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<<"Negative damage.">> Halim said over comms, voice still loud as his ears continued to ring. A faint flash of worry rolled over his face as the mechanoid turned its gaze to him before light struck his eyes. Instinct drove him forward and downward, slamming on his Orbital's thrusters with all of his might. His Casket skipped along the ground (rather literally, he noted dully as the sound of grinding metal reached his pained ears) escaping certain death by what had to be millimeters at best. Halim didn't dare let off the gas, his Casket half flying half crashing as it raced to the one place its pilot thought safest from the beam. Which, was to say, as close to the mechanoid as possible.

Faintly he could hear chatter over the comms, the words distant and garbled as his head began to swim but coherent enough. Voyager was going to hit the big thing and the Aurora was too close. <<"Rodger. Esta-bluseling cower..">> Halim slurred as an explosion echoed behind his target, thankfully distracting him from the sudden dizziness he felt. Halim's hands wrenched his controls back, the Casket's thrusts suddenly jerking the Orbital upright violently from its tumble. The sudden G forces of a rapid deceleration shot through him and for a brief moment Halim could FEEL his innards shift as his Casket came to a screeching halt, kneeling at the Aurora's flank.

Halim's arm lanced forward, his absent and now scattered mind thankfully not needed for the next step. A thin half dome of prismatic light enveloping the two Orbitals as his shield emitter sprung to life, hopefully enough to protect the two (along with a few peices of their attack sadly) from the forth coming hammer blow.

Gill felt a thin trickle of sweat roll down his neck as soon as the Princesses words hit her teeth. "And the old Reynuad charm rears its head once again." He thinks, trying hard to keep the sudden onset of embarrassment from his face. A Rose wouldn't bat an eye at such language, regardless of offence being taken or not. God knows he tried baiting more than a few of his more religiously inclined fellows when times were slow with lesser things.

But Eliabelle was not a Rose, by any other name or otherwise. A more delicate vernacular was probably the norm for her. He racked his brain for a moment, trying to remeber what Parnella had taught him about courtly conduct before remembering that consisted of the distressingly short list of: 'Fuck' and 'all'.

"...Aw fuck it." He huffs, relaxing back into his chair as he opted for the method that had yet to fail him. Doubling down and just owning it. "Sorry for the language your Highness. I'm uh...not much a dab hand at that whole..." He starts, waving his hand dismissively as though to shoo away some unwanted pest. "courtly etiquette shit. As you might have seen with my little tiff with that bootlicker Velbrance." He added, bristling slightly as the memory of the slug in question re-entered his thoughts.

"Don't mean to offend by it though. Common folk tend to get jumpy when a Reliquary rocks into town." He said dully, tapping a knuckle against his shoulder. "Talking like that tends to put them...well not at ease, the superstitious fuckers, but it helps. Them thinking I'm just an ineloquent vagabond is a damn site preferable to some boogey man for the church." He added with a shrug.

It was a trick that Parnella had taught him a long time ago. Reliquaries often didn't have the benefit of looking the part when it came to being the dashing knight, even if it was occasionally true. And intimidating a bunch of helpless farm hands that you were trying to SAVE wasn't exactly helpful most times. Better them think poorly of you and alive than distrustful and dead.


"Ah Makes sense I suppose..." Gill said, his shoulders slumping slightly as he tried (and failed) not to let his disappointment show. Stupid assassins and their cock blocking ways. Not that he held much hope for the night at its onset, but a man could atleast pretend to dream. "And don't go trying to flatter me. I'm not much of a Rose if you ask the other knights." He added, shooting the princess what he hoped was a cheeky grin. He leans in slightly, his voice now 'hushed' to a rather loud stage whisper. "Frankly sometimes I get the distinct impression their embarassed by me. Can't begin to imagine why."

"As for the Ignvarr....like I said. Not much experience myself, what with meeting the one family and all. The pa was a decent sort I suppose." He says, leaning back in his chair as he mulled over memories from what felt like a life time ago. "Traded some weird warming spices with my pa for local game furs...Foxes and Minks mostly. Stuff tasted something awful though," He said, sticking out his tounge at the memory. "Bunt the tastebuds right off of me for a week when Ma used it. The daughter was...bright sort. Educated I think. Taught me a bit of maths up and 'for she left...Not a fan of my flirting though." He added, chuckling as he rubbed the side of his face, nursing a phantom bruise and forgetting he was attempting NOT to tell that part of the story. "Reon's Button could that girl slap like the devil."

Fun fact: There is very little need for sound proofing a mech cockpit if its intended for space. So this would probably be the first time Halim would have had to dealt with the noise of his own guns...if the mechanoids hadn't basically deafened him for the duration of this fight.

Also, I hope Volana has time between her life and death struggle to appreciates his /awful/ piloting on the surface.

Tldr: The baby is having a bad time and wants to go back to space.


Halim resisted the urge to grip his ears as the sound hit him, the poorly sound proofed cockpit of his Casket shuddering unnervingly as the screeched rolled through him on its hateful trajectory. He felt something dribble down the sides of his face, warm and thick and causing a knot of vertigo to form in his stomach as a ringing began to drown out the noise.

He was grateful for it a moment later as the world (more specifically, the world directly surrounding one of the drones) exploded silently, signaling the true beginning of the battle. <<"Moving to assist Aurora!">> Halim screamed into the comms, voice cracking from its own volume as he attempted to hear himself over the ringing.

Halim couldn't hear the scream of his boosters as they roared to life, but he felt them. A violent and sudden lurch of motion that hurled (for it was too inelegant to be called flying by the standards of the more veteran pilots) in a quarter circle around the charging mechanoid a few meters away. The Casket skidded to a halt flanking the mechaniod, one leg creaking dangerously (not that he noticed) as its rotary canon spun to life, slamming 50mm rounds into its broad side without risking the chance of friendly fire.

Gillian barked with overdramatic laughter, hiding the fact his eyes swept across the room once more for a threat. "Go to any bar in the world Princess and 'bawdy' is the name of the game." He said grinning at the young lady. "I'm from up near the Velt Boarder, and I've only seen one family of 'em. Nice enough folks, even if the horns are a little distracting when talking to them. Just uh...don't recommend staring. The daughter nearly broke a man's jaw after he got an eye full for longer than is considered polite." He added, deciding to omit just exactly what part of the Ingvarr woman he'd been oogling....and that he was the one slapped.

"So..." He said after a moment of futilely attempting to wrack his brain for a conversation or story he could tell (preferably one that didn't involve his, upon consideration, frankly astonishing ability to incite anger in any woman he attempted to flirt with). "Where's Alisha?" He asked, leaning back into his chair slightly. "While I am doubtlessly the most handsome and scintillating conversationalist to ever grace your presence..." He says, adopting an, in his mind at least, an elegant and dignified pose while his voice dripped with clearly faked ego. "I'd figure you'd rather have one of your Ladies in Waiting to talk to than a creepy old Reliquary. Much less one as well versed in romance novels."

Pretty much. Halim is just happy to be alive...though thats his default state so maybe not so much a win as I think. Also, he's a good boy and provides targeting solutions.


<<""BTF-unit AGL-001 reminds the Raven Unit that gambling is prohibited under BTF Regulatory Guide Line Article 478 Subsection B as a violation of unearned right to ownership and currency exchange and is punishable by euthanasia. Thank you for your compliance.">> Halim helpfully chipped over the comms as his sensors scanned over the battlefield, though somewhat concerned that said pilot clearly didn't see to remember that bit of regulation. Surely that was common knowledge.

This place was...he supposed interesting was the correct word for it. He'd never given much thought to what it was like to live on the surface of a planet. Did they all have mass graveyards like this? It seemed wasteful to leave all these useful materials just laying around like that. The BTF would NEVER had allowed such a loss. They were good like that.

He felt his thrusters come to life, gently lifting his Casket so that it hovered in the air a meter or so. Just in case a tactical retreat was ordered. <<"BTF-unit AGL-001 detects no immediate threats at LZ. Synching targeting systems with Units Bedwyr and Voyager to provide triangulation for requested targeting solution. Request sending in three...two...one.">> he said, fingers dancing quickly over his controls as he hailed the two Orbitals in question, transmitting a simple feed of his orbitals current coordinates and coordinates of what he was currently aimed at....which largely consisted of 'sand, sand, wrecked Orbitals and-oh what a suprise-yet more sand. Still, between the three Orbitals it should be enough to provide a targeting solution for just about anything that entered the LZ. <<"Request sent. The BTF thanks you for your compliance.">> He added politely as the Casket drifted slowly back and away from the dead Orbital and the Aurora.

Alright, Halim is now officially the pinkest of Orbital bois.
Nah its good. I'll look into changing it and doing the edits tomorrow after work. It'll help to make any dialog they have a little clearer so its worth the effort.
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