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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Valiance>

*While getting knocked back, blasts a golden ray into your internals, while cushioning Roland with golden light with at the expense of my own landing*

*Just before your recovery point, I knock you down further by plummeting feet-first into your abdomen*
<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

*Collides your slash with my open palm, which resists being pierced*

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I don't have time for this.
*Lifts my hand, summoning a trunk of holy light that highlights the CAD-VI with a golden aura—a volley of crimson red spears pursue the aura and home in on its location*

*A massive beam of energy severs the planet in, half resulting in a seemingly unending chain of huge, blinding explosions in unstable regions all across its surface*
<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

*Claps my hands together, clashing the light with the beams until they chase each other in a tornado of destruction that tears across the planet and demolishes anything it touches*

*Across the planet's landscape, loud booms can be heard as Roland and I clash, breaking the entirety of the ground into finer and finer rubble with each blow and causing the vortexes to kick up and scatter the rubble at insane velocities all over the place*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Dashes backward without any apparent movement of my wings, and casts a golden light around the planet, highlighting the position of any living being*

*Two clashing life forms, myself and Roland, are bouncing off each other, engaged in the distance*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Extends my hand to you, palm forward*
I'll gift you the opportunity to find out for yourself.
*The movement of light is distorted around my wrist as if being crumpled like paper, before culminating in a ray of golden light into your heart*

*The light blasts into my chest, without breaking skin but is sent sliding a short ways away from its impact. I lean to the side slightly, then suddenly explode from my current position, disappearing from view while a black, cyclonic inferno roars to life where you stand*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Why don't you ask them yourself?
*Bites off the inflamed arm, triggering a transformation with the essence of the dragon god*

*Grabs the arm and removes the claw from my palm, and it begins to regenerate while burning with a slow black ember*
What kind of afterlife were they denied?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Lacerations burst from my skin up and down my body, and I follow up by thrusting my claws into your neck*

*Throws a hand up and catches your arm, protecting my neck by allowing one claw to impale my palm. From my the wound, a black flame creeps up your arm and engulfs you, not burning physically, but instead burning at every soul inside you*
I wonder if they're still suffering.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Dives into the ground and uses it as a springboard to overcome the repulsion*

*An explosion rings out as I burst from my position, instantly appearing directly in front of you and unleashing another explosive auric burst, cutting at you countless times over from point-blank*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Veers into a sharp turn once I make it to your side of the wall and bullets toward you at full speed*

*Rolls my neck*
I wonder how many people will be spared with you behind bars.
*A white aura bursts explosively from my body, turning the solid rocky ground into loose debris the goes flying in all directions*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Takes off horizontally across the flames to get around them*

*Turns around while you detour to pick Ridge up by his shoulders, stand him up and dust him off*
Come on, big guy. The world doesn't need to lose you, they just need time.
*Opens a portal and shoves him through*
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