Avatar of G3njii
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 798 (0.20 / day)
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    1. G3njii 11 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Well I'm finally home..
3 yrs ago
I really dislike dealing with hospitals and doctor stuff... Sorry y'all, dont worry I haven't forgotten.
3 yrs ago
I'm both sick and have a mysterious injury in my foot. I'm not having a good time.
3 yrs ago
*Internally Screaming*
5 yrs ago
I have such fond memories of this place. I want so badly to get back into it, but where do I even start?..


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Just waiting for @Vertigo now. Ill get started on my characters post that'll keep the story moving forward, and I'll post it after Vertigo gets theirs up.

No worries not trying to rush you either

If yall need help let me know. Shoot me a message or otherwise :)
Write about your reaction to being spirited away. Meet the other kids on the beach. Investigate. My character will come up after a round of posts and keep it moving I just want everyone to meet each other and establish themselves in the setting.

Does that help or I can add an additional prompt to the end of the post?
If yall have any questions or need help/direction let me know
@TheNoCoKid@Vertigo@metanoia@Crimson Flame@RBYDark@Double

The IC is up. Enjoy your tropical vacation!
Of Data and Code - A Digimon Adventure

Chapter 1: If a Tree Falls...

Shining symbols of white-yellow DigiCode floated all over a stone brick room that looked like a mages workshop. The DigiCode thrummed with power, such that seemed to want to lash out from its shaped and contained form. Branching off of each of them were tendrils of pure energy which tied each symbol to another, creating a complex canvas of gleaming magic. As the canvas wove together it became a sphere tethered to six powerful digimon. These digimon were Piximon, Gravimon, Sanzomon, Taomon, Mercuremon, and Baalmon. They all sat in a circle casting the spell above them, each of them famous scholar magicians whom had pledged themselves to this work. For a moment the brightness of the energy waned, and then suddenly a bolt of black and red destructive power tore off from the main construct tearing at the walls of the chamber.

Wisemon shouted to the wizardmon at his side, "They are interfering with the spell. I need you-" he was interrupted by another bolt of energy booming across the room. Wisemon narrowly avoided it and pulled wizardmon out of the way as well. After they regained their feet he put his hand on Wizardmon's shoulder, "I need you to to take this journal far from here to the school of sorcery," Wisemon shoved the journal into Wizardmon's hands. "This contains all my work on the relation between the people of the two worlds. I will stay and do my best to stabilize the spell and ensure we finish the task at hand. The sacrifices we made to pull this off, we can't let them go to waste, and if we don't stop him its our server next."

Wizardmon glanced beyond Wisemon to look at the circle of powerful digimon involved in the casting of sorcery. Each one slowly reverting to younger and younger forms. Giving up their very energy and data to form the programming of the spell. A great sacrifice of the scholars that worked here in the tower. Digimon Wizardmon looked up to for years. "Wizardmon you must go, as fast as you can. Take my research and protect it. Get the school to follow through on my designs. I truly believe those children are our last chance." Wisemon turned back to the net of code above him and began to pour his own energy and data into it.

Wizardmon gave one last glance back and took off down the stairs of the tower. He could hear the energy of the spell tear at the walls of the building as he ran further and further down. He ran and he ran, out the door of the tower and he followed the road. He knew the direction to the school. Its where he was born, but more important to him it's where he met Wisemon. Wisemon had brought him and other students back to his tower to pursue his research. They all knew what they were signing up for, most seeing it as an important job but to Wizardmon it was his home. He was raised here among the other students and scholars. They remained though to finish their task, one that would leave them reduced to digi-eggs. While in the original plan Wisemon and Wizardmon would look after their slumbering friends, but plans change and now his task was to leave them behind and deliver the research that would give the children the tools to fight.

An unseen digimon could be heard snickering to himself, "Did they really think I wouldn't notice? Me of all digimon?! Using children was practically my idea in the first place." The digimon in the shadows suddenly stopped his laughing, "But if they really think these children will save them, they're horribly wrong." Then picking up with a lighthearted lilt in his voice he asked, "I think I'd know better than them, right?"

"Um, yes sir?" Shakily said a Kokabuterimon .

"Rhetorical question little one... And why are you so nervous? It's a buzz kill. This is supposed to be fun. So relax, sit back and enjoy the show. I already enacted plans for a welcoming party and it's being handled by exactly who you think. I'm not gonna lie Kokabuterimon, I'm pretty excited to watch it all unfold."

Two years ago a lifeline was cast into our material world. That lifeline was in the form of six digi-eggs left in the care of six chosen children. Children whom would look after them, raise them, and bond with them. Each digimon had been tagged with a rune for them to be located in the future and now these runes served as anchors for the spell Wisemon's troupe had cast. A spell that would bring these future heroes to the digital world to start their adventure.

Six portals pierced through the barrier between our worlds, bordered by shimmering symbols of rotating DigiCode that sustained their existence. Around the children their worlds seemed to stop all accept for them and their digimon. Their digimon, through the link to the spell, were compelled to seek out these portals, bringing their partners along in tow. As they and their partners approached the portals the portals themselves sprung at the duos, giving them no choice whether to enter or not. No chance to heed the risks or question what and why.

The children awoke on a beach, the smell of salt strong in the air and the sun beating down from above high in the center of the sky. The weather was warm and humid but the sea breeze was cool and soothing. The sand was an unfamiliar pinkish color and the sea a deep blue of the ocean.Bordering the beach was a forest with tropical trees and vines of all sorts of reds and blues in accompaniment to the normal green one would expect. Footprints of recently present creatures dotted the beach, with baskets half filled with supplies like sticks, reeds and fruit left beside them. Though one would expect the noise of critters in the woods, or birds in the sky, it was instead distinctly quiet in the area. Leaving only the six children and their digimon together on the beach, left alone with their piling questions.
Ill have it up by the end of the day. Busy week and I got caught up in trying to make it good. Not much more I can do to it.

Ill get back to working on it after work today
Sooo what's the status on everyone else's stuff? Hoping this didn't die before it started.

Admiral was waiting for me to respond to them and as of several days ago ive been waiting for them. So its on us. If I dont get a reply we can just move on without them.

I havent been in this thread because the digimon bug bit me in the butt and I ended up fixating on that. But i sent that message when I realized how long it had been. Ill give them another day or so and contact the rest of the current members and we'll start.

So I am officially beginning work on the first IC post and the start to our adventure.
'Tis the season of returners! Welcome!
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