Bradbury's 'There Will Come Soft Rains' is a masterpiece, such a beautiful work that will surely stand the test of ti- What? I'm not crying. You're crying.
8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
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VMs: 1
Recent Statuses
8 yrs ago
Bradbury's 'There Will Come Soft Rains' is a masterpiece, such a beautiful work that will surely stand the test of ti- What? I'm not crying. You're crying.
8 yrs ago
It takes a special kind of person to bite their tongue while eating. It takes an even more special one to bite the same place while talking. HINT: It's me. I'm that person.
8 yrs ago
Nearly fell asleep in my coffee earlier. I think that's enough irony for one day.
8 yrs ago
Today I had a crow hiss at me. I thought that hissing was something Cats and Snakes did, but apparently those beady-eye bastards are evolving and learning to mimic others' behaviour.
9 yrs ago
Soon to be the proud owner of a shiny new Dremel, and as a result likely no longer the owner of several fingers!
About Me
Hey hey, I'm Goh! 23/M/Australia with a soft spot for dystopian fiction and Lovecraftian horror. I've been RP-ing and writing for about 5 years now; I cut my teeth over on the Planet Minecraft forums but I've recently moved here.
Hobbies include cosplay, being a huge history/politics/philosophy nerd, and telling puns so bad they cause people actual physical pain.
If you want me onboard for an RP, want a collab or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me a message!
Current RP's and Characters
Argus Lichfield, Old One Rising - A sociopathic Pinkerton turned FBI liaison, on the case of a murdered professor and his horrible secrets
Edward Midwich, The Darwin Project - An anxious young boy with the ability to see and hear things well beyond the normal range for humans
Retired or Abandoned Characters
Dr. Adeline Carbier, Black Velvet Sky - A Quantum Physicist on the run from her double life. Last seen standing on the launchpad of the Starship NSS Intrepid XDS-5
Daedalus Ivory (1.0), RWBY: Brilliant Horizon - Virtually the same as the Shattered Skies version with a few backstory alterations. Last seen falcon punching a ravenous beast into a concrete wall.
Daedalus Ivory (2.0), RWBY: Shattered Skies - A towering mountain of an Elephant Man with a heart of gold, a body of stone and fists of steel. Last seen sitting on an airship leaving the Vytal Festival.
James 'Jimmy' Hardwick, The Nameless Tavern - An alcoholic Depression-era Private Investigator with a penchant for all things Eldritch and Unknowable. Last seen unconscious on a back room couch.
Count Iosif Sashenka Kristov II, Deeper Than The Sands - An eccentric Russian nobleman living in 1920's Cairo, seeking to restore his squandered family fortune. Last seen fretting over his finances in his modest hotel room.
Yeah, I am! There was a fairly large exodus a few years back and all the guys I RP'd with regularly moved here, so I followed suit.
[b][color=1a7b30][H3][center]About Me[/center][/H3][/color][/b]
Hey hey, I'm Goh! 23/M/Australia with a soft spot for dystopian fiction and Lovecraftian horror. I've been RP-ing and writing for about 5 years now; I cut my teeth over on the Planet Minecraft forums but I've recently moved here.
Hobbies include cosplay, being a huge history/politics/philosophy nerd, and telling puns so bad they cause people actual physical pain.
If you want me onboard for an RP, want a collab or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me a message!
[b][color=1a7b30][H3][center]Current RP's and Characters[/center][/H3][/color][/b]
[*] [url=]Argus Lichfield, [i]Old One Rising[/i][/url] - A sociopathic Pinkerton turned FBI liaison, on the case of a murdered professor and his horrible secrets
[*] [Url=]The Warden, [i]Carpe Noctem: Seize the Night[/i][/url] - An enigmatic, cold and ruthlessly efficient individual who runs the UK's dreaded Saxtonvale Maximum Security Prison
[*] [url=]Edward Midwich, [i]The Darwin Project[/i][/url] - An anxious young boy with the ability to see and hear things well beyond the normal range for humans
[b][color=1a7b30][H3][center]Retired or Abandoned Characters[/center][/H3][/color][/b]
[*] [url=]Dr. Adeline Carbier, [i]Black Velvet Sky[/i][/url] - A Quantum Physicist on the run from her double life. Last seen standing on the launchpad of the Starship [i]NSS Intrepid XDS-5[/i]
[*] [url=]Daedalus Ivory (1.0), [i]RWBY: Brilliant Horizon[/i][/url] - Virtually the same as the Shattered Skies version with a few backstory alterations. Last seen falcon punching a ravenous beast into a concrete wall.
[*] [url=]Daedalus Ivory (2.0), [i]RWBY: Shattered Skies[/i][/url] - A towering mountain of an [s]Elephant[/s] Man with a heart of gold, a body of stone and fists of steel. Last seen sitting on an airship leaving the Vytal Festival.
[*] [url=]James 'Jimmy' Hardwick, [i]The Nameless Tavern[/i][/url] - An alcoholic Depression-era Private Investigator with a penchant for all things Eldritch and Unknowable. Last seen unconscious on a back room couch.
[*] [Url=]Count Iosif Sashenka Kristov II, [i]Deeper Than The Sands[/i][/url] - An eccentric Russian nobleman living in 1920's Cairo, seeking to restore his squandered family fortune. Last seen fretting over his finances in his modest hotel room.
[b][color=1a7b30][H3][center]Current OC threads/threads that I GM[/center][/H3][/color][/b]
[*] [Url=]Carpe Noctem: Seize the Night[/url] - Part one of my 'Resurrected from PMC' series; A mixed-genre RP about Dreamscapes
[b][color=1a7b30][H3][center]Retired OC threads/threads that I GM[/center][/H3][/color][/b]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#1a7b30"><div class="bb-h3"><div class="bb-center">About Me</div></div></font></span><br><br>Hey hey, I'm Goh! 23/M/Australia with a soft spot for dystopian fiction and Lovecraftian horror. I've been RP-ing and writing for about 5 years now; I cut my teeth over on the Planet Minecraft forums but I've recently moved here.<br><br>Hobbies include cosplay, being a huge history/politics/philosophy nerd, and telling puns so bad they cause people actual physical pain.<br><br>If you want me onboard for an RP, want a collab or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me a message!<br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#1a7b30"><div class="bb-h3"><div class="bb-center">Current RP's and Characters</div></div></font></span><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Argus Lichfield, <span class="bb-i">Old One Rising</span></a> - A sociopathic Pinkerton turned FBI liaison, on the case of a murdered professor and his horrible secrets</li><li><a href="">The Warden, <span class="bb-i">Carpe Noctem: Seize the Night</span></a> - An enigmatic, cold and ruthlessly efficient individual who runs the UK's dreaded Saxtonvale Maximum Security Prison</li><li><a href="">Edward Midwich, <span class="bb-i">The Darwin Project</span></a> - An anxious young boy with the ability to see and hear things well beyond the normal range for humans</li></ul><br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#1a7b30"><div class="bb-h3"><div class="bb-center">Retired or Abandoned Characters</div></div></font></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Dr. Adeline Carbier, <span class="bb-i">Black Velvet Sky</span></a> - A Quantum Physicist on the run from her double life. Last seen standing on the launchpad of the Starship <span class="bb-i">NSS Intrepid XDS-5</span></li><li><a href="">Daedalus Ivory (1.0), <span class="bb-i">RWBY: Brilliant Horizon</span></a> - Virtually the same as the Shattered Skies version with a few backstory alterations. Last seen falcon punching a ravenous beast into a concrete wall.</li><li><a href="">Daedalus Ivory (2.0), <span class="bb-i">RWBY: Shattered Skies</span></a> - A towering mountain of an <span class="bb-s">Elephant</span> Man with a heart of gold, a body of stone and fists of steel. Last seen sitting on an airship leaving the Vytal Festival.</li><li><a href="">James 'Jimmy' Hardwick, <span class="bb-i">The Nameless Tavern</span></a> - An alcoholic Depression-era Private Investigator with a penchant for all things Eldritch and Unknowable. Last seen unconscious on a back room couch.</li><li><a href="">Count Iosif Sashenka Kristov II, <span class="bb-i">Deeper Than The Sands</span></a> - An eccentric Russian nobleman living in 1920's Cairo, seeking to restore his squandered family fortune. Last seen fretting over his finances in his modest hotel room.</li></ul><br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#1a7b30"><div class="bb-h3"><div class="bb-center">Current OC threads/threads that I GM</div></div></font></span><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Carpe Noctem: Seize the Night</a> - Part one of my 'Resurrected from PMC' series; A mixed-genre RP about Dreamscapes</li></ul><br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#1a7b30"><div class="bb-h3"><div class="bb-center">Retired OC threads/threads that I GM</div></div></font></span></div>