Avatar of GirlOnMarz
  • Last Seen: 22 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: mskennedy615
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 761 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 9
  • Username history
    1. GirlOnMarz 2 yrs ago
    2. ███ 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Wow, I really miss writing.
1 yr ago
I'm back and officially a college grad. :)
6 yrs ago
It's way too early to be hearing Christmas music in the mall... can we get past Thanksgiving, first?
6 yrs ago
Back from my little hiatus.
6 yrs ago
Lost one of my childhood friends this morning to gun violence. My heart hurts.


I'm Ken/Marz. My pronouns are She/They. I'm a 23 year old from VA.
I write to escape. The Guild has been my haven for over 10 years now.
You'll typically see me in the SOL or Supernatural sections.
My PSN is GirlOnMarz and my Discord is Marz#1208
My Face, TikTok and Twitter

Most Recent Posts

ella... ella.... aye-

Unlike a lot of the other party-goers, Tyler was very excited to watch Dee and Melissa take on those two Liberty kids. There was no doubt in her mind that they deserved whatever was coming to them. She had already known that it was only a matter of time before something like this happened, and it felt kind of good to actually not be involved in the action for once. Instead, she was simply living vicariously through Dee as he slammed the poor kid against the wall, causing her and everyone around her to flinch. While the Liberty kid was definitely holding his own, everyone surely knew that in the end, he would be no match for DeShawn.

Things didn't start to get too out of hand until Dee broke the leg off a chair and tried to use it as a weapon. It was then that Tyler's feeling of excitement quickly turned to ones of panic and worry. Not only did she fear that the other boy could get seriously hurt, but she also worried for Dee and how shit could easily go left if the police were called. A wave of relief came over her, however, when the large boy was stopped before the weapon could actually be put to use. "Oh thank God," Tyler said, letting out a breath she didn't even realize she'd been holding in.

"I need to talk to Dee, We'll catch up some other time okay?" Jo suddenly said, snapping Tyler back to reality. She simply nodded and offered her friend a half-smile before watching the girl storm in Dee's direction, prepared to give him a piece of her mind. Tyler had the same idea in her head, but decided to wait until later to talk to Dee, figuring that he'd need some time to recuperate. Instead, she downed the rest of her Henny/Coke combination and started to make her way back to the liquor table, only to stop dead in her tracks when Christian made an appearance inside, this time holding a water hose.

"Oh Hell no... no, no no..." Tyler said under her breath, trying to push her way through the crowd, but she wasn't moving fast enough. Cool droplets of water suddenly came crashing down on Ty's head, and the young woman couldn't do much but attempt to cover her head with her hands and stand amongst the others in defeat. When the water had stopped falling, Tyler ran her fingers through her hair to find that her fresh silk press had already started to revert back to it's naturally curly state... no surprise there. She was afraid to see if any serious damage had been done to her makeup.

"God Dammit, Christian," Ty exclaimed, hopefully loud enough for him to hear, as she rolled her eyes and dug around her purse for an extra scrunchie. And when she couldn't find one, the young woman decided to just go search around the house for an unoccupied bathroom. "Straighten your hair, Ty... it's a special occasion, Ty..." the girl said under her breath, mocking her own words as she pushed her way through groups of drunk teenagers, not caring who she knocked over in the process.

"An hour and a half gone to fucking waste."


When JayVaughn was practically manhandled by Dee to get out of his way, he didn't dare to try and step to the guy once more. He'd known Dee for quite some time now, and knew better than to get in his way when he was pissed off. Sure, on one hand he didn't want things to escalate and lead to them getting kicked out of the party, but on the other hand JJ also knew that if he really wanted to, Dee could fold him like a goddamn lawn chair in one motion, and that wasn't really something he was willing to experience that night. So, he simply muttered a quick, "shit, Dee," before he stepped out of the way like everyone else and observed the slim Asian kid getting headbutted, hoping and praying that someone big enough would come and put a stop to things before they got too out of hand. But instead of having his prayers answered, the small crowd was joined by yet another person who did nothing but make things worse; JJ rolled his eyes as Jax Bradley suddenly appeared at Melissa's side, throwing his fists up like he was actually gonna hurt somebody.

"We shoulda left his ass at home," JJ said under his breath, wincing as he watched Jax get headbutted in the nose. But despite the fight that had continued on without him, as well as the blood that had instantly started gushing out of the young man's nose, he stood back at Melissa's side once more, fists up and ready to throw a punch. Jax was only really taken out of the game when the shorter girl on the Liberty side delivered him a swift kick in between his legs. It was then, after being briefly greeted by Jo, that JJ finally decided to intervene. After grabbing a couple of napkins from the liquor table, JJ rushed over to a now sitting Jax and offered him a hand. "Come on man, let's get on up," He said, using some of his strength to pull the young man up on his feet. "Head tilted back. Pinch your nose. Here are some napkins, let's see if we can find a bathroom... and no more drinks tonight."

But before he could pull the guy away, some girl he didn't instantly recognize started yelling something about a drinking game through a megaphone. And shortly afterwards, another guy he recognized as an old rival on the football field came out of nowhere with a fucking garden hose. JJ slightly flinched as freezing cold droplets of water came crashing down onto his head. "Bathroom first, then you can see if you're good enough to play. Deal?"


JayVaughn had decided to leave the bouncy house not too long after he'd climbed inside. It was fun while it lasted, but he decided to cut his fun short when more drunk teenagers started to join him; it would only be a matter of time before one of them hurled up everything they'd consumed that night, and he didn't want to be around when that happened. In swift motions, the young man pulled his shoes back onto his feet, dusted off his pants and shirt to make sure that everything was still in its rightful place, and begun to head back inside to search for some of his friends. Soon enough, JJ had spotted several familiar faces near the liquor table; he approached them all with a smile on his face, but stopped dead in his tracks when he realized what was about to happen.

"All right, who wants in on this? I've got Melissa and her boy as the 2-1 favorites-" JJ heard someone say, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the immaturity of it all. Leave it to the Rosefell crew to start and instigate a fight at the very first party of the year.

"Ayo, Dee," JJ said, coming to a stop at the boy's side once he'd finally gotten over the initial shock of seeing Melissa snap. "You take care of that, and I'll get ol boy... make sure he doesn't try anything to get back at Melissa." And without hesitation, JJ made his way over to an unfamiliar Jackson Park; he lay a friendly hand on the guy's shoulder and began to make an attempt at pulling him away from the scene. "That was a nasty ass kick you took there," JJ said, a hint of amusement in his voice as he spoke that he quickly tried to mask. "Let's go find you some ice or something, ight? I know that shit gotta hurt."

It wasn't long before Tyler found herself maneuvering through the crowded inside of the well-decorated home once more; With a half-full cup of Hennessey and coke in hand, she tried her best not to bump into anyone too hard. This proved to be quite the task for someone who'd already downed a half cup of her own concoction before refilling it to the brim; the girl found herself mumbling apologies to random Liberty students as she aimlessly stumbled her way past. It didn't really surprise Tyler when she nearly knocked out both herself and someone else; she looked up at the large figure prepared to either apologize or throw a punch, but was relieved to see that it was only DeShawn. "Stay in your lane, mama," the Linebacker said with a smile that Ty instantly returned. "Nearly cleaned you out. I mean, I know you can kick my ass but still…”

"Damn right I can! As long as you know it," Ty said with a chuckle as she lightly patted Dee on the shoulder. "And yeah we definitely should catch up. I'll find you la-" Ty's sentence was cut short when she noticed that Dee had momentarily directed his attention elsewhere; she followed his gaze to see that he was staring at none other than the Queen of Thorns herself. She stood right in front of two people Ty didn't immediately recognize, but she could tell just from how they looked that they were Liberty kids. It looked like they were involved in a pretty heated conversation, and it wasn't long before Dee excused himself from their brief conversation and and appeared at Melissa's side. "Well... okay, then," Ty said to herself as she stood by for a couple of minutes, watching to make sure that she didn't have to run up and punch a bitch. But it looked like Dee had things under control, so she continued on her way.

After taking another few gulps from her cup, Tyler continued to roam the house, internally debating whether or not she was drunk enough to dance with a group of random Freshman. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when she suddenly felt someone come slamming into her chest. "Jo!" Ty exclaimed, welcoming her hug with open arms once the shorter girl's face had finally come into focus. "I've been okay, I guess. Just trying to drink my weight in dark liquor... you know, nothing too crazy. Those burgers are amazing by the way. I don't know what Spike did to make them taste so good, but holy cow."

When Joanne motioned to her friend who stood not too far away, it only took Tyler a second to agree to meeting her. "Yeah, no I'm not busy! Let's go-" But yet again, Tyler was stopped mid-sentence when she heard commotion from behind her. And she turned right in time to see Melissa make a move that Ty didn't think she had in her. "Here we fucking go... finally! A fight. What's a Rosefell party without a good fight?" Tyler said, a hint of excitement in her voice as she turned to watch the events unfold.

"My money's on Melissa."

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Smoking weed was Keisha Carter's source of relaxation and temporary happiness. In her mind, she believed that getting high would take all of her fears and problems away — and it did... for a brief moment, at least. For those few short hours, Keisha's perfectly pearled joint would ease all of her worries, cure her heartache, and comfort her when she was feeling lonely. It became her peace of mind. Nowadays she spent more time getting high than anything; whether she was at work, in class, or simply chilling in her bedroom, she always had a joint tucked away somewhere, ready to be put to good use.

The only problem Keisha had with getting high was when it all started to wear off. It was then that she would be able to think clearly again. Reality would start to set back in, and the euphoric feeling she once felt would slowly start to slip away. Keisha woke up at around eight o'clock that morning, and despite having cotton-mouth from smoking the night before, she was stone-cold sober. "Wake and fucking bake," she muttered under her breath as she lazily swiped her arm to the left, her hand searching the nightstand. Her eyes remained shut thanks to the blinding sunrays that beamed light through her window, but she found what she was looking for with ease. And without even moving from her spot on the bed, Keisha lit the end of her joint and took a hit. It was only after she heard footsteps outside of her bedroom door that she came to her senses, opened her eyes, and scrambled to hide the rest of her stash.

"Keisha Nicole Carter. I know damn well you're not smoking that stuff in my house again," her mother's shrill voice suddenly said as her door began to be pushed open. "And don't even try to lie. I was your age once upon a time, and I know what it smells like."

Keisha couldn't help but roll her eyes as her mother's figure appeared in the doorframe. And as the woman came in and began to pull open her curtains, she couldn't help but let out a loud groan. "I guess knocking before entering isn't a thing anymore," the young woman said sarcastically as she grabbed one of her pillows and plopped it over her face.

"Not in my house it isn't."

"Aren't you supposed to be at work right now? Tending to your plants or... something?"

"I took today off, thank you very much," the woman said matter-of-factly as she began to pick up a few random articles of clothing that had been carelessly tossed around the room by her daughter. "I figured I'd take a few flowers from the shop and go visit Ty this morning... maybe sit and have a little chat with him. Catch him up on everything that's been going on recently."

"It's not like he can actually hear you," Keisha responded bluntly, her voice muffled thanks to the pillow. The silence that followed, however, instantly made her regret what she said. She removed the pillow to see that her mother was still absently tidying up her messy room, but the somber expression on her face said it all. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that," She said in an attempt to backtrack, but they both knew that she was lying through her teeth.

"It's alright," Keisha's mother said, forcing a smile as she took one last glance around. "Anyway, you're more than welcome to come if you'd like. You haven't been to visit since... well, since the funeral. It'd be nice." And as soon as those words had left her mother's mouth, Keisha let out another groan and rolled over on her side, facing her wall.

There was so much that she wanted to say in that very moment... so much about how she sometimes still pretended that Ty was alive and just away on a trip or something. Or about how she dreamed that he had just left a few days ago and was only a phone call or quick bus ride away, and that visiting his gravesite would do nothing but force her to face reality. But instead, just like every other time her mother attempted to drag her along, she simply said: "A cemetery? No thanks. Place gives me the creeps." And just like each other time, her mother shot her a sad, knowing look before leaving her to her own devices. Within the next couple of minutes, Keisha heard the front door open and close, and that was when she knew she was in the clear.

Soon after, Keisha was smoking again, but this time in the seat next to her window. She'd even decided to put her record player to use while she did so. She stared out into the front yard as she took a hit, her eyes following the mailman as he tossed a couple of envelopes into their mailbox. But before she could even think about going to check if she'd received another one of Charlie's journal entries, her high had finally started to settle in. She didn't want anything to blow it.

"We totally have cheese,” the mystery Liberty dude suddenly blurted out, causing Tyler to let out a light chuckle in response. She shook his hand without hesitation, and grabbed her plate from Spike immediately afterwards. The smell of the freshly grilled cheeseburger and hotdog wafted to her nose in an instant, making her stomach rumble and her mouth salivate. She reached for the ketchup as soon as Eleazar's friend or whoever returned it to its proper place on the table.

"Nice to meet ya Christian," she said, flashing the boy a flirtatious smile before refocusing her attention on the plate of food before her. She took a couple of seconds to coat her hotdog in ketchup, as well as draw a cute little smiley face on her cheeseburger before remembering that she had yet to introduce herself to both Christian and Eleazer. "I'm Tyler, but everyone around here just calls me Ty." As soon as she finished speaking, Ty took that opportunity to find out if Spike and Eleazar were as gifted on the grill as Christian had made them out to be. She took a fairly large bite out of her burger, and her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head as soon as she began to chew. "Holy shit, you weren't kidding. These are the fucking bomb." she said to Christian between bites, a euphoric feeling beginning to overtake her body. What a wonderful way to satisfy her munchies.

Ty had only gotten about halfway through her burger before the smell of tobacco suddenly overcame her senses. The young woman let out a cough as she watched Christian wave away a cloud of smoke that had been blown in their faces by none other than... "Cade! Hey! Everything's all good. You should try one of these burgers... it's good shit, I'm telling ya." And with that, she took another bite of her burger. "Now Cade, you already know I fuck with you heavy... but is that a... a black n mild that you're smoking? Come on now... I got something better we all can smoke in my purse." And just as she was about to dig around for her baggie of joints, the small group was joined by yet another.

"Hello, Chris. Hello, Ty..." A new voice called out, and Ty whipped her head around to see a familiar face walking in their direction. Tyler couldn't help but feel a little... or actually, a lot surprised at the fact that she was seeing none other than Grisha Blackmore at a high school party. She never would've pegged him as the partying type, despite only knowing him for less than a week. But, who knows? Maybe she had gotten him all wrong. Nevertheless, she greeted him with the same stoned, goofy grin she'd given to almost everyone else who'd walked by.

"Hey Grish, how's it going?" The young woman said once he'd come to a stop nearby. "Grisha, that's Spike, Eleazar, and Cade... guys, this is Grisha." She probably could've been a little more detailed, but she was way more interested in finishing what was on her plate than making introductions. She'd finished the hamburger and had set her sights on the hotdog; she'd eaten about half when she realized just how dry her mouth had suddenly become. She finished the rest of her food within thirty seconds, and tossed her plate in the nearby trash before saying, "I'm gonna go find where the drinks are if anyone wants to tag along... I'm gonna need something very very strong before going out on that dancefloor." And as she began to walk away, she threw her hand up and waved at those behind her.

"See ya. Have fun. Find me later if you wanna smoke."


A feeling of relief washed over JJ as Olivia, or Liv, offered him a gentle smile and warm response to his compliment. And he was just about to answer her question about how he was enjoying the party before another person unexpectedly interrupted their conversation. "Alright, let's move it along now," the taller boy had said as he slunk an arm around Liv's shoulder, and all of the relief that had been present in JJ's body suddenly washed away. Who in the Hell was this guy? And why did he have to swoop in right when things were starting to go well?

JayVaughn watched in silence as Liv scowled at the older boy, but flashed her a kind smile when her eyes found his once more. "Yeah, I guess I'll just... catch you later," he said back before she was pulled away in the opposite direction. "Hope you guys have fun." But by the time he'd finished this last sentence, the pair were already out of hearing range. "Fuck," the young boy muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes, turned on his heel, and began making his way back to the cooler to retrieve his bottle of water. While he was slightly annoyed by what had just happened, the young man decided, as he took a few gulps from the bottle, that he wouldn't let it put a damper on the rest of his night. He knew that this wouldn't be the last time he'd try to get to know Liv; hopefully then there won't be any more interruptions.

Soon, JJ found himself wandering around the large house, searching for any familiar faces. He pushed through the crowds of students and eventually found himself in the backyard. His eyes instantly lit up at the sight of it all. It didn't take him long to set sights on the large bouncy house that stood in the grass, not too far from the pool. He could see a few drunken students had already started wildly jumping about inside, and suddenly felt the urge to join them.

After thinking it over for a few seconds, he decided to give in to his inner-child. He left his sneakers in a dark spot behind the bouncy house out of the fear of them being stolen (old habits), and then entered through the little door in the front. He was welcomed by everyone with open arms.
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