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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain:There is plenty of blood on your hands, as well. You are not innocent nor devoid of judgement.

Is this a blind accusation, or do you know something about me, hm? I’ve been known to kill people like you. Abusers of power over those who can’t say no.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain:Even you cannot halt the wave of progression, of evolution. Those that choose to stay under old masters fail to evolve.

Frivolous. Pandering. Very flowery language. Looks great with all that blood on your hands, really. It’s also touching that you care about other people evolving. Really shows you care.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain:Ah, a name our master is familiar with. What terrible timing you have, friend.

*Stands up, flipping my spear out of the dirt, sliding it across my back into my dominant hand, and point it at you in a relaxed stance*

However, I dont think you're here to make friends.

I make friends with any decent people, I’ll have you know.
*Glances at the building ruins you stand upon and shakes my head*
The people who used to live here, for example. If only I were a little earlier.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain: I did not even feel your presence. You're an interesting one. Care to share your name?

A masked presence is beneficial.
*Looks at you sideways*
Call me Sven.
Amist the ruins of a dead planet, Cain and Abel stand in the rubble of a former state building, admiring the land before them*

Cain: ... such destruction... the fall of am empire. To think that they did this, themselves.

Abel: Indeed, brother. If only they had listened. But not all will see paradise. Not all can, no matter how hard we try.

*Sitting atop a tower of rubble*
Paradise is only a luxury the dead are afforded, unfortunately.
*Inhales, then exhales calmly*
But not for the kind of people you are.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

You're going to be thrilled. For what it's worth, we won't plan to keep you, unlike a few of your other friends. You may or may not see them there, depending on factors.
*Pats you on the back*
Good work against that Nemid fella. Glad it worked out that you didn't need your whole team to get the job done, yeah?

*Clenches my fist and glares at you with deadly intent, then glances over at the third man and restrains myself*
So help me...
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Is standing somewhat of a distance away, watching the conversation*

*Tenses up for a moment, quickly masking a sudden expression of fear*
Tch... I had no idea he was still kicking.
*Chuckles mildly, laughing it off*
I didn't realize we were playing like that. Fine, you win. Let's take a tour.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Yes, boy. All this time, our people have lived. Regrown, in secret. And now, we're ready. And upon looking outward, finding you, we noticed your accomplishments and decided to come to you directly. We want to show you our new world and how far we've come, to see if you'd like to return. Your skill will make a valuable asset to the cause.

Peh. If that's what you wanted, you shouldn't have been the one to come. Send someone else, then I'll be glad to have a look at the progress.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

It's not a yes or no proposal, Mr. Waternaux. It's the sort where you listen to the terms, and follow accordingly. Because you're right, I am a shadow of a former government. But a "lone remnant" you say? No, far from it, old friend.
*A fleet of enormous ships fill the sky, blinking into reality from nowhere*

*Stops leaning on the boulder and stands straight up, glancing up then looking at you for the first time*
You're not saying-
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