Avatar of Girlie1Bomba
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 261 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Girlie1Bomba 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Still waitin' to lose the Bombs...
7 yrs ago
Cuz people got me, got me questionin' where is the love.
7 yrs ago
Hmmmm... name change time?
7 yrs ago
Here to drop dem bombas bitches yeeeee!!


Heya peeps!!

This here is your Girlie :] (in light of current violence in our world its about time for me to change my username. So just call me Girlie now.) And to be honest, bottomline: I'm just a chick who likes to pretend to be something she's not. ;P And! I try to be polite too okay! So let me know if i'm being just one rude bitch right!!

But if it must be known then I try to delve very deep into the nuances of the make-believe presented to me. And I'm pretty aggressive with plot-lines; I like to lead how things go. But I am pretty open to working with plots with others as long as my chara has already been accepted ;PP

I love off-the-beaten-path fantasy, but I love any kind of fantasy overall. But... okay so like yeeeeahhh... weakness? I'm a sucker for modern 'urban fantasy' for sure... ;DD My charas are pretty much 'broken goods' in terms of mental states and they are always gay; they will hump your girlie charas when we fade to black (I don't do the redband porno posts tho cuz eww ;PP).

I'm trying to branch out and do sci-fi and modern combat so please do be patient with my noobness ;PP But I'm loving my time here at the 'Guild so yeeeeeaaah!

Hope to join in on your adventures soon!! :]

Most Recent Posts

Heya!! This looks simply amazing. Love to join in awwwww yeah! ;DD
Well I'm okay with anything but like my main concern is not having the 'prologue' bog down with too much slice of life-esque style posting. Meaning: daBomba would love to ramp up the tension pretty quick! So yeah, that's my vote ;D

So the profile is basically a sub-plot that may tie-in a bunch of charas together. I dont intend for this to revolve around Channi. I just wanted to keep it open enough for us to play around with tho okay? ;DD Go on and hit up daBomba with ideas if you gots them!
@Girlie1Bomba CeCe is terrifying! I love it! It's all good and I think her story will make a great addition. Feel free to add her to the 'characters' section.

Awwww yeah. Thanks boss! Yeah she's pretty badass but a good girl underneath it all ;DD
Heya boss. Okay so here is my app. Let me know what needs to be addressed or edited for acceptance please :]

So the profile is basically a sub-plot that may tie-in a bunch of charas together. I dont intend for this to revolve around Channi. I just wanted to keep it open enough for us to play with tho okay? ;DD
@Ronin Lotusheya boss.

And just checking for pic. Realistic or real people?
Heya! Posted!

I just wanted to tease out the whole communication issue between Lucky and Day a bit more.

@Eventua Just messin with you earlier. I just positioned Lucky where the Bobblings can't see her so yeeeah it's cool. :]


There was no response to her offer of friendship.

Big baby blues stared up at the Big Fella. Her head tilted a bit, a querying look falling over that youthful looking face. Lucky could not sense if the multi-limbed being was in discomfort, lost, content or any emotion at all really. Normally, while she was purring she would get a sense of how the others near her would be feeling; Lucky could gage whether or not she was able to impress upon the others her own happiness. But with the Big Fella here...? This being was rather enigmatic and intriguing to say the least.

Then all at once she felt that prying sensation once more and instantly her purr-song ended. Instinctively, she 'stuffed-up' the spaces in her mind that a person with telepathic powers, a Programmer as she knew them, would attempt to breach. To Lucky, it felt like wave after wave of invasive liquids attempting to flood, to drown out her own thoughts and feelings. Internally, she steeled herself, and once she felt the intensity of the wave reach peak point, she pushed back at the wave. And once more, the pressure inside her body increased and she was going to burst another blood vessel in her nose.

But soon it passed and he did not have to push back so hard against the telepathic wave from the Big Fella. And thusly there was no second nose bleed.

"Ummm... no. No, Dots. Din't think o' that actually..." she whispered to the regally posed cat strapped up on her hip. "Next time then, girlie. Next time..."

And so onto the blue-silver grass did the girl kneel, big baby blues still trained on the face area of the Big Fella. Once more her head tilted a bit as her mind fell into wondering. If he had no mouth and could not speak... then could he eat? And what would a giant bug-like person with no mouth eat anyways?

The bits and baubles that adorned the Big Fella's head protrusions clicked and clacked almost musically as he turned his head to the skies, eyes closed. Then all at once she felt that prying sensation once more and again, instictively her defenses went to work but this time she did not push back. Instead she started up her purr-song.

It was like magic.

No, she could not know the message that was relayed, but the tone, the 'colour' of the message she could sense. She could feel it; he was being gentle.

The invasive waves ceased once more and hot liquid welled up in those big baby blues. All she ever knew of those waves attempting to flood her mind was feelings of terror, pain, anguish and frustration. This was the first time someone sending her a wave had been gentle. So gentle.

Hastily she wiped at her eyes, turning away as she did. She did not want to let the Big Fella see her as a vulnerable and worthless thing. When she was done cleaning up her face, she turned back to the Big Fella and flashed him a grin.

"I don't know if ya can hears or understand me, Big Fella... but I thiiink--" she cut herself off to take a nerve-calming breath before continuing, "--no and nay again, not think. I know yer not one of them. And even if we can't be friends, mister, at least this here Lucky lass knows ya don't means me n' Dotsies no harm. And that do be good enough for us, it do, Big Fella. Aye, and again aye."

A wink and nod she tossed his way, still 'purr-songin' for him. Big baby blues watched as the Big Fella lowered his strange, yet majestic form to the silvery-blue grass beneath them. Slowly she rose from her kneeling pose. Then softly, yet unerringly, Lucky slinked on over near him. Once more she looked up at him, flashed another smile, wink and nod, then promptly she too lowered herself onto the grass. Her smaller lithe form curled up comfortably beside one of the Big Fella's huge legs.

"Fiiiiine then, Dotsies... you were right. Fine then, girlie? Now hush..."

And so once more she slumbered, this time in the silvery-grass, hidden in his looming shadow. Midnight hued eyebrows slanted away, at full contentment. Serenity graced her small pale face as she lay there, tucked away by his side, out of sight from prying eyes of those that would pass, like say, the eyes of the little mob of curious walking mushroom people and their even more curiouser mushroom people's 'noble steed.' Pity she missed such a fantastic yet mind-numbing sight. But she was quite fast asleep but quick.

No, she did not dream, she never did, but rather she drifted along to the wave of the Big Fella's humming. And for the first time in a long time the 'prompts' of her sleepy-thinking thoughts were stilled.
@Mokley Let me get one more in please!!

Also apologies to @Girlie1Bomba that Krita failed to notice Lucky, he's *way* too distracted by the Whispered Day who stands out way more as 'a big scary dumb thing that will probably eat us all and wouldn't even know we taste bad??'

That said, I'm curious how good everyone else's sense of smell is? Bobblings 'special speech' is very difficult for 'biggs' to learn because it's not vocal and therefore does not make a good basis for abstract communication with non-Bobblings. That said, someone could easily 'get the feel' of what it means or implies with enough exposure.

Wut really bruh? daBomba helps name your little things and you do me like that? Really? Thanks a lot man... wow. Thanks. Looks like I'mma have to rage quit this shiet then. Unbelievable. Wow, Thanks.


Actually Lucky has excellent senses so yeah theres that... oh wait. I seem to notice that she totes gots dissed so I guess we won't know if she can or can't learn that 'special speech' because she don't 'stand out way more' than others...

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