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    1. furtwennty 6 yrs ago


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Jax weaved and bobbed through the air, dodging as many bullets as she could. The mecha suit was fast, but still predominantly controlled by the pilot and therefore prone to human mistakes. When the lights flickered to red, she instinctively looked up. A bullet whistled past her, regaining her attention, but not before another struck her in the back of her left shoulder.

Nairobi slid through the ducts in the ships underbelly, her claws making a metallic clink as she moved quickly. The Federation had thought of everything when designing this new ship, including ways to navigate the ship without ever being seen. This was to lure thieves, pirates and terrorists looking to get away with the latest Federation technology. Nairobi had created a ship-wide thermal scanning system, accessible from only the cockpit and the hidden panel underneath. That way one would never enter the ship without knowing how many passengers were on board and where they were located.

A flurry of footsteps could be heard from the floor above, Nairobi counted silently.

'Exactly as I predicted,' she thought, brow furrowing 'Three strangers...' Where was her team?!
Nairobi ran and slid across the cold steel floor, rushing to hide behind a cargo crate. Her companions followed suit as closely as they could.

“I’m too clunky!” Jax exclaimed, trying to crouch as low as possible in her mecha half-suit, “We have to move!!”

Bullets continued to fire from multiple directions, some straying just far enough to clink against the metal. Nairobi positioned herself in between two crates, peering through the scope of her gun. Armed guards were positioned everywhere, either shooting somewhat blindly or awaiting further instruction. Probability of survival and doubt started to overwhelm the young engineer; she’d been in high stakes situations before, but this was almost too much. She moved her sights quickly from left to right and back again, checking for snipers hidden above the majority of the guards.

A hand rested heavily on Nairobi’s shoulder, startling her. She turned to see Tylos, pointing toward something.

“Up there. Is that who you’re looking for?”

Peering through the scope again, Nairobi could see the figures from before though much closer this time. Her fur bristled again, simultaneous relief and anticipation flooded her as she looked them over.

“What? What is it?!” Jax was impatient, she had never been one to hide and plan. Her usual instinct was to dive in head first.

“There’s three of them,” Nairobi began “One female, two males,” She swallowed, adjusting the electronic scope for a closer look. “They are all armed. One looks hurt! …And one…has a collar?”

“A priest?” Tylos had watched the engineer adjust her scope and did the same with his so he could have a look as well. “Fuck, who are these people? Do you know them?”

Nairobi ignored him, thinking quickly. “Jax, I need you to run a distraction. Ty, you’ll come with me and hold the entrance of the ship. We need to get to the ship first, and we need to provide cover for them. We have approximately 3 minutes to complete. Are you ready?”

Jax nodded, Tylos saluted the engineer with a mocking grin.

“On my signal……” Nairobi let out a loud bark and the three rushed into action. Nairobi had run and slid under the belly of the space craft, while Tylos ducked around the side. Jax lept and sprang straight up, 15ft into the air. Bullets fired at her ricocheted off as she crossed her huge metal hands in front of her to block them. A blast of fire shot from the bottom of the mecha’s shoes as she hovered in the air. The plan was to distract the guards long enough for Nairobi to start the engine. Hopefully, the other crew were friends and not foes. Nairobi wasn't sure she could fight off the federation and a crew of bandits.

Forming a gun with her left index finger and thumb, Jax winked playfully before shooting at a group of guards. A smoke bomb released from the robotic appendage and crashed to the ground near them, covering the second level of the hangar in a heavy cloud.

"This thing is so AWESOME!" Jax squealed, pumping her fist. "Hell yeah!!"

She scanned the hangar below, diving and circling around to look for the other crew through the heavy clouds of smoke. Jax knew if she got to them before Nairobi they might have a better chance of teaming up. Nairobi could be a little...stubborn. Hesitant of making new friends. Living the life of an orphan had taught Jax how to judge someone's character quickly and accurately. She knew if she could find them they'd get out of this smoothly.

A shot rang out, Jax could hear the loud thud of a drone crashing to the ground. There they were!

Nairobi had quickly unlocked a panel under the ship, revealing a hi-tech palm scanner and keypad. The palm scanner didn't just scan for fingerprints, those were too easy to replicate. With the help of the Federation research team, Nairobi created a scanner that was picking up DNA rather than scanning for prints. This made weapons, ships, and other sensitive Federation equipment almost impossible to steal. Of course they had put one of these locks on Nai and Jax' cell, and of course Nairobi had overridden the board inside. The young engineer had been biding her time for so long, nothing got past her.

With the press of two more buttons, the door panel began to slide open with a low metallic rumble. Tylos crouched below and to the right of the door, blasting two guards who dared run forward. A spray of bullets followed, forcing Tylos a little farther under the belly of the ship.

"We have to go!" He called "Quickly!!"
The clang of the cell door closing and auto-locking echoed through the hangar. Nairobi pushed her back against the concrete wall and let her body collapse, sliding down to a seated position. She let out a long sigh, rubbing her eyes with her paws as she did.

“Just another day in paradise,” her cellmate, Jax, grinned as she sprawled out on the thin mattress of the bottom bunk of their bed.

A halfhearted smile cracked the wolf girl’s lips. She knew Jax was just trying to lighten the mood, but it was hard for her to relate to her human companion at times. Jax had been in captivity for just a year, for Nairobi it had been most of her young life.

She looked up to the cell’s lone window. Faint stars twinkled in the distance. The sun had gone down hours ago, while she and Jax had been working on some final touches on the Federation’s newest ship. Nairobi was honestly very proud of the work she had put into the ship, she had worked hard to implement some new technologies to make this ship faster, stronger, better than any ship the Federation has currently in their arsenal. She had also memorized most of the blueprint for the ship. Nairobi knew every entrance, every gps tracker, every button and knob and it’s importance. She made sure of it. 14 years of captivity had weighed on her and taught her to remember every bit of information she could. When the time was right, she was ready to strike.

Jax sneezed, startling and breaking the young engineer’s concentration.

“Jumpy tonight, eh Puppy?” A voice came from outside the cell.

Jax sat up, meeting the gaze of a young, pink haired soldier. It was Tylos, one of the private contract soldiers who had been hired as extra help while the ship inched closer to completion.

“Leave her alone, Ty.” Jax yawned, seeing Nairobi turn away from the guard. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

“Something better than guard you two lovely ladies?” He grinned, one hand on the bars the other holding a Federation rifle at his hip. “Never.”

Jax felt the blood rush to her cheeks, embarrassed but deep down, flattered. Tylos was always hanging back from the other guards, either flirting with the female mechanics or trying to start some kind of trouble. She often wondered why he always came back to herself. She opened her mouth to boast a snarky reply, but was interrupted by a booming voice that came over the loud speakers.

“All Federation personnel report to your stations! Report to your superiors for further orders!”

“Guess you better scram.” Nairobi growled, not turning to face the guard.

Ty smirked, winking at Jax. “Aww, I’ll be back soon, Puppy. Try not to miss me too much.” He called behind him as he left.

Jax turned to her cellmate, “He’s not that bad, Nai.”

“There’s something off about him,” Nairobi huffed, pulling her legs in and resting her chin on her knees, “Anyone who works for the Federation can’t be trusted.”

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, both savoring the peace while it lasted. Nairobi let her eyes close, just for a moment.


Boots clicking echoed down the hall as Tylos approached the private contractor lounge, a conference room that had been temporarily set up with an espresso drink machine, soda fountain, snacks, weapons, riot gear. The slender young man put his hands behind his head as he entered the room, stretching and taking a deep breath, breathing out contently.

‘What a fuckin’ life...’ He thought, grinning as stopped at the espresso machine. Grabbing a cup and placing it under the machine, he pressed a button and the machine whirred. He turned to lean his back against the counter as the cup filled with hot coffee. Guards filed into the room, taking a seat at the long conference table, or standing around talking amongst themselves.

“What the fuck‘re you so happy about?” A large gruff man with a bushy beard and arms covered in tattoos eyed Ty’s devilish grin.

Ty grabbed the cup of coffee as the machine turned off and lifted it to his lips, blowing across to cool it off.

“Oh, nothing. Just admiring some of our lovely young prisoners-“

“They’re workforce,” Another guard hissed, “Not prisoners!”

Tylos shrugged, taking a seat next to him. He didn’t get a chance to respond before their captain entered the room, walking briskly to the head of the table and them slamming his fists on the hard wood. Every head turned to face the man as he spoke.

“There has been a situation. Federation officers are in pursuit of criminals. May be armed,” He held up a remote in his right hand, clicking the button brought up surveillance footage the drones had taken of the group.

“We’ve been asked to wait for potential distribution to aid assistance. All guards hold position until further orders are given. I’ll read your location assignments...”

Tylos had to frown to hide his widening grin. He had infiltrated this group of guards over two months ago. The work was easy, the ladies loved a man in uniform and sometimes you get to be there when the trouble starts so you can cause more.

“Fleet, Tylos - Back to classified workforce personnel. Report over walkie every 15 minutes.”

“Aye aye, sir!”


A faint alarm grew louder and louder, startling Nairobi awake. She scrambled to the top bunk, waking Jax in the process. Out the window, she could see drones passing by, lighting up darkened windows and alleyways. ‘What could be happening...’ she wondered.

“What’s happening?” Jax joined her on the top bunk.

Before she could answer, something caught Nairobi’s eye. Over by the Energy Cell building, what was it? She pointed that direction and Jax’s gaze followed. Jax narrowed her eyes, moving closer to the window.

The girls watched the shadows as the seemed to move closer. Nairobi felt her fur bristle all the way down her spine. The shadows moved closer, revealing four figures. No, three? They continue moving closer. Two armed guards rounded the corner on patrol, she watched one figure take out both. Nairobi felt her heart stop as she realized what was happening.

“It’s time!” She scrambled out of bed, leaping to the ground and landing on all fours.

“Time for what?!” Jax hollered, looking back at the wolf before watching the figures slip out of view. “What’s happening?!”

Nairobi pulled out a bobby-pin she’d hidden in her hair and quickly bent it, unlocking the door in a matter of seconds. “Jax they’re going to steal the ship! They need us! We can get out of here!!”

The two ran out of the cell and down the hall towards the hangar where the new ship was housed. They quickly brushed past a few closed doors, trying not to worry if a guard was hiding. There wasn’t much time and Nairobi couldn’t bear to get left behind. A faint squeaking noise grew louder as the approached the end of the hall. Nairobi grabbed Jax’s hand, running as fast as her furry little legs could vary her. They were going to have to just run past whoever was there. The two girls rounded the corner only to find Tylos pushing a Federation Beta Mecha suit on its personal hanger.

The girls stopped in their tracks, fumbling over their feet.

“Ty!?” Jax exclaimed, out of breath, “Wha-?”

The guard impersonator took out his keys, unlocking the padlock that kept the suit locked in place. He dropped the keys and put his hands in the air, surrendering playfully. Ty met Nairobi’s gaze, who nodded understanding. She ran to the mech suit, unlocking a hidden panel and pressing the buttons inside in a sequence. The suit lit up.

“Jax, get in!” Nairobi commanded.

Jax didn’t need any further instruction. She climbed up and into the suit, sliding her hands into place and flexing her fists. The suit responded to her movements effortlessly, flexing its fists as well.

Tylos lowered his arms, removing one of the energy rifles slung across his chest and handing it to Nairobi.

“You know how to use that thing?”

The wolf girl ran her paw across the rifle, checking the ammo and safety before hanging it across her back.

“I helped design this thing.” she scoffed.

“Alright then,” Tylos removed his badge and flung it down the hall. “Let’s fuck shit up!”

“Yeah” Jax pumped her fist to the sky and the three took off toward the hangar. As they approached, Jax punched the air in front of her releasing two small bursts of fire. They crashed into the huge hangar doors and blew it open, leaving a cloud of smoke as the three entered and ran towards the ship.

"Let me try it!"

  • Name: Jacquelyn “Jax” Dakar
  • Age: 20
  • Planet of Origin: Terra 4
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Social Class: Poor (beggar)
  • Species: Homo Sapien
  • Occupation: Thief, Ex-Fedration Mechanic
  • Talent: Lockpicking, Mechanic, Pilot

Jax grew up an orphan, fending for herself at a young age and running with a group of other child scavengers. She learned how to pick locks and break into and steal cars by the age of 7, and by the time she hit her teens she was pulling off bigger heists and grand theft auto with a small team.

A year ago, in an attempt to rob a locked warehouse, Jax accidentally tripped a silent alarm system and her squad was quickly captured. They were split among the Federation workforce, most to the mines, but since Jax had broken into a piece of their equipment, they sent her directly to the classified hangar.

When she met Nairobi, Jax was in awe of what she could do. Not only could she fix something, she had the most beautiful solution to the probleM. She knew she had finally met someone who could help her break out, and maybe even help her steal a lot of money when they did.

"Lets fuck shit up!"

  • Name: Tylos “Ty” Fleet
  • Age: 27
  • Planet of Origin: Terra 4
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Social Class: Poor (beggar)
  • Species: Homo Sapien
  • Occupation: Performer, Thief
  • Talent: Charismatic, Athletic, Flexible ;)

Ty has always loved to cause trouble. He grew up in an unremarkable family, with an older brother who was an overachiever. Ty acted out accordingly, choosing to drop out of school and bluff his way into a job. He bounced from one thing to the next, seeking adventure more than stability.

He has infiltrated a group of private contractor guards, in order to “fuck shit up” in the Federation. He just wants to buy some time and flirt with some ladies, before striking.

"Wait! I have an idea!"

  • Name: Nairobi Solari
  • Age: 24
  • Planet of Origin: Terra 4 "Federation Innovation Station"
  • Sexuality: Lesbian
  • Social Class: Poor (beggar)
  • Species: Anthro Canid
  • Occupation: Ex-Federation Mechanic
  • Talent: Engineering, Mechanic

Nairobi lived most of her life as a slave to the Federation. Just as her father and two brothers before her, Nairobi was funneled through a system that sent young non-human beings from a basic education to the Federation workforce.

The Federation provided housing (“optional” but most had no choice, a room shared with 15 other workers), food (one meal a day), clothing (a jumpsuit, the Federation logo embroidered on the right chest) and a small paycheck for personal use.

This was in exchange for working various manual labor tasks. Some, such as her own father, worked in the mines collecting precious ores and material. Others, like Nairobi and her siblings, worked as mechanics helping build and fix Federation ships. Nairobi found a love for fixing the intricate machines, taking the extra time to understand how and why they worked so she could work faster, and smarter, alleviating some of the work for her less competent comrades.

The Federation recognized her skill early on, but instead of fostering the young woman’s ability they instead pushed her to her limits. She was separated from the group, and her siblings, and was sent to a different compound to work on classified Federation machinery (Ships, weapons, all of the above).

Here, she lived in a small cell shared with one other person, Jax. They quickly bonded, and vowed to work together to bust out and run far away from the Federation.
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