You raise a very good point, Tempest in regards to sounds and smell! I cannot specifically quote every source, but I believe studies were done based on human habitats and biospheres. Some human beings and creatures do know their backyards/native territories better than others and just smell alone can often severely disrupt stealth efforts. No disrespect to American soldiers, but some are notorious for alerting Taliban insurgents towards certain areas based on their aromatic trails. Now ... if Taliban insurgents can sniff out American G.I.s in the desert ... could the same be applied to enhanced irradiated mutants and large nightmarish creatures?
That being said, different perks and skill-sets could benefit all creeds and classes!
On a side note, I wanted to clarify though ... now that I've an approved character sheet, am I going to wait on our next posting cycle, a la Premonitions or can Peter immediately insert into either South-East or Central Apartment Sectors?