Erik von Motle

Student Registration
Full Name - Erik von Motle
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Race - Human?
Nationality - German
"Sometimes it's more impressive to be related to one powerful dragon than it is to trace your roots to dragons, faeries, dryads, satyrs, werewolves, sirens, and whatever else have you.After all the other guy can point to which of his ancestors is important."
While the age of nobility has long passed in Europe, some people never really gave up on the idea, and Erik's family has held on to its mystical roots desperately in a world where magic seems unreal. The house of Motle has only infamy among the other mage families in Europe, widely known as the mutts of the magical community, and not exactly incorrectly, the bloodline drawing its sorcerous roots from just about every variety of mystical creature that has ever passed through the continent. And many that have not.
Honestly you would have better luck with listing the things that are not in the Motle family.
So as it is, Erik's blood and magic are a veritable cocktail of everything magical that can be found on Earth, carefully blended together to avoid anything in particular overpowering the rest. Alongside that careful art, the Motle passed down an art of blood, to use it as fuel for their spells when natural arts failed.
Erik was born to this ebbing and flowing blood and all the expectations that came with it. Keep the family line going, clean up, be presentable, master magic. Listen to your mother, obey your father, as if either one could be bothered to talk to him. Write in your grimoire. Note down everything. Find a nice girl, get married, pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your studies. Watch your family fall apart around you. Pick yourself up after you fall down the stairs.
Bleed for your heritage.
Predictably, Erik found it, lacking. Restrictive. Mother knows best, do as thou should. You have talent, don't waste it. Get moving, child. You don't need "freedom", just work harder. This is what it means to be noble. Respect it. Live it.
But what, perhaps, if there was another option he could take. There are mage schools out there now, big, famous, connected to the other world. Places that were reputable. Places that with the right words, he could convince his parents the value of including in life. And desperation bore fruit in words. And so it was, off to Silver Gate he would go.
Just leave home. It's not home anymore. Was it ever really home? That didn't matter. He could go to a school, a school far away.
Have your "freedom" then. Mother and Father will be waiting when you tire of it. Right back at home.
Anywhere but home. He would like to be anywhere but home.
Hot-blooded, fabulous, and utterly out of his depth, Erik has approximately 2 modes: showoff, and blasting. He does not trust anyone but himself to do anything right, which is understandable given the circumstances, and he feels no need to explain this simple fact of the world to anyone. He has talent and noble blood, and most the rest of his contemporaries do not. The handful that do have any nobility in them don't deserve it anyway. Really they should just stop getting in the way.Is it really that hard to understand the concept?
Left to his own devices, Erik keeps up his extremes by rapidly flipping between devoted absenteeism and sudden deep-diving study sessions to make up for his earlier inattentiveness. It sort of works out, usually. It's always worked just fine before. This isn't home, it's okay to take a break every now and then.
Stat System
END - E 35STR - E 15
DEX - E 15
AGI - D 25
INT - C 50
WIL - B 90 (B 112.5 w/ Bloodline)
CHR - C 90
SPT - F 15
LCK - D 40
Role - Caster
Armor Types - Cape, Hat, Accessory
Weapon Types - Binder, Book, Stylus
Skill Points Spent - 22/24
- Motle Family Grimoire - A vellum-paged, leather-bound spellbook/journal received from his family, Erik's personal grimoire is intended to be used to record his favored and invented spells, recipes, and techniques, as well as a journal of his activities during life. The book has a variety of enchantments on it, but aside from being protected from most sorts of environmental damage, the most notable enchantment is that the only ink that will actually work on the inside pages is blood, which dries almost-immediately to a dusky maroon once applied. The book's spellwork is unfinished, as there are a number of enchantments not yet applied to it that are expected of a fledgling magician of the Motle family.
- Medical kit - A fancy kit with both magical and mundane remedies for injuries sustained on the field. Could be used for anyone but notably contains some objects specifically geared for Erik.
- Backup medical kit - Because someone is going to lose their medical kit at some point, you need a second, almost as good medical kit in a different pouch of your backpack.
- Emergency bleed kit - Contains only two things: a perfectly mundane roll of gauze, and one syringe of antihemophilic factor. Guaranteed to maybe stop you bleeding out if you've managed to lose all your other fancy medical supplies.
- Hemophilia (mild) - Bleeding is easy, just one, two, three. Stopping is hard.
- Blood Mage - Erik routinely uses his own blood as a component in spellcasting; he keeps a ready supply of 1 dram (⅛ fluid ounce) vials on his person. With the right practice, this might become more than simply a basic component of keeping him as a functioning mage at all.
- Spirit Boost - As an Earth Human, Erik has a wellspring of inner power waiting to be tapped into. 40% boost to Spirit when over 50. Currently: Inactive.
- Arcane Bloodline - The unique blood of the Motle family being able to carry so much magical energy gives Erik a veritable supply of mana to access. He has a 25% bonus to WIL, his blood can be used to restore other people's mana stores, but should he bleed, he will slowly lose that WIL bonus in 2 posts.
- Show-off - Erik has an extreme sense of confidence with a strong urge to show off. If he is fighting with at least one other person, his magical potency is improved by 15%. It is improved to 20% if there's also a crowd on the enemy side.
Major Skills
- Arcture Academics 1-3 (free)
- Royal Water Vol 1 (free)
- Shin-Ganryu Blade of Dispelling (free)
Minor Skills
- Spellcaster 1 (2 pts)
- Multiplier 2 (4 pts)
- Spreader 1 (2 pts)
- Piercer 1 (2 pts)
- Sensory 1 (2 pts)
- Charger 1 (2 pts)
- Doublecast (2 pts)
- Reinforce 1 (2 pts)
- Scribe 2 (4 pts)
9/10- Barrier
- Scan
- Scan II
- Elemental Blast
- Magic Missile
- Water Artillery
- Suppression Stream
- Reserved for Scribe loadout
- Reserved for Scribe loadout
- Stone Stance
Innate Bonuses
INT D -> C
WIL C -> B
STR F -> E
+10 CHR
+10 WIL
INT D -> C
WIL C -> B
STR F -> E
+10 CHR
+10 WIL