Avatar of Gardevoiran


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
6 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
7 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
7 yrs ago
How do wing.
7 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

- - Skylar Brighton - -


Watching the... rather determined Nincada attempt to blind Forge was a spectacle. One the larger beast was particularly not fond of, but at the same time... they didn't fight back against it. They just watched the Nincada keep doing one thing and one thing alone - Sand Attack. That's all it did, and Forge just watched in annoyance. Eventually, Skylar took notice and stepped over, crouching to watch the Nincada as it kept doing the one thing it knew - Sand Attack.

"Ca! Da! Ca! Da!"

Forge stared at Skylar, still sanded. The trainer chuckled. "Alright, alright. Jeebs, Stun Spore."

Bejeebs flapped his wings quickly and shed a bunch of scales and spores out onto the Nincada while Skylar pulled out one of his Great Balls. Once the Nincada was paralyzed, Skylar would chuck the ball and hopefully catch in a one-and-done maneuver. If he hit. The sand was starting to get into the trainer's eyes, despite the sunglasses.

Regardless on how that turned out, Skylar gave a high-five to Mac after the Flame Charge training was concluded. "Good job, Mac! We'll get the hang of that in no time flat, at this rate. Once we do some battling and get you more accustomed with Flame Charge, we'll give it a bit more of a shot."
"Busken!" Mac gave an affirmative fist-pump.

Seabreeze floated down and perched atop Paradise's head, watching Skylar as he considered the group's next options. Pretzl also sat idly by, waiting for directions, though it was clear he looked hungry again.

"Alright, team. We've got maybe three more things to do here before I think we could move onto the next town." Skylar unfolded his hand and put up fingers as he talked. "We have to beat Kristy, that's non-negotiable. We have to stop by the Freecape Ferrymen and see if we can get a ride back to Pureplain, I wanna talk to that pirate guy about another friend. Lastly, I wanna see if there's anymore places we could train around here before Kristy. I'm thinking the Stone Shore, any opposed?"

After a moment, Pretzl raised his... wing/hand.

"Food was already on the way to the last one."

Pretzl lowered his wing/hand.

"Awesome. Well, for now... Jeebs, Mac, and Pretzl, back into your Pokeballs." Skylar called his pals back, leaving Forge and Seabreeze slightly confused. Paradise simply turned and started to lead the way with Skylar in tow. "Forge hasn't been free like this in a long time, I imagine, so they can stay out for now. Seabreeze you live outside the Pokeball basically always, and Paradise right there with you. I only wanna put you two up if I absolutely have to."

The two nodded in understanding, and Skylar happily hummed. "First, a stop to the center for a pick-me-up and some grub, then to the Stone Shore!"

- - Skylar Brighton - -


"Alriiight, good work everybody." Skylar said, quickly returning everyone to their Pokeballs and making a quick run back to the Pokemon Center (which we can gloss over because he's coming right back to where he was anyway). With his team properly healed up, Skylar wanted to find some more wild Pokemon, maybe of the rarer variety. Even with that in the back of his mind, Skylar let his team out again and set his eyes particularly on two Pokemon - Seabreeze and Mac. Namely the latter.

"So, I had an idea for your new Flame Charge, Mac. I wondered if we could maybe see about aiming it skyward and allowing you to get some extra air from that. Sort of like a... a double jump! In video games!"
"You jump off the ground, then you jump in the air using Flame Charge's speed boost to get some air time." Skylar scratched his chin for a second. "We could call it a Fire Drive, maybe? Or a Flame Jump? I just thought it might help you contend against some other flying Pokemon in the future if you could close that distance." Skylar then looked over to Seabreeze. "Breeze, mind helping us out? Fly a little ways up, and we'll see if Mac can get some extra distance with a jump to give you a tap of sorts."
"Wingullwingullwingull! Wiwiwing!"
"Not a hit, just a tap. Just to see if he could make it." Skylar reassured his worrying buddy. "You two got that? With that under our belt, versus Kristy's ground types, we won't have anything to worry about. Now, let's give it a shot!"
"Combuskeeeen!" "Wingull!"

While Seabreeze flew upwards and Mac followed on the ground behind, trying to get a feel for Flame Charge, Skylar turned to the rest of his team. "We're gonna keep training just a little more for you guys. I wonder if there's any rarer Pokemon around here... and a Nincada wouldn't be a bad thing to try and catch, if we find one willing to come along. So keep an eye out! We'll try and get you guys ready for Kristy, too!"
... Paradise nodded.

- - Skylar Brighton - -


"Oh, sweet." Skylar tested out the cane for a few steps before nodding and giving it a twirl. "A perfect fit. Awesome. Thank you, Kristy!" After another few seconds, Skylar turned to look towards Sylvia, as if he heard her coming already. When prompted to receive a pair of glasses, Skylar took one and nodded once more. "Already a great fit. It's almost like nothing of mine broke in that scuffle!" He laughed it off. Great! That handled the replacing of his old equipment. Now, back to business. After a quick series of thank-yous and see-yous, Skylar and co. left to go training, picking up a pizza and some other food before Skylar stopped in thought.

"Alright, training, training. We've gotta be totally ready for the upcoming battle versus Kristy. Let's get some work done, yeah?" At first, Forge backed down a little at the thought of a fight. Skylar immediately raised his hands up to try and calm the new addition to the team. "No no, it's not like that. These are friendly competitions, not fights against impossible odds."


"I'm not gonna make you fight if you don't want to, but I would at least like you to watch so you could learn something, okay."

"... gro."

"Good, glad we can agree, then. Let's go to the edge of town, guys." Skylar let out his entire team once again as the group walked towards the side of Raremine. Hopefully there the group could do some training against wild Pokemon from both the nearby route and from within the town proper, get an idea of what was really around.
- - Skylar Brighton - -


A strange force kept Skylar from walking out, and he turned to watch the scene in front of him with his cloudy eyes. He offered a pat to Forge as the two gym leaders reconnected, but he would decline the offer for a battle anyway. "I'll get around to challenging Sylvia soon. I wanna make sure your badge is next in my case, Kristy." He pointed a finger towards her (or was it Dunstan, he kind of split the difference there). He considered for a moment asking for Kristy to just fight him in the middle of town, but... that wasn't an authentic challenge. He wanted to earn that badge.

As for help, Skylar nodded affirmatively. "Honestly? That'd be great. Though I need the cane more than the glasses." Forge looked over at the trainer with a curious glance before... barking? at Seabreeze.

"Why does the boy need a cane."
"Look at his eyes. He's mostly blind."
"That is peculiar."
"Ehh, he manages pretty well. It's why I'm always around, though."

"Once I get that cane, though, I'm comin' to take you on, Kristy!" Skylar pumped his fist before un-pumping it. "... once my team and I do a little trainin- oh! Right! I need to get someone!" Skylar darted over to the PC and started to fiddle with it, retrieving a friend and subsequently letting him out.

Skylar retrieved Jeebs from the PC.


"Welcome back, Jeebs." While the bug, the gull, and the dog-thing all got acquainted, Skylar turned back to Sylvia and Kristy. "Alrighty! So... where would we even get a cane here? Or a cane substitute?"
- - Skylar Brighton - -


"Thank you." Sylvia's help would go far, and the group made their way towards the Pokemon center. Around halfway there, Skylar was able to hold himself up and didn't need Mac to help as much, but the Combusken stayed close just in case. Once everyone was in the center, be they police officers, gym leaders, researchers, or weird blind kids. At the mention of Dunstan and the others being in Skylar's debt, Skylar brushed it off. "Ahhh, it's nothing. I'm sure you'd do the same if you were in my shoes." Regardless on whether that was actually true or not, Skylar didn't let it hang in the air for long. He was worried about his team and Null.

Eventually, his team would return, Seabreeze being the one let out of his Pokeball given the sheer amount of people in the center, and then Type: Null came back. Skylar rolled his eyes at the immediate request of Dunstan to have Null join him and fight the evil of the world, but then something the kid didn't expect happened. Type: Null walked up to him and started to rub it's head against him. Whoa! That wasn't expected.

"Hey, pal. Sorry we had all that trouble." Skylar apologized as the older people bickered back and forth about their best course of action, eventually the decision to let Null travel with Skylar being placed on the table. And naturally, the boy smirked.

"If Team Amethyst really has nothing better to do than hunt a blind kid down, then we're overestimating them. If Null's happy to come along, they're more than welcome to."

And with that, after pressing Skylar's only Premier Ball against Null's helmet, the Pokemon disappeared in a flash of light.

The ball shook once. It shook twice. It shook thrice...!

Skylar obtained Type: Null! Like, for real!

Letting out his new friend, Skylar looked the Pokemon up and down. "A new friend needs a new name. Something that isn't so... mechanical." Skylar placed a finger to his chin as he thought, finally pounding his hand onto the other. "Forge. How's that?"

"... groooo." The beast nodded affirmatively.

"Heheh, alright then. Forge it is." Skylar stood up, still a little shaky but petting Forge on the back as he stood. He listened to Dunstan momentarily, nodding after. those were weird discs, but he supposed it made sense they might serve a greater purpose later. He nodded to the group, and turned towards the door of the Pokemon center.

"Unless you guys need me for anything else, Forge and I are gonna go for a walk where they don't have to worry about cages or anything. That, plus I need a new cane and I owe a certain Archen a whole pizza."

If Skylar wasn't needed, he was back out to Raremine once more, new friend in tow, and some new ideas for training. He wondered if Mac's new move could be used for something interesting...
- - Skylar Brighton - -


Skylar's eyes widened behind his where his sunglasses would be, if they hadn't been knocked off by the sheer wind gust. Having seen the beastial Type: Null tank the hit without so much as flinching was... honestly, quite incredible. Just as the scene was infiltrated by Sylvia and several police officers, her Toxicroak sending the Excadrill into the nearby wall and the grunts being apprehended, but Skylar didn't even notice. All he was watching was Type: Null. Then as the Pokemon collapsed, so too did Skylar, falling to a knee and clenching his leg. "Ohh in the names of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres- WHY DID I RUN OVER HERE?!" He fell even further, clenching his ripped shirt and holding back tears as Seabreeze, Paradise and Pretzlcoatl came over to surround their trainer.

"Yow! That does not look good!"
"Skylar? Helmet?"
"Both, frankly! Why would he do that?!"
"He good kid! He good!"
"I guess, but... what a stupid idea!"
"Calm. He will be fine."
"Yeah! He need food. That always make Pretzlcoatl better."
"... ghhh...!"

Skylar, after a moment of noticing his Pokemon arguing for his well being, finally pulled out the Pokeballs for Pretzlcoatl and Paradise and put them up too. They were the worse off of the group, not counting Type: Null. He tucked himself into a sit and kept his hands down against his gut as he finally addressed Sylvia.

"... to be honest, I've been a little better." Seabreeze, still annoyed, picked up Skylar's sunglasses in his beak and pulled them over, the kid touching them before realizing one more thing. They were also broken. "But canes and sunglasses can be replaced. I-I need your help!" Skylar pulled himself up a little more, staggering as he climbed to his feet but still able to move. "W-we need to get Type: Null to a Pokemon Center!"

The boy slowly moved down and grabbed Null by the helmet, attempting poorly to lift the fallen Pokemon up before realizing that was definitely not going to work. About that time, Seabreeze tapped his beak on one of Skylar's Pokeballs, Mac coming back out and running over to put himself under Skylar.

"What'd I miss?! There aren't five Mankey around anymore, right?!"
"There never were. Help Skylar keep his balance, that fall and that Ancient Power hurt him kind of bad."
"Uh, why is Null down? Who are all these people? What's happening-"
"I'll explain later, just help Skylar!"

Mac was surprised by Seabreeze's bossiness, but nodded anyway. Skylar, meanwhile, kept looking at Sylvia.

"Help us, please? I'd ask Paradise to carry them, but she's not doing so good as is. I-I don't wanna stress her out more than I have to, a-and I don't think any of my Pokemon and myself could carry them in the states we're in..."
- - Skylar Brighton - -


"Ahh... crap...!" Skylar turned to try and rush to his feet but staggered momentarily. Nope, he wasn't getting up from that, and even if he did, this wasn't gonna end well either. None of his team could take something like that on, nor could he convince Null to work with him like this to dodge that hit... what could they do? How could they help?

Skylar got up to his knees, looked over at Seabreeze, and back to Excadrill. It was a gamble, sure, but if it helped Null out then they could afford the risk. Meanwhile, he held up Mac's Pokeball, calling the Combusken back. "Mac, return! We're not letting you get hit with that!" He pointed to the Excadrill with Seabreeze in mind. Time to use a technique the group hadn't for a little while.

"Paradise, Sweet Scent! Seabreeze, Supersonic!"
"On it!"

With the scent wafting through the area, Seabreeze's Keen Eye, and some help from a pair of Wise Glasses, Skylar was hoping that the move was going to land! If it did, surely the gamble might pay out with the Excadrill hitting itself! Even so, there were still two Pokemon that needed to be handled for sure.

"Pretzl, prepare a Rock Throw! If that Vulpix is still around, we've gotta make sure it doesn't hurt Paradise!" Hopefully that worked to finish off what the Excadrill friendly fired! If not, the group should be fine? Should be?

And if all else failed… no! He wouldn’t let it happen! Skylar stood and rushed over towards Type: Null and Excadrill, looking to push Null out of the way. ”Don’t let that hurt you!”
- - Skylar Brighton - -


"... ohhhh... yep, not my best idea..." Skylar groaned, clutching his shirt where the rocks hit and hiding the tears that it caused. He was gonna feel that in a little bit, but he looked over towards the battle and grunted, trying to pull himself up to his feet before falling over once again.

"G-good job guys! Breeze, the Archen's gotta go. Paradise, help Mac with the Mankey, and Pretzl... ghh... the Vulpix! Rocks!" Skylar rolled over onto his other side as his team jumped into action.

"Ten-Four! That Archen's going down!" Seabreeze called as he prepared one more Water Pulse to launch at the Archen, firing it off and trying to get some distance from the Archen before it could counterattack with a Rock (if it could).

Mac swiftly blocked the incoming Mankey Chop with one of his kicks, swinging his other leg around to deck it. "Don't worry, Skylar! We've got this in theeeEEEEehehehehehh?!" The Confuse Ray got off! Mac started to dance around dizzily and struggled to keep his footing. "Whyyy are thereee... five Mankey...?" About that time, Paradise rushed forward and flapped her wings for a huge Gust, sending it spiraling at the Mankey and hoping to finish it off after Mac's Double Kick!

"Pretzel not so good, but he rock the puppy!" Pretzl, despite being heavily winded from defeatist, rushed forward with one of the rocks on the ground and threw it! Pretzl used Rock Throw! Hopefully given the little distance there was, it could collide with the Vulpix and send it down hard!

While all that was happening, Skylar winced from the pain still fresh on his body, and his blurry vision cracked to settle on the surprised Type: Null. Behind cloudy eyes, the trainer watched the helmeted beast and offered a smile through grit teeth. "D-don't worry... we're... not b-bad people..."
- - Skylar Brighton - -


"Behind m-OH SHOOT-!" Skylar turned around just in time to see Type: Null charging at him headfirst, just barely rolling out of the way to avoid the damage he would've taken, albeit not all of him was unscathed. Caught in the crossfire was the side of his bag, which held up decently but the cane that was on it was snapped in twain, two pieces clanking against the floor.

"Crap, my cane!" Skylar looked back at the blurry outlines of his cane, then to the raging Pokemon itself, before realizing he still had a job to do. He needed to lead his friends to victory, or else this effort would all be in twain.

As the grunts called out their attacks, Skylar rushed to his feet and started to guide his team. "Paradise, Magical Leaf Tirtouga before you get hit! Seabreeze, Pretzlcoatl, take down that Archen with a Water Pulse and Rock Throw!" Skylar rushed to his feet and charged towards the middle of the fight. "Mac, block that Ember from Paradise and try to Double Kick the Vulp-ECK!"

Skylar's movements weren't in vain, as he intercepted one of the Ancient Powers heading straight towards Seabreeze, the rocks decking him right in the gut and knocking the wind out of him. His team looked on in fear, and they conversed among themselves as Skylar tried to pull himself together.

"Skylar! What were you thinking?!"
"Taking a hit... to make sure we're not hurt...!"
"Why would he do that?! That wrecked him!"
"We need to hurry before we're the ones taking him to a doctor!"
"Whassa docta?"
"Don't worry, let's just hit that Archen, Pretzl!"
"Gotta rock, gonna tawss!"

We're doing this again, for the sake of a breakdown.

Paradise is aiming to hit Tirtouga with a Magical Leaf, since Razor Leaf has a chance of missing and I think it would be better to try and take down the Tirtouga as soon as possible before Paradise also falls seeing as she's the bulkiest team member we have right now. Skylar taking an Ancient Power was intentional to minimize damage, and also to try and illustrate this kid is wild and happy to keep his friends safe if he can help it. That, plus I want to create a situation after this that shows Skylar needing help, in case all his team members go down and the only nearby Pokemon is Type: Null. (Full disclosure, Skylar would not take a hit like this during an official gym battle. This is a desperate fight to save a Pokemon from some bad dudes, and things are on the table here. Plus he loves Paradise, she's a great pal.)

Pretzl and Seabreeze going for the Archen simultaneously is hopefully meant to take it out swiftly, as well. Archens are no joke, and while Ancient Power from one isn't as strong as something like a Rock Throw, leaving it around might not be good for the long run, or at least leaving it around before Defeatist activates isn't a good idea. Once Defeatist is going, then we can take a breather.

Mac blocking the Vulpix's Ember serves to minimize damage to Paradise, as usual, but also serves to try and close the distance between Mac and the Vulpix. Vulpix is usually somewhat frail, so a Double Kick might be able to do it in. Keyword is might, since I don't know what level it is to guess on any calculations. I'm just hoping it does good damage if it hits, but priority one is blocking the incoming attack.

Mankey does not pose an active threat right now. So I'm hoping leaving it alone will be fine for now.

As always, interpret how you see fit. If Skylar blocks the weaker Ancient Power, that's fine, if a move doesn't go through because of reasons, that's also fine, this is just my rough idea for how the round goes.
- - Skylar Brighton - -


Flying into the window, Skylar brought out Mac at the first sign of trouble, having all 4 of his current team out and ready for the situation at hand. Of course Team Amethyst would be here to cause a ruckus, but that last Pokemon there... that wasn't anything Skylar had ever seen or heard of. And it looked... angry. Filled with rage, even. Of course, Skylar didn't see the array of mismatched body parts or recognize the giant helmet, but frankly, he didn't even care. More importantly, this was a sure sign of trouble, and Skylar was getting in there to keep it from happening whether these Grunts liked it or not!

So he moved, his feet clanging across the top of the building before he vaulted over the fence and down to the floor below, landing with a loud crack! Even though he was definitely wincing from the pain of jumping a full story down, he quickly stood up and threw his arms out as his Pokemon fell down and each got into a fighting stance.


"Listen up, you Team Amethyst Fools! I dunno what you think you're gonna do with this Pokemon, but I'm not gonna let you take one more step towards it without comin' through me and my team first!" Skylar decreed to the shallow outlines to the both of the grunts, his team ready to fight beside him.

Presuming Type: Null was at his back, Skylar's Pokedex rattled off the description, and he looked over his shoulder to glance at the Pokemon with a smile.

"Don't worry, pal, we're here to help you." That had to be the thing from the cage, and given the onlookers... there was no way Skylar was letting them fall into the wrong hands of those scientists or any of those Amethyst or Virtue Clowns. Even beyond any personal desires, Type: Null deserved much better than it had already been shown. This fight might be one of impossible odds, with how scary that (admittedly disobedient) Excadrill was, but Skylar wasn't gonna let these grunts just take it!

"So what'll it be? Turning around, or will you deal with us? We already stopped a few of you at the Silent Shrine, we're not afraid to do it again!" Skylar was shaking, likely from a mix of confident anger and hidden pain. He did not take that fall gracefully.
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