Avatar of G3njii
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  • Posts: 798 (0.21 / day)
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    1. G3njii 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Well I'm finally home..
2 yrs ago
I really dislike dealing with hospitals and doctor stuff... Sorry y'all, dont worry I haven't forgotten.
2 yrs ago
I'm both sick and have a mysterious injury in my foot. I'm not having a good time.
2 yrs ago
*Internally Screaming*
4 yrs ago
I have such fond memories of this place. I want so badly to get back into it, but where do I even start?..


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Aiden Merrick

Name: Aiden Merrick
Age: 17
Crest: Integrity
Personality: Patient. Imaginative. Yearns to connect with people on a true level, to be honest about himself. Strong sense of justice and a bit vindictive in relation to it. Warm and brotherly, tries to be gentle the way he needed as a kid.
Backstory: 10 years ago when Aiden was only 7 years old, he was part of a group of kids who found themselves lost in the digital world. This was when he received his digi-egg unlike the other chosen. Though his digi-egg did not hatch for many years, not until Aiden needed his digimon most.

See when Aiden returned to our world, his world was turned upside down. The kids disappearance had made the news, parents and teachers alike were accosted by the public, and when Aiden came home his parents defelcted their anger and blame onto him. It wasnt long before his parents split up and Aiden was bouncing from house to house, and of course his siblings blamed him for breaking the family up. His two brothers would regularly beat him when his parents weren't around and Aiden was made out to be a clumsy kid with all his bruises.
It was during this time, the egg he had been safe-guarding hatched, and he finally met Nyokimon. Nyokimon managed to keep Aiden's spirits high despite all he was going through.

Even when he wasn't at home though it was hard to escape the reminders of his life. His story had initally made the news and so to his peers he was this weird celebrity. Often they'd ask questions and Aiden learned to be patient, as he knew he couldn't tell the whole story. This helped him develop a knack for making up stories on the spot, but he also learned how much he wished he could be honest, to share it all. Because while he got a lot of attention from other kids, he felt alone, he felt unconnected to his peers, like Nyokimon was the only one he had.

Aiden spent many years learning about computers and networking, in an attempt to make it back to the digital world. A place that represented the change in his life, the place that gave him Nyokimon, a place full of adventure away from everything in the real world. On that night two years ago when the digital world crossed back into ours, Aiden finally found a way to cross over, and that was the last time anyone had seen him.

Poe the Pomumon

Name: Po
Personality: Bouncy and energetic. Likes attention. Enjoys manipulating others with its cuteness and 'innocence'. Plays stupid but is quite pragmatic.
Evolution Line
In-Training: Nyokimon
- Seed Cracker
Rookie: Pomumon
- Rapid Seed
- Fruit Rush

Introduction and Setting

The Digital World
A huge realm that exists separate to the one in which humans live. In this huge, multifaceted world all things, all life, all existence is reduced to the form of data. Because of its nature, the existence of this world remains to be a mystery.

There are numerous variety of Digital Worlds, each rich and uniquely populated with life, serving as parallel worlds beside each other. These worlds are often organized into separate servers and domains, which abide by their own rules and histories, their own rulers and protectors.

When the Humans created the beginnings of the digital network, the natural borders between the worlds began to reorganize. As Humans proceeded to further the integration of digital technology with their lives and their world, the digital world became more deeply and stably connected to our world. Opening the door for monsters, people and phenomena to cross between the worlds.

Two years ago a notable crossing between the worlds occurred. When a new higher speed form of internet went active for the public the worlds crossed over in a way different than they had before. Though all that seemed to come of the crossing had been wild weather and the seven digimon eggs that were left behind in the care of seven children.

A unique server of the digital world known as the World of Medieval Magic. What makes Witchelny unique more so than its medieval setting is that here they developed the power of sorcery. Sorcery being a high level programming language that allows the users to manipulate data into 'magic'. In this world of castles and wizards there is a mountain at the center known as Brocken mountain. It is the home to the great school of sorcery founded by the four great clans of Witchelny.

In their history they were once defenseless to intruders and danger. It wasn't until their greatest hero, MedievalDukemon rose up and banished the invaders and began to police the realms borders. It was his teachings which led to the long term safeguarding of the realm and the prosperity of it's people. Looking back on their history and the vulnerability they suffered they chose to take it upon themselves to oversee and protect as many young servers as they could.

A realm which was recently rebooted after a great war had left the world in ruins. Those ruins now overgrown with nature and eroded by the elements. The world moves on around them on sturdy fertile foundation thanks to the reboot.

This world while young, is still wild and dangerous. Much of the world is undeveloped and filled with monsters simply fighting for survival. Small pockets of community have begun to spring up through the world with few growing hubs for trade and travel. To make this life tougher the world as begun to experience instability in its data. Holes in the environment. Unpredictable weather. Digimon rampaging. The breakdown of natural laws.

Important Information

Multiple evolution possibilities. Expect me to add suggestions for extra forms alongside your primary line.
Human characters will be given means to participate in more ways than just coaching.
I will push diversity for chosen digimon. This also means that if there is a conflicting choice I will work to find you something you like and are happy with.
Reminder that this is supposed to be fun. We are here to write, relax, and nerd out. Respect that and each other.
I find the best digimon stories deal with heavy themes. Expect them. Real world heavy stories. Real monsters that impose real danger.
Message me your work and questions so we can keep some surprises for the adventure. :)

Servers - Worlds - Witchelny, Adventure03, Hearthwell
Folders - Continents - Galicia
Files - Islands - Avalon


An invention with a twofold purpose, made for the children intended to be partnered with digimon. It is made to give these children an interface with which to interact with the data of the digital world and to link them to their digimon.

Digimentals(Armor Digi-Eggs)
Manifestations of the raw elements of the world in digi-eggs like form. Digimentals are said to both protect the user and foster the growth of new power.

A series of high level programming languages that allows the users to interact with and manipulate data into the use of 'magic'.

Talismans of old, powered by a lost language of sorcery. Capable of unlocking incredible but fleeting powers. Represented by virtues and ideals.

Faith - Trent Abott and Arthur
Wisdom - Katsuo Baker and Captain
Integrity - Aiden Merrick and Poe
Bonds - Tadashi Ryu and Yuki
Dedication - Claimed
Honor - Toby Ryder and Faraday
Empathy - Leo Silverstone and Daisy

Character Sheet

Send all applications to me directly in a PM.
See list above for available crests.


Personality: Your crest doesn't have to entirely determine your characters personality. Real people are more complicated than that.
Backstory: At some point 2 years ago, you were pulled aside into an empty plane. Here an entity with no body spoke to you. Addressing you by name they charge you with the protection of an egg. Stating that if you protect and care for the egg that someday it will return the favor in kind. Suddenly back in reality you find yourself in possession of a small melon-sized egg.


Evolution Line

Is there still room here for more players?

Just gotta see who puts in an application. If youre curious stick around
How would y'all feel about knowing your Digimon for a few years prior to the rp.
Like an egg was found in your home and you being a good person allowed it to hatch and bonded with the Digimon

This way it's a little less suspension of belief for the strong bond being there. As well as being able to have established behaviors relations and etc with the Digimon to begin with.

Or would y'all prefer to meet your Digimon for the first time in the rp itself and write through and that development. Let me know.
@G3njii Last question. Are we going by Tamers logic where the characters know about Digimon beforehand or will this be the classic variation and everyone goes in blind?

More like digidestined. Recently read V-tamer so the term has been on my mind.

@G3njii that actually brings up a question I had. How do you expect the characters to acquire their Digivices? Are they going to all be acquired at the same time like in Adventure? Or will a personal item of theirs be transformed into the Digivice like in Frontier? Personally I think the second option could be fun because it could tie the Digimon to something personal about their respective humans.

The digivice will be a gift of sorts but youve given me an interesting idea. I might play around with how we recieve the digivice, but it wont be until we're in the digital world.

And for everyone keep in mind this is not the full picture here. I just too snips of what I have ready for the main post. You do have most relevant information though
Alright because I know yall are excited as me. Here are some tidbits to get you started. Not quite ready to post the whole OOC just yet but heres alot of it. Story stuff is going to shift and develop yet and Im debating how much to reveal right away.

From here on out I encourage you to message me your character stuff to save some surprises for the future.

Introduction and Setting

The Digital World
A world which has existed in parallel to our own for a long time. Whose monsters comings and goings inspired the tales of the worlds many myths and fantastic creatures.

The digital world is an energy based plane, one that exist parallel to our own. The main make up of this world is an energy most reminiscent of what we know of as computer data nowadays. This energy field would sometimes cross into our own world causing gates to open and strange phenomena to occur.

Upon the advent of the digital network in the human world, the walls between the two worlds began to breakdown. This allowed for a deeper more intimate communication between the two words, more corporeal and longer lasting crossovers.

A unique server of the digital world known as the World of Medieval Magic. What makes Witchelny unique moreso than its medieval setting is that here they developed the power of sorcery. Sorcery being a high level programming language that allows the users to manipulate data into 'magic'. In this world of castles and wizards there is a mountain at the center known as Brocken mountain. It is the home to the great school of sorcery founded by the four great clans of Witchelny.

In their history they were once defenseless to intruders and danger. It wasnt until their greatest hero, MedievalDukemon rose up and banished the invaders and began to police the realms borders. He was the one who shared the first secrets of sorcery with the people. Years later, after great development of the art they took it upon themselves to defend other young realms until they could defend themselves.

A freshly reset, rule of the jungle style server. Where living is harsh and evolution rules the bunch. Development is slow, but it does indeed exist, albeit in isolated pockets. Ruins dot the land, remnants of the previous iteration of the server. History and secrets buried under every rock.

Recently pockets of the realm have begun to fall into disarray. Weather going haywire, landscapes morphing, data becoming unstable and outright disappearing, digimon rampaging.

Important Information

Multiple evolution possibilities. Expect me to add suggestions for extra forms alongside your primary line.
Human characters will be given means to participate in more ways than cheerleading.
I will push diversity for chosen digimon. This also means if there is a conflicting choice I will work to find you something you like and are happy with.
Reminder that this is supposed to be fun. We are here to write, relax, and nerd out. Respect that and each other.
I find the best digimon stories deal with heavy themes. Expect them. Real world heavy stories. Real monsters that impose real danger.

Talismans of old, powered by a lost language of sorcery. Capable of unlocking incredible but fleeting powers. Represented by virtues and ideals.


Its um taking on a life of its own.
So… I just discovered GrapLeomon exists and it has quickly risen to one of my new favs. I’m torn on who I want as my partner now…

Have you ever seen HeavyLeomon?
Im having a lot of fun working on this so expect it sooner than two weeks lol
@G3njiiI'm good with the hybrid version. Out of curiosity, would we be limited to the crests used in the show or are other non-canon crests allowed? (I.e. the two crests in the movie that made GoldVeemon and GoldRapidmon)

I'm actually going to have a list of new crests so y'all can't easily predict what powers correlate lol
So for the many people that have presented interest, I want to say I see you all and am doing work in my free time to build the ideas up. Dont expect it in the next couple days, more like a week or two. I just dont want yall to be waiting the entire time. I will also tag every party that was interested when I post the next part of the project.

On that note a few questions for people.

Which would you prefer?
To make all choices like digimon line, evolutions, crests, capabilities, etc. yourself before the roleplay begins? Like a semi-planned adventure.
To discovers these things and what they mean as they happen in the story? Like a blind adventure of sorts. Where I will choose partners, crests, etc. for your story, with obvious influence from yourselves. I dont want to ruin someones experience with a choice they absolutely dont approve of.
A hybrid version of these. Where you are presented minimal information to begin with and make decisions with like crest partner and such, and what some of these decisions impact later in the story and what you can do. For example, say a crest comes with a weapon. You choose the crest of courage, but dont find out until you get the crest in rp that the crest's weapon is a javelin.

Keep in mind we have enough people to do two whole roleplays lol
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