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I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

A few of you are neglecting telling us what combat skills your character will be bringing to the table. This is very important because we need to know the power/skills of those we accept. Please make sure you be creative but that you don't leave the important details out when it comes to the final two sections of the CS! :)

Now some feedback, however we probably won't pick our two players until Monday evening so feel free to tweak your submissions leading up to that point. If you haven't submitted, you have a few more days left.

@ineffable When you list "martial arts" under hobbies, does that mean he studies in concept or actually practices them? I think there is a difference in say reading books as opposed to physical training. And if he does train, I don't think I could accept "all of them" as being a suitable singular hobby. I would want just one style of martial arts to be focused on since that seems better balanced but also more realistic.

With his personality "cunning" and "sly" are too similar in my mind. Could you change one of those to something else?

For Ambitions, does he wish to stay in town or move on?

And for Uncertainties, are you implying he'd use physical strength along with spiritual? I need to know where his strength lies in terms of his spiritual side and how he might fight demons. So you need to add that information too.

@Emuxe As @SoleAccord pointed out, you need to add some details to Uncertainties. And I would like to be assured that her sort of bratty attitude (at least I think you're going for that) isn't going to make her irredeemable and unable to cope in a group. She isn't a lone wolf but I fear she may be tough to work with and if that's the case it may be tough for her to prove herself a good enough person to warrant a second chance, unless you're hoping to give her some sort of introspective growth during the first two small arcs leading up to the group coming back to life?

@Kassarock Looks good except for his spiritual strength and awareness and how that would be used. How do you see him being in terms of combat or in an investigative situation? What skill will he hone? Maybe something to do with fishing or his rod or what?

@Natsu Sorry I didn't get back to your PM but like the others, I would like you to stick to concise short answers for Personality and Hobbies, mostly it's to see if you can edit yourself but also if you can follow directions. I don't need to know the guy's life story before we even start, that's just doing extra unnecessary work. XD So I highly encourage you to retool your CS in Personality and Hobbies but to also give more info about what you mean when you say he'll augment his spirit energy. Do you mean like floating projectiles? How big can they get? Do they compare to say throwing stars or playing cards or just orbs?
@Themerlinhawk Thanks. I did not get much sleep last night, it felt like someone took a hot iron to my throat and I'm trying to get a follow-up with my doctor because I'm slowly starting to go insane to be honest. I'm not sure if this is just a horrid bout of asthma or if there's more to it but whenever I exhale or even inhale, my throat gets pretty unhappy and I start hacking up crud. After some reading, it seems a good portion of the US feels this way and I find that pretty hard to fathom. The paranoid part of me thinks I may have some parasite or fungus but you'd thunk the blood tests would have shown that...I will try to get something up though! This is my first item on my ever growing to-do list.

I hope you're doing well, I know it's tough to balance an online life with the offline side of things. :/ I'd say like most things, some days will go better than others but the best thing is to keep trying!
I'll try to get something up over the weekend, depending on energy levels, still feeling really unwell and it's messing with how/when I get any kind of sleep.
I'm guessing this isn't going to happen. We can chalk it up to life getting in the way. :/

I hope we're able to do something in the future though!
Thanks, I hope so too. Sady there are points in my day where I think I am improving but other parts where I just assume this is how I'm going to die. ^^;
@ineffable and @Emuxe Looking forward to your submissions.
@Themerlinhawk No work yet sadly. I've been brainstorming ideas. Do I go back to school or find a terrible job for now? I will apply through JET come October which is probably the better way to get into Japan and not get fucked by their discrimination. JET is a government run education program, as opposed to going through private companies like I did and thousands of others. Sadly JET is highly competitive to get into so I'm not crossing my fingers that will even work out...

I've actually been pretty sick the past 2 weeks. I think my asthma was triggered and it became some awful upper viral infection thing because I've been dealing with a horrid cough for a long time and nothing seems to help, not even special cough syrup with amazing painkillers. So I'm mostly writing whenever I have energy but I'm pretty much in shitty health and can't do much job hunting until this passes...eventually. :/

I hope you guys have been better though! I should be able to get to this tomorrow afternoon, Friday at the very latest.
@ineffable I won't reserve spots, Sole and I will probably give everyone about 2-3 days to submit something before we figure out who we'll accept. I don't like to do a first come, first serve sort of thing. While I want the CS to be easy to put together, I don't want people to feel rushed. :)
@Kassarock I tagged you though I don't think you're still interested?

At any rate, hello @FiroIV and @Fox of Spades long time no see to you both. :)

Here is the OOC, I hope you guys can submit something awesome! If the slots happen to fill up, I'd be open to doing a 1x1 perhaps. :)
@Emuxe @Natsu

The OOC is up, sorry about the delay guys!
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