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Okee, posted. I got a job now so ja >.> <.< Sorry all
Diane was standing there, brain just reeling, trying to focus. Trying to grab onto all the facts that she knew to be true, and all of the facts that were just her stressed mind cracking under the pressure of this whole entire mess. Here was one of the things that she knew for sure. She was, undoubtedly, alive. That was one fact, and that was what she'd lay the base work for the rest on. Fact number dos, she was definitely awake. While she might wish and pray for it to be a dream, she knew that this was no dream. This was the waking world, for sure. Besides that one? She'd seen three of her kids leave a cottage, and two of them had been, no doubt about it, the flesh eating, shambling variety of the undead...and now, she had three kids in front of her, and she was pretty sure...No one else could see them.

It was around this time, though, that Diane's ears caught the sound of Jason talking. She turned and just fixated him with this sort of look...Before she marched right up to him, and slapped Jason firmly right across the face. "What the HELL gives you the right to say stuff like that? Are you some kind of psychopath, you think we'd want to be in ANY kind of group with a man who would make threats or talk like you just did!? I know my answer, and it is heavens, HEAVENS no!" Diane steamed, just staring at Jason with her look of disgust, while ensuring that she got her flare gun back from the hippie. She moved to stand behind him, eyes snapping from between Pierre, and Jason. "You BOTH have some damn problems, and after the day I've had...No WAY I'm primed to deal with it. So far, this 'hippie' seems like the most level headed of us all! I'm seeing dead children, for Christ's sake! Not the ones you just mowed down, either!" Diane explained, glancing back to the corpses...oh heaven's, the whole class was behind her...and only she could see. Now, THAT was freaky.

Diane had made her point and position clear. She didn't want anything to do with the guy who's head was so far shoved up the old hierarchy's ass that he'd probably suffocate on the gas fumes before this world took him out, and she sure as hell didn't want ANYTHING to do with the one who'd begun spouting out some crazy stuff about a New World! For all she knew, he'd try and make Diane a public breeder and have them all live in a nice, big tribe soon enough! No thank you! "The sooner we get moving, the better...this is a mad house..." Diane whispered to Sean, holding her flare gun close to herself for dear, dear protection.
"Lying about the matter of facts doesn't help anyone in the end." Diane's reply was sharp and simple, as if she was reading it from a script instead of actually saying it herself. "There isn't an absence of evidence. There's an absence of survivors, but not the dead. I do thank you for trying to calm me down, I suppose..." Diane sighed, before she eventually got to her feet and brushed herself off. "There should be at least a cabin left to search. Maybe my luck will finally improve..." She shrugged, holding her notebook tightly in her grasp, twirling her pen in her grasp while glancing to the other person who had come up to comfort her. The first one who had arrived. "Alive in my mind doesn't really change the fact that, well, they're not in the waking world..." She sighed softly, before her eyes turned to Pierre.

"No one gives a damn about who you are, or what position you once held. I set off the flare because in a survival situation, you're meant to get into groups, not whine and moan. If you are going to stand here and try to prove your superiority by belittling the rest of us, you can walk right back into the forest, alone. I'm pretty sure mother nature would be very impressed with all of your fancy medals and charity auctions. Now, if you don't mind, either start doing something useful with your time and supposed superiority, or leave. I have MUCH more important things to think about than some political, military, whatever nutjob." Diane's tone was cold and sharp, as if she was speaking down to the bad child of the class whom had spoken out of turn, and tried to become some cool kid.

Diane took her flare gun, and reloaded it, before thrusting it into Sean's grasp. "If he tried to shoot me in the back with that fancy gun of his, shoot him with this flare gun." She said it just loud enough so that Pierre could hear. Oh yes, Diane Bright was done with any and all of anyone's bullshit. She began to walk towards one of the last remaining, unharmed cottages...before one of the kids began to come running out. It was a young girl, with dark red hair, adorable blue eyes, and the cutest of freckled skin. A thin tyke, dressed in her night gown. "Trish!?" Diane's voice was suddenly sounding so bright and hopeful, full of life...and then, she was two more kids come out of the cottage, chasing after Tris at a slow but steady gait, and that made Diane freeze.

It was a boy and a girl, the boy a classical look. Shaggy brown hair, torn jeans, white T...But, his neck, it was bent at an angle that was NOT natural. The girl? Well, she had a piece of wood sticking directly through where her heart would be. Now, Diane was a young adult, ergo, she knew her pop culture. Things like zombies and the like were nothing new to her, so, she just...acted. "SOMEONE SHOOT THOSE DEAD KIDS!" Diane seriously hoped that she'd never have to say a phrase like that again, even as she rushed to grab up the girl who seemed to be fine, Trish. Today was not the teacher's day.
I'll post tomorrow after work.
Hm. Should ALL the kiddies be dead...? Nah.
Diane hadn't signed up for this. She had signed on for the trip raffle and won it with every intention of a good time, and getting her kids to learn some stuff about Yellow Stone. Did you know that it was Teddy Roosevelt who made the first national parks? Miss Bright had ensured that her children had known about it, but now...That information couldn't help them in the least. Diane reached up, running her hands through her hair, eyes wide. Wide and wet, a few tears beginning to make their way down her face. People were arriving. One who had seen them and come to help, while others were more content to just...mingle! Didn't they...? Diane shook her head. She raised a hand to the first one who came up to help, something she did with her own children. She could handle herself and her own discussions.

Diane took a deep breath, before she focused on the man who'd come up. "Children...in the cabins...My class..." Diane shivered, her hands becoming shaky as it was all starting to settle in on her head. Her kids...Diane glanced back to the cabins, before she shakily reached into her bag, and pulled out a small pill bottle. She unscrewed the cap...before dumping three into her hands. Small, simple, green and orange pills. She popped them, and swallowed, before putting it away. The girl stood there, taking a few deep breaths. "They...seem to all be...dead..." Diane shivered on her feet, beginning to slowly lower herself onto her ass, and pull her knees up to her chest. She gave out a short, sharp, humorless laugh. "They're parents...are going to be pissed..." Diane shivered, before she tugged out a notebook and pen, and began to doodle. Blocking out everything around her, and just doodling suns.

Everyone had a coping method. This was Diane's.
Yes, she has no name, only Hot Teach!
Small post is small!
Diane had begun to pace in her spot, just glancing back to the cabins. She needed help, and now. The children, they might be in danger! Diane wanted to go in there and look it over herself, but at the same time, what the hell could she do with just herself? If one was stuck under a beam or something...Diane ensured to look up at her now falling flare, wondering if she should shoot off yet another one. Anything to get some people to this location. That was when she suddenly heard a voice, the teacher spinning to face it.

"Oh! Children! Children! There is children, stuck in the other cabins! I need your help." Diane said, before she turned and began to gesture towards the mess of cabins. She wanted some more people to help with the search of the children, but you work with what you get.
Name: Diane Bright

Occupation: School Teacher [Grade School]

Age: 26

Appearance: Please, do not mind the battle ax.

Items: Button up top, jeans, boots, satchel of pens, pencils, notebooks, and an attendance sheet. First aid kit, survival knife, flares, and flare gun.

Basic Background: Miss Diane Bright, a simple school teacher for a collection of fourth grades(Adorable little tykes, really) won a raffle that her school was putting on. A free trip, all expenses paid, to Yellow Stone Park. The class even got to stay in cabins. It was the chance of a life time for the school teacher, really. Give her kids an experience, and another reason to be called the coolest teacher of Winter Grade School. That was a week before the entire world blew up.

[A little basic, I know, but I've never been big on the huge bios.]
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