DISCLAIMER: Here's the deal, I'm pretty busy IRL, but I still feel that RPing is something able to fit into my schedule (and something that I would like to continue, as a hobby.) Since I fully understand what it's like to have a lot on your plate IRL, while still trying to balance social-life & alone-time, I'm going to be
very sympathetic in regards how long you can go in between IC posts. This RP will have NO post limits/requirements/scheduling - basically, I expect you to be an adult and post when YOU feel is appropriate and coincides with your IRL free-time.
The RP itself is going to be a rehash of generic High-Fantasy storyline, but with a lot of room for world-building and expansion of lore. Since the events of the RP only take place over 1 month, it has a definite "end/ending" in sight.
The Great Hunt
After a great king's untimely demise, the Southeastern continent's merchants, farmers and inhabitants disbanded from the Empire's Banner and went back to living in small villages. The villagers formed their own local governments and these tiny provinces stayed isolated. Over several decades,, the entire Southern continent became mysteriously covered with wild, ferocious creatures known as the
"Furious". These large, cadaverous beasts have terrorized the local provinces for half a century, but only appeared after the King's demise. To counter and repel the Furious, the locals have jointly organized the world's biggest hunting competition -
The Great HuntEvery autumn, a month-long event known as
The Great Hunt is held in the South. Beastslayers from all over the continent gather in the populous, mountain-town of Vrost to begin the hunt, while representing their homelands in front of an international arena. Each warrior is given a [Bestiary] of the carnivorous creatures which are available for slaughter, but each of these local monsters carries challenges and risks.
Character Sheet: I expect you to develop and explain your character with your IC posts, not your character sheet.
Character Sheet:
-Race: (Not necessarily limited to stock Fantasy races like Dwarves and Elves.)
-Character Combat Branch: Melee/Ranged/Magic/Science (Pick 1 )
(Science: Gunpowder has been discovered. Alchemy, the primary form of Science in this world, is practiced commonly and has led to many destructive technological advances.)
-Weapon: (A Furious-slayer must possess a Weapon, for it is his or her lifeline in this competition. Your weapon can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be, but you should be to explain what it is.)
-Handy Tool: Miscellaneous trinkets.
-Age & Gender:
-History: Don't fill the History out so I know you read this.