"Bloody hell..." the shine and colour of her baby blues were fading and fast, quickly being overtaken by the hue and depth of the returning wicked abyss,
"they sent a Programmer for me n' Dotsies, aye, they did..."An ivory sneer she flashed the multi-legged Programmer and promptly did she begin to remove her cloak, eyes locked in on the yellow robed beast. From between those sharp teeth poked out her pink tongue. It curled upward and licked at the blood running from her right nostril and draining into her mouth. It had drawn first blood. And now it had made the mistake of dismissing her as a potential threat.
A nerve-calming breath she took as she cast away her darkened cloak. And now into a stance that was meant for more than merely fighting did she take. This was no ordinary fight. This was self-preservation. This was a fight for her new way of life. And she was set to murder whatever would try to take that away from her.
Programmers, as far as she knew them, were the ones that breached the sanctity of minds. They were the ones that proved that her kind did not own their own selves since they could not own their own thoughts. And who owned their thoughts? Well, the ones who gave them the answers in their ‘sleep-think’ mode whist slumbering. But you see, Lucky was a Flaw; she was one of the ones that did not fall in line with her reason to exist. She was one of the ones that had the ability to resist her Programming and in effect, as far as she knew, own her own thoughts. Lucky was free to do what she wanted… well, with caveat, of course.
But this one, this multi-appendaged brute, had tried to force its self into her head and attempt to pry open her mind. And inevitably it would try to 'will' her into submission, priming her to have her head ‘re-wired.’ Fortunately, for Lucky she was Flawed and able to ‘stuff-up’ the areas in her mind that a Programmer would try to breach. And so all that the Programmer managed to get was the equivalent of a static shock at worst or just static darkness at best. There was no way it would get into her head. The price of resistance was a bit of a nose bleed, but well worth the cost. There was no way it would take her back into a life of servitude and humiliation. No way.
It had mocked her with an dismissive pose; arms folded and tossing her a scrap of a nod. It had even paid her no mind currently, exposing itself as if she posed no threat at all. Big mistake. Oh, but such a big mistake to underestimate her. It would be the last mistake it ever—
The thing had collapsed under its own weight and was struggling to stand once more.
“What in the actual fu— Oi! You there, Programmer!” uncertainty and doubt had crept into her mind and stilled the murderous intent therein.. mostly. For she had actually never seen a Programmer in person, let alone know what one was supposed to look like. Well, this thing fit the bill: monstrous, majestic and— it almost fell over again.
“Whacha’ playin’ at then…?” the hue and depth of the abyss retreated some as humour, blue and shiny, glinted across those big eyes,
“ya know, this here Lucky lass is goin’ to end ya should ya— oh for cryin’ for yer mummy! Would ya just stand straight right still then! Please! It look as if ya’ve taken down a bottle o’ shine and decided to dance the Jump n' Flitter whilst the winds and pressures gets all turbulent-like! Oi! Can ya not speaks to—no and nay again… ya can’t speak can ya--”Big baby blues popped open wide, completely devoid of darkness now. The sudden realization had fizzled out the dead cold murder streak. Lucky soon turned her gaze to the green, green grass neath her boots, eyes now dulled and sullen, cheeks hot with pink hues.
“Tis why ya’ tried me mind— now, now, Dots! I wouldn’t have done ‘im in! Swears it! Was just a bit upset, was I…! Ya know if only.. what’s that, girlie? Oh, it hums?”A soft sigh and a little smirk she could not help but let escape when she saw the thing wobble once more. Monstrous, majestic… and adorable…
“D’awww… okay then Dotsies.. let me see if I cannot ‘hum’ to it too then, aye..?” If a cat may purr then it is showing clear signs of contentment or even pleasure. But when Lucky purred, it was even more than that; it was a happiness that was meant to be shared. And for the most part, this is truly what made her despised by her creators. The girl had empathy. And even more than that, she was able to impress it upon others through her
‘purring songs;’ sometimes these songs calmed even the most savage beast or troubled mind. And so after picking up her cloak and donning it once more, she slinked on over to the imposing, yet adorable brute.
Both arms she had outstretched and in her hands she held out to it the white, fuzzy feline that was to forever hold that regal pose.
“This is Dotsies. She be me bestest friend. Ever. And if yer not out to break me brain afterall then, welllllll… I guess you n’ me could be friends too… whaddya say, Big Fella…?”A smile, wink and nod she could not help but toss once more to him. And now the thrumming, happy purr song of the little cat-girl hummed along with the hum that emanated from her newly anointed ‘
Big Fella.’