"Kilian. Kilian please pay attention." Kilian's eyes slowly raised to the front of the room. "I understand you are upset because of what happened recently, but that doesn't mean-" The teacher was cut off by a voice off by the the student. "My family has nothing to do with what I do in school. Don't speak of them." The teacher let out a sigh and almost immediately went back to teach the class, which was cut short again when a student spoke towards Kilian. "Yeah teach, even when his family was alive he wouldn't pay attention, so what does it matter?" Kilian's head shot up to the front of the room and his glare landed on the bully of the school. He shot up from his seat and stormed towards the bully only to be stopped by the teacher who quickly kicked him out of the room. "To the principle's O'Ryan."
After the teacher slammed the door in Kilian's face he slowly made his way to the principle's office. It was nothing new and he was quickly sitting in front of the man who currently ran the school. "Five times in the past three days. Kilian, whats going on?" Silence filled the room for a few minutes. Kilian didn't see a reason to have to answer. Deep down it might have been his family's death. After all it was all he had in the first place. "Kilian, you don't understand how lucky you are right now. I could have suspended you for a few days if I really felt the need to." There was silence for a few more moments as Kilian glared at the little clay art of an island on the desk. "You know what? Ill give you a warning, again. However, if you enter this office because of a fight or argument with a teacher, or anything similar, you will be suspended for a few days. Got it?"
As soon as the principle said that, the bell went off. The principle nearly jumped due to the sound. "Glad you understand. Now go." Kilian stood up from the seat and made his way across the room. The principle gave him one last word of "advice" as he walked out of the office. "Not one more time O'Ryan!" Kilian went to the lunch room, where he decided that he wouldn't eat lunch that day. He was low on cash and decided to save it for dinner. Instead he made his way over to the abandoned school building. "The 'headquarters' seems to be in great shape."
Kilian made his way into the building and walked the halls for a bit. He came across a room that seemed to be completely untouched by the fire that broke out here years ago. As he walked in he made his way to a more quiet part of the room. He recognized all these people from seeing them in the halls but he never actually knew any of them. He quickly put his head down as if not wanting to be noticed, which would be hard to do because of his height and frame.