Chris took in the new faces first was a dark red head who's name was Seamus, followed by two more you looked fairly young one was a girl with brown hair and wearing a baseball cap and the other was a boy with black hair and green eyes. Next was a female with long blonde hair wearing a headband that stretches down to her waist. After her Chris saw a man who seemed to be older than himself walking on the ceiling smoking, and he also asked Chris two questions but he would rather wait to answer once everyone else was in front of him. Looking back at where everyone was coming from Chris saw a boy who seems like he has just came out of early twenty century Russia, and finally someone he was sure everyone knew well which was Lex Luthor Jr. Once everyone was finally in the same room and Chris felt confidante enough to finally speak he spoke up and said.
"Hello everyone I am your leader Fang or you can call me by my real name Chris. Also if you haven't already notice it seems we have been visited by Batman himself, but we will also be getting a friendly hello from Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash." Chris paused looking at all the faces and counting them in his head. "Is this all of you?" he asked.
Charlie was fast asleep on a train taking up three seats as his bed. His dream was pleasent you can tell by the expression on his face, but he kept having it change by something vibrating in his pocket. His eyes half opened and little movement in his arms reach in his pocket and pulled out his phone which had a alert on the screen. He tried to make out the words which read 'You over slept' his eyes shot open and he quickly sat up after finally understanding what it means. Looking around he saw that the train was just leaving his stop, and with quick speed he made his way to the back of the train and stepped out. Charlie didn't have time to take into account he was about to jump off a moving train, so he jumped off placing his board under his feet which eventually landed on a train track rail. He just need to keep balance till he slowed down enough for him to start running.