Avatar of Girlie1Bomba
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 261 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Girlie1Bomba 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Still waitin' to lose the Bombs...
7 yrs ago
Cuz people got me, got me questionin' where is the love.
7 yrs ago
Hmmmm... name change time?
7 yrs ago
Here to drop dem bombas bitches yeeeee!!


Heya peeps!!

This here is your Girlie :] (in light of current violence in our world its about time for me to change my username. So just call me Girlie now.) And to be honest, bottomline: I'm just a chick who likes to pretend to be something she's not. ;P And! I try to be polite too okay! So let me know if i'm being just one rude bitch right!!

But if it must be known then I try to delve very deep into the nuances of the make-believe presented to me. And I'm pretty aggressive with plot-lines; I like to lead how things go. But I am pretty open to working with plots with others as long as my chara has already been accepted ;PP

I love off-the-beaten-path fantasy, but I love any kind of fantasy overall. But... okay so like yeeeeahhh... weakness? I'm a sucker for modern 'urban fantasy' for sure... ;DD My charas are pretty much 'broken goods' in terms of mental states and they are always gay; they will hump your girlie charas when we fade to black (I don't do the redband porno posts tho cuz eww ;PP).

I'm trying to branch out and do sci-fi and modern combat so please do be patient with my noobness ;PP But I'm loving my time here at the 'Guild so yeeeeeaaah!

Hope to join in on your adventures soon!! :]

Most Recent Posts

Yeeee...! All ev'body got a post in now! Nice ;D

@Mokley heya boss! Alright how much more time to we have to post?

Alrighty just posted. Hopefully Day doesn't startle and try to murder my girlie ;DD


Beneath the azurebound skies rested the little female, lain out on her belly was she. Regular arm and bandaged arm dangled away with her boot-clad bare legs doing the same. Big eyes were sealed shut and black eyebrows above slanted away, content with a submerged mind that was full and floaty just like the fluffy white clouds that lazed about above her.

__What is the directive__

The darkened cloak that she normally wore wrapped tight around her had drifted open, revealing her fine, svelte and tightly muscled, black body-suited form. The cowl had also slipped away revealing the full shock of her midnight hued fur-haired head. One of the two large triangular feline ears twitched once… twice… then returned to respite.

__Who is the mark__

The length of feline tail now slid away from the rust colour, though not rusted, surface upon which she lay. It too now dangled, joining her limbs all easily and breezily swaying faintly in the soft winds. Her tail twitched once.. twice.. then it too returned to respite.

__Wait... Why do I feel so lonely…?__

“...I don’t…”

A sudden gust puffed up her cloak and revealed the little fuzzy, white critter strapped up quietly and tightly to her hip. Its body held a proud pose, sitting upon its haunches, chin at that just right and regal angle. It too was very feline, this critter being a cat afterall, but it held its pose for eternity. And like the being to whom it was strapped, its eyes were also closed. But soon they would open. Soon.

__Why am I so lonely…?__

“I AM NOT!!” the voice was that of a young woman, a bit gravelly sounding-- smokey voiced some might say-- and quite nice some also might say. But at the moment the the tone had broken into the roar of a primal rage.

The large eyes snapped open now. And normally they would be as blue as the far, far sky above and beyond her, but as of now they were black. Black as pitch. Black as non-emotion. Black as murder.

Eyebrows pressed downward in a deepening scowl over those big unempathetic eyes. Lips curled expertly around that ivory, sharp-toothed sneer. Then suddenly the look of shock overtook that primal one. A blink, then another brought back the normally placid and soothing eyes. A wide and glowing blue starry-eyed stare replaced the abyssal one. The face of a late-teen/early twenties girl returned and the mask of the predator no where to be seen. After a single yet firm head shake, she let out a small grunt, and pushed herself up to a kneeling pose.

“What’s that, Dotsies…?” she mumbled softly as she put a hand to her temple, “noooo and nay again, of course not, girlie…! I’m not cross with ya in the least! Just had a bad sleepy-think, I did… hahahah… Did ya have a peaceful napper there too?”

The little fuzzy white critter was unstrapped from her hip and now being embraced tight, a few loving strokes to its head would soon follow. She envied her little regally posed companion, Dotsies. For this little fuzzy white feline critter told her larger companion that Dotsies could dream proper and not merely 'sleepy-think' like how her larger feline-like black-haired girlie could only do whist fast asleep. “Still full in the belly, girlie? Ooooh aye, me too. Them nebblies certainly are tasty, amirite?”


An impressive yawn and a full arms extended stretch she gave before rising up and scanning the area once more. Said tasty nebulae flitted about in the distance against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds. The area remained largely the same: crumbling buildings, fallen statues and grass. Lots of grass. She had heard the musical sounds from that entrance but upon the sound advice of Dotsies, she had shied away from it and instead, they had a meal and took to higher ground. They were high up on a relatively intact rust-coloured statue’s head over looking the statue’s fallen, and, mostly swallowed up by the grass, twin statue. Perched upon its horn/ear-like protrusion they finally slumbered. And now awake and seeing that nothing had greatly changed, they decided to scour the area once more.

The little HOBO device that was strapped to her hip had told her to meet near that musical sounding place and so after skillfully descending down off the statue that is where they decided to go. And this was where they finally encountered something new. Something different. A scent.

“Aye. Tread carefully. Aye, Dotsies…” and tread carefully did she. Actually it was eerily efficient and with such surreal liquid ease how carefully and quietly she tread. Suddenly she froze. In the next heartbeat, she slipped away, back against a crumpled building, big blue eyes peering just over the corner at it.

From here she could hear the clack and clink of the beads it wore and from here she should have been able to hear the music playing. Big baby blues widened a bit; the music was absent. Perhaps this thing ate it or...

“...or perhaps this lass be a Silly-Sally then. Aye Dots. Ya speak too true…” she said beneath her breath with a slight chuckle, “supposed to meet here, not fear ‘monsters neath yer skirt’ hah...!”

After tucking away her regally posed fuzzy white pal and pulling her cloak tight around big-eared head and graceful body, a single breath she took to reassure herself. She then cleared her throat before slinking out into the open. “Ahoy there, mister! If I am to introduce meself then I must means ya no harms atall then. Aye, so introduce meself, I will, mister. I be to meet with an esteemed and established owner of a proud vessel. And it be for prime employment aboard the livin’ sky vessel of one Mister Cap’n Gilby. And I am to be called ‘Lucky’ if it pleases ya...”

A fine and full flowing bow did she present the curious yet magnificent multi-limbed being lying in rest before her. “Well met. True as true be, aye. If ya be here for the same then much congratulations for ye and yer heart, mister. We may be travelling companions but mayhaps I must be professional and not be opportuned to ‘carouse’ with the passengers aboard. Then again, mister… be ya a passenger or be ya otherwise? And what is this here Lucky lass to calls ya by name?”


Dis site doe!!! Ugh!!!

What is up with the slow loading man?! So like is it always this messed up in here?! >:[[

Defo gonna write my app in a separate docs and post here later. man this site is just asking you to type away and lose your post when it crasshes. Be careful peeps!! ://
Edit! Double post sorry :\
Alright I won't be able to post today but will defo have something up tomorrows peeps ;DD
@Mokley Yeeee can't wait boss.

Charas should be cast for a stop motion capture animated series ;PP

But so like what exactly does this H.O.B.O thingie do anyways?
Heya @Flagg this still live boss? :DD
Heya @Flagg this still live boss? :DD

((Aww man oops! :/ Wrong thread.))

Sooooo excited for this to launch man!

@MokleyOkay so like how or when does the co-GM thingie start up. Kinda uncertain bout that part boss.
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