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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Emerges from the darkness and plants my fist into your face*

*My aura returns soul burns on contact as I take the blow without even a hint of recoil, leaning back and slamming my foot into your gut with such force that the concussive boom is ear shattering*
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Your kind is fixated on power. It will be your undoing.

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

*Pushes back against the punch with my head for several seconds, the energy fighting for dominance—moments later, dark fire flares up around us*

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

*Raises my hand and drains all light from the planet*

*My person and the few inches within my small aura remain illuminated*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Fine. Just wait for conflict with me until we're done with Third first, please? Things are confusing enough as is.

There is a reason I haven’t attacked you through now. Don’t worry.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

It's a name to unite under one banner. no more, no less. My true name is Aeron.

Some banner. But it’s like I said, no convincing in any way is going to get done today.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

No one likes rule. Governments have been hated since the dawn of time. I am fine with being hated so long as existence is safe.

Even if you don’t call it as such, what are you in your hierarchy but an autocrat? Hatred of governments is even ironic, given the root of your chosen namesake in monarchies.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I would devour you. You would fight back, and put up a good fight, but you would fall the same. All I want is to rid existence of it's plagues, yet you all fight me. I don't understand the confrontation.

The lack of understanding is part of the issue. Everyone else understands just fine.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*grows a dark tone with you*

Insinuate that I hurt my daughter one more time, and you'll be next after I finish Third.

I don’t fear such a confrontation. In fact, let me solve two of Exstence’s problems in one day. That’ll feel rewarding on a whole new level.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I gave her purpose. alethia is happy with her family, and ever growing stronger and evolving. Im incredibly proud of her. How dare you insult my daughter.

My pride and joy and my magnum opus, you mean? You had no idea what you did when you split her. Poor Alethia has been having identity issues she’s internalized ever since her “birth”, I imagine. Kat definitely has.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

All it takes is one bad apple to rot the whole barrel.

Bad metaphor for someone who split my daughter with corruption and stole her.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

You're probably right, I'm just surprised Data didn't mention any features on this scale before. It was mostly used for HQ, fast-travel, and some monitoring stuff.

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Oi. Wrong crowd.

To be fair, it wasn’t very likely to come up. At all. Pointing again back to the unprecedented frequency of System-related crises as of late.

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

My goals are the same. I'd say they're ow more reinforced than ever. If monsters like him exist... imagine how the rest are. And I've fought techi before. And won. I know I can do it....Its just going to be the furthest thing from an easy win possible.

Yet it doesn’t speak volumes that multiple of their own are acting against him? It makes no difference. I know making a convincing argument is out of the question.
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