It was not the rumbling beneath her nor was it the stirring of the Big Fella that woke her. No, it was the cries of the winged nebulae that set off the alarms blaring inside her head. A large dark trianguar ear twitched, both large eyes opened, vertical pupils narrowed and in less than a heartbeat Lucky was up and in a readied stance. Some being was yelling from just yonder. A perking of ears and a bit of a querying head tilt. "No, Dots... nary an inkling on what to 'put back.' But hold tongue a titch, girlie..."
A slow scan of the surrounding environ did not allieviate her elevated heart rate. She saw the maddened be-spectacled stranger scampering down the fallen wall, but her attention quickly shifted elsewhere. The Big Fella was floundering to get into motion and it seemed he was headed towards those little things. A predatory sneer flashed sharp ivory teeth. "Vermin..."
Lucky felt a knee-jerk reaction-- animal instinct, really-- to extend her claws, give chase and murder the mushroomy things. But such a reaction was easily restrained, especially with the materialization of the aeriel behemoth. Once more the colour of those baby blues were choked out; once more they darkened, opening up the hues of the abyssal pit.
They had found her. They were going to take her back.
Small, yet powerful legs catapulted her away. There was no way she was ever going back. She would flee; flee past the outskirts of Dozing, flee past the outer boundaries and pay whatever the rotted-tooth skiff flyer wanted to get as far away from her persuers--
The crashing and bashing and breaking of the ruins only raised her panic to flee, but the falling debris that bounced off her skull knocked quick sense into her. She was going to leave someone behind. Yet again. "NO! Never again!!"
Instantly Lucky did a 180 degree turn and bolted back to where she had left him, "Big Fella! Oi! This Lucky lass her be comin' back fer ya' doncha worries none!! who else be yammering on now-- electricity... wut?"
Lucky scrambled back towards the bug-like being, narrowly missing a collision with a female of some sort and her floating... shapey-thing? "Beg pardon n' excuse meself, missy...!" The cat-girl tugged politely at the brim of a phantom cap upon her head before nimbly leaping to her left, darkened cloak chasing her motion. She landed on a wall then small yet powerful legs pushed off and she leapt and landed onto overhang after overhang of ruined wall. She finally ened her ascent and held position; Lucky was now crouched low at the end of a metal girder. It protruded out of a building like a broken rib bursting from a giant's abdomen.
From her vantage point she could see the Big Fella lumbering away, seemingly giving chase to an isolated mushroomy vermin. The vermin itself held something red and aglow in its... mitten-stumps? The little thing bumbled on heading towards the bespectacled stranger and another being. This other was masked and holding up some kind of drippy box.
Oh, the vermin would make it there but it would be to little avail, deemed Lucky. For it seemed, by her estimation, that the aerial behemoth was snaking around and perhaps headed in their direction.
Lucky was jumping up and down, yelling loudly, waving her hands towards the threat in the skies; one hand was all bandaged up and the other held a white fluffy feline, stuck in its eternal yet elegant, regal pose. "I say, Dotsies, ya gots to be louder this go round, girlie...!"