she was going to see if there was a room in The Golding after the case was dealt with, made her smirk ever so slightly as it seemed they were of the same mindset without even knowing each other. "good job I'm staying there then, you can follow my car there if you want. It seems pretty quiet there to be honest, so can't see you struggling in getting a room and if ya do. you can always crash in my room" she explained to her, getting a sense that this woman was trust worthy unlike a lot of hunters.

Her impression of Arabella was only cemented when she offered to help in getting the glass shard out of her side. Giving a nod of thanks, she looked up at the other blonde and replied "that'd be great thanks." all whilst watching her grab her lighter to put in her pocket and glance around at the mess they had created. Like Arabella, Harper also looked around and figured it could have been worse all things considered. At least from what she could see, there wasn't any of their blood on the floor to bring the chaos back onto them and keep them off the local police's radar. She was about to make a comment about the mess and how she was so ready to leave when Arabella winced, making her step closer to the woman. Seeing the bit of wood protruding out of her and her jacket.

She gave her own wince at the injury, and couldn't help but think how they both weren't coming out of this completely unscathed after all. "Seems so, so why don't we get the hell outta here and get back to the motel before one of us bleeds onto the floor and incriminate ourselves to this scene and clean our wounds up?" she suggested, walking passed Arabella to grab her bag that was in the doorway on the floor, leaning down with pain and slinging her duffel over her shoulder. She really didn't want to be here any longer than necessary at this point and just wanted the glass out of her side. She didn't feel like she was going to pass out just yet, so she figured she'd make the most of the adrenaline whilst she could to drive back to the motel.

Giving Arabella time to grab her belongings and sort herself out, she lead the way out of the building, letting Arabella go to her bike whilst she herself went to her car. Unlocking the trunk, she threw her duffel bag into it, closed it and walked round to the driver's side where she opened the door and got in, being careful not to catch the glass sticking out of her side.


Pulling into the parking lot of the motel, she leaned over to the passenger seat and decided she would hide her injury just in case a by stander or another guest of the motel was out of their room and nearby. The last thing she needed tonight was someone seeing and freaking out at what they were witnessing. SO she grabbed her jacket and pulled it on, wincing as the movement made the glass shift ever so slightly. "Please don't kill me" she murmured to herself and to the glass before stepping out of her car.

Walking back to the trunk, she popped it open to grab her bag and her first aid kit bag that she disguised as a bathroom wash bag for discretion. Waiting for Arabella, she leaned against her car after closing the trunk door and sighed. The room she was about to head into wasn't the greatest but she knew after tonight it would be better than sleeping in her car once again.
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