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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

<Snipped quote by Heroic>

You two know each other?

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

Shut the door behind you please.
*Silently awaits an answer to the question, though clearly wants to know as well*

… Of course we do. I know her teacher, who you know so well.
<Snipped quote by Audacious>

*nods as they leave*

*As the crowd clears out, I begin to stand out, sitting with my legs crossed in a seat not too far from the head of the table, glaring toward you two in the door with a completely neutral expression*
*Drops to my knees, panting as steam evaporates from my body*
Isaac’s in danger… I have to go…
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
Maybe if you were actually here, then Melody wouldnt have just died by my hands a few moments ago.

Hm? Oh, yeah. She's dead. Definitely dead. Dead and not anything else that isn't dead- Shouldn't someone like you be doing something more important?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the compressed amaranthine particles within my wrist that were sucked into the black hole set off a chain reaction of impossibly high density explosions, causign the black hole to implode upon itself, sending that shockwave of energy back out, and I redirect the full brunt of it in the direction of your face*

Annoying gnat.

*Your actions decompress the Brinkspace as it proceeds to fill the area around us, and the force of the shockwave approaches my face but never actually lands*
Says you. But here you are trying, while I'm enjoying an ice cold coke by the pool enjoying your struggle here.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*my arm detatches as it grows back and that arm explodes violently, dispersing crystalline Amaranthine thinner than spider's silk, which hardens and thrusts into your armor from all angles*

*The suit is impaled very successfully, but that doesn't stop it from standing, and the second armor currently not in battle breaks away once again to make a beeline for Dane*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*becomes static for just a moment to dodge the blades and places my hand on your back, flooding it with energy and igniting it via an exothermic reaction*

This is childs play.

* flashes over to your other suit, coating my hand in extremely high temperature heat energy as I attempt to punch a hole in the center*

Please actally try to keep me entertained.

*As the first suit is explosively launched through walls and structure until its out of sight, the second catches your punch by your wrist*
As if I'd ever have come here to do anything for you.
*From all points on my hand, Brinkspace compresses rapidly into the space your wrist occupies and replaces normal space therein, creating a black hole of sorts but shining with a purple glow around its horizon as it eats and annihilates your arm*
<Snipped quote by Server>

*the blue goops doesnt seem to interact with me, with the inch thick barrier between me and it keeping my body from being touched*

How stupid.

*cooks the room to a hot 3,000 degrees via energy transfer, essentially igniting a bomb in the room*

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*grunts as I get thrusted through the floor, and glares at you*
You like jokes, eh?

*grabs your face, a speck of condensed amaranthine in my palm, and forces it through your head via explosive heat energy transfer*

Lets make you look like one.

*The head of the armor explodes into violent metallic shrapnel as a result, but my voice still speaks from within the suit*
You offering to teach me? Can't think of a better teacher for it than you.
*The space surrounding my arms converts to Brinkspace and the arms morph into blades, which I use to impale your shoulders and pin you to the floor*

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

I—I have nothing to do with—

*My original suit encased in Aeron's bubble places its hands on the walls of its confinement and then phases out, looking at you before dashing off to where Aeron was heading for Dane*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*reaches my hand out, encasing you in an amaranthine cube*

Stay put.

*walks towards Melody*

<Snipped quote by Meta>

*encases you in a similar cube*

You also stay put. Ive got a mission to complete.

*closes my eyes, sensing for Dane's energy source, loacating him aproxximately 10 doors down on the right*

Hmmm.. found you.

*walks toward that direction.

Yes sir, because you said so definitely sir!
*Another, identical suit of armor blasts through the roof on top of you grappliing around you tightly in a tackle through the floor*
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