Avatar of GeekFactor
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 176 (0.07 / day)
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    1. GeekFactor 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current You can't respond to every criticism with "RACIST!" This has become the modern boy crying wolf. At some point, you have to face truth.
1 like
2 yrs ago
"She smiled up at the stranger, heedless of the splattered droplets that decorated her front like the freckles sprinkled over her pale cheeks."
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2 yrs ago
Bring it on, 2022. Fear won't be mind-killing me just yet.
4 yrs ago
RIP Christopher Tolkien. Sailed into the West to meet his father at last.
4 yrs ago
Happy 127th birthday to Professor Tolkien!


I'm not the sort to talk about myself unprompted, so this section will be scant. I vastly prefer one-on-one (1x1) or small group RP, as big groups and lots of chatter tend to overwhelm me. I prefer RP within medieval fantasy settings that are not too fanciful (think LOTR/GoT).

[b]“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”
― Lloyd Alexander

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<Snipped quote by Raxacoricofallapatorius>

If you're beautiful irl though, it's all you know

You would know ;) <3
"Diversity" in RP is a tricky thing, in my opinion. At the risk of infuriating someone, it's almost laughably easy to tell when a man is trying to roleplay a woman and vice versa. At least, that is my experience, but then I am someone who is highly observant and intuitive about behaviors and subtleties that many others miss. I have roleplayed male characters, and while I'd like to think I've done a decent job at it, I would never sit here and say that I can portray a man as well as an actual man could, because I am not, and never will be, a man. And no, I'm not interested in gender politics, I'm simply giving my own opinion here.

I think that people give their best RP performances *by far* when they stick to what they know. That doesn't mean you could never *convincingly* portray another race/gender/etc, but I don't want convincing quality RP, I want mind-blowing. Whenever possible, anyway. I don't think it's necessarily brave or edgy or courageous or what-have-you to leap far out of your comfort zone and believe that you can jump into the mind of a character whose shoes you've never even thought about, let alone walked in. That smacks of arrogance to me. I could give some examples, but I don't want to further risk ruffling feathers.
*blind reply to OP*

It's definitely a real phenomenon. There are common tropes that repeat in storytelling and have since mankind began telling stories. Our real lives tend to be bland and disappointing, and stories/fantasies/myths/epics explore all those unfulfilled longings that reside in the deepest and most base places of our humanity. People have always been, and will always be, people. Because of that, we have always and will always see the same character tropes repeated endlessly.

That being said, I am always insanely excited to run into characters who stray outside the more commonly rehashed molds, and I try to make my own characters interesting without falling into those old traps. It's a learning process, and I think most of us cringe if we look back at our old attempts at character building (I know I do). Also, there *are* people who grow up as abused, abandoned orphans, or ethereally beautiful narcissists. Almost every trope you can think of *does* match a real person, somewhere in the world. But when you're in an enclosed universe of roleplay, it's harder to find variety because the world is shrunk to the size of your fellow players.

So I try to measure my character creation based on the universe that I'm playing in, the characters already in play (I may adore the thought of playing a leather-clad female assassin, for example, but if there are already half a dozen of those, I won't make another), what interests me, what I know I'm good at portraying, and then try to think of something interesting to make them feel "real". I have no wish to play overpowered, physically perfect, flawless characters. Right now I have an uneducated cripple, a woman with violent schizophrenia, a libertine with no impulse control, and a few others.

Whenever I happen to find a character who is both well-written and *interesting*, that is like finding a treasure. Granted, everyone will define "interesting" in their own way, but I will take the complex, layered, background character over the powerful, brilliant, gorgeous, charming, spotlight-hound any day.
Well, hello there.
I don't have critique ready, but my vote gies to @GeekFactor

Thank you :)
<Snipped quote by GeekFactor>
In terms of both characters and environment or just environment? I was kind of thinking of changing the environment anyways. I was considering doing just a regular wolf rp but I kinda like letting people get a bit freestyle with magic lol.

The characters. Multiple tails? Wings? Nah.. I don't think I could get into that.
I do have a guilty pleasure wish to someday RP in Xavier's School as well. I admit it.
Fantastic! I love your style.
Medieval RP's that aren't focused on military conquests, but instead focus on smaller village life and interpersonal relationships and struggles.

Nature settings, perhaps RPing solitary hunters or wanderers, or even wild beasts.

Because sex. And laws.
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