In the sleepy city of Horaville, a new threat is rising. A dark enigmatic figure calling themselves the 'Puppet Master' has somehow animated an army of dolls and seeks to conquer the world of the living. But he needs to break free from his prison the 'Doll-house,' where they were imprisoned by the Fright Night Power Rangers of old. To do this, they have tasked their two generals
Giggles and
Shatter with harvesting the dreams of the population of Horaville. With enough 'Nightmare Fuel', he can destroy the walls of the 'Doll-house' and walk free, the evil power unleashed, ushering in a new era where all are but puppets on their string.
But a ghost that remembers the days of old seeks to stop him. Tapping into mystical powers, he has managed to recover five tomes of power. And when someone of strong emotion comes into contact with one, they become...
*insert theme music here*
POWER RANGERS, Fright Night Warriors!