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If a tree falls in a forest and there’s no one around to hear it, is it the next Nickelback concert venue?
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A pig just won the lottery. You could say he's filthy rich
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Rest in power, Technoblade. 🐷👑
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"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda." - Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris, 1992


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Evan stared at them wide-eyed, absorbing their thoughts on the matter of killing, and he nodded at each one to give them thanks after they spoke. Most of them expressed indifference or even glee as long as the killing lined up with duty or the greater good, so it was Jazdia's answer that really stuck with him, who expressed a blanket guilt over taking life.
There was some merit to be had with the answer of the woman wearing a red brigandine, even though he felt like her answer raised his eyebrow. The thrill of being in a fight, he's felt it before.
Veronica and the tall cloaked man's answers... were odd. About as odd as their existences and non-beating hearts.

Even if he could find solace with the greater good, Evan believed he was not ready, either. Humans were not wild animals, they did not rely solely on primal instinct. They could be reasoned with, dissuaded from their causes...
He would avoid shedding blood when he could.

There was the thing about the plan again... Indeed, he had thought the safest way was to somehow flush them out of the place where they'd have the upper hand, but there didn't seem to be a way to achieve that. Fighting in their own turf seemed so risky too, but they couldn't be allowed to turtle up there like Veronica said.
If Jazdia's psychoanalysis was right, that they'd flush themselves out... then it would be a lot easier.

Regardless, only one position really suited Evan here.
He eyed the map and summoned atop his hand an ice replica of Jazdia's bronze polished trinket. It hovered towards the map and placed itself beside Jazdia's trinket, at the open courtyard.
As Veronica said, laudable firepower... nonexistent experience in subterfuge.

The ice trinket wasn't cold to the touch, and didn't threaten to melt itself over time either.
Evan knew enough about the time notation that 8:45 PM for him was... an incredibly early time to be sleeping. Usually he slept at around 3 to 4 AM to avoid sunlight, but at least he'd had a week to readjust.

He took his coonskin cap off to reveal his self-barbed unkempt hair, his scarf to reveal the rest of his face, lowered his long coat down to his elbows, and opened his cassock halfway down the chest area. Veronica, Charles and Farris would be aware of this 'ritual' Evan did in most nights and would have even jokingly referred to it as 'snake-like'.
Evan's body and clothes suddenly turned white as snow, then his hand reached for his neck and started pulling out a thin layer of elastic ice that enveloped his entire being.
One could deduce this was how he stayed clean without access to water.

All the while, there was a question lingering in Evan's mind. This trip so far had been a banquet of new experiences, most of them frankly an affront to his peaceful, scheduled life; but there's soon to be one new experience that only made him sad when he thought of it.
"What is it like to kill another person?" Evan asked within earshot of most in the camp. If asked if he has or hasn't killed a person before, he would shake his head.

Three seconds to take all of it off. It lumped into an icy ball hovering beside his hand, then vanished into nothing but a few specks of dust.
He then replaced the icy membrane that surrounded his being, a near-invisible armor that could deflect the claws of wolves. He fixed his clothes, then picked up his coonskin cap and scarf, and did the same process on a smaller scale.
Evan stepped aside to let the two horsemen get some grub from this Louise person. It looked like pottage stew. A little bit nostalgic, it was a common meal prepped up back when he wasn't yet... alone.
"Thanks. I'm Evan." he said soft-spokenly towards Louise as the two others settled a ways away from him. A floating ice mug picked up stew from a floating ice hand holding the ladle already on the skillet, then the ice hand picked up the floating mug and followed Evan who had already walked off.

The subconscious calling to not attract attention, it ate at the back of his mind. He didn't know these people, and it was best not to be a nuisance to them. He sat at a middle spot of the camp where most of everyone is facing away or towards Veronica who'd started presenting their team's findings. Veronica took a glance at Evan. Unaware of social cues, he did not know why, and did nary but resume picking the floating chunks of food off the then-lukewarm stew, with a stick of ice.

He glanced at the rest of the team. The bears... could speak. One of the humans had a tail, and their oddly triangular ears were pulled further up the skull.
But the most unusual of all, was that tall hunched man with a large cloak. His heart didn't beat, his blood didn't move. Unlike Veronica who had blood in every cell in her body, this one had barely any, and what little remained is dried-up and blackened.

Evan should really stop staring.

A sip off his mug. Cold soup.
Nearing the close of that ride and up the hill, they seemed to have formed a triangle of sorts. Veronica in front, the two horsemen in the middle, and Evan and his three wargs at the back. The first warg sat briefly as Evan dismounted and walked off, and the three wargs immediately bolted outward to set up a perimeter around this drastically open field.

Veronica seemed to know this woman with pointier ears than normal people.
Nosy as he was, his eyes glowed a vibrant gold, which he had not been able to do throughout the entire day.
Evan was not ready for the beacon of blood that shone before him. He winced but was too curious to stop staring.
Veronica... was unusual. Her heart didn't beat. No blood flowed, yet blood is everywhere in her being. Evan could make out every layer of her being from skin to bones, every cell suffused with blood.
It was strangely mesmerizing. He stopped himself, caught himself staring... averted his gaze.

Within that far horizon was the mountain range to the north. At the tallest peak should be his house, far too small to notice from this distance.

He glanced at Veronica again, then a little aways diagonally. Something he noticed, a glowing group of blood vessels far behind the hill. A huge group of horses and... bears. Roaming peacefully around the four visible humans.
He remembered that someone somewhere along the way mentioned that they're trying to rescue a bear named Cedar. These must be relatives.

Staying mum, Evan walked beside the other two humans with beating hearts and normal amounts of blood in their bodies.

The white-haired boy wrapped in fluffy clothes, sitting on one of his three translucent wargs, reciprocated the gaze and simply nodded. As if on cue, the wargs began standing up too, and Evan was lifted up off the ground. He slung his left leg over the warg to sit properly.
"... just 'Evan' is fine." He glanced a bit at Veronica and spoke, with a worry over how mouthful her way of addressing him was, and his own doubts about being called a 'baron', he doesn't entirely know... what it means.
A backup character / background NPC in the Great Misty Forest.
I'm still using Evan.

Name: Dixie Greene
Species: Human
Age: Thirty-something
Gender: Female
Name: Evan Mikkelsen, Baron
Species: Human
Age: Twenty-something
Gender: Male
In table test 7 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
Name: Evan Mikkelsen, Baron
Species: Human
Age: Thirty-something
Gender: Male
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