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New year, new me. Who wants to RP?
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After a 2 month struggle, I am finally free from homelessness. I can finally partake in hobbies with full force once more


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With the rushing inferno persisting, the keen eyes of Archontikos never relinquished their hold of his opponent as if gauging her capabilities. From the absurd processing prowess of the beast’s mental faculties, it was as if he was watching things play out in slow motion. The majestic coordination of her movements was admittedly remarkable and very befitting of the title she claimed. He even nearly found himself taken off guard by her last minute maneuverability. Sure his mind was able to perceive things in such a way, but his body was still limited to the bounds of physiology. The moment he lost sight of her for a moment as she sprang up and behind him, his flames ceased while he pivoted his body to turn towards her.

Tiamat’s decisive strike did indeed connect. The ensuing collision would create a shockwave that rattled the entire structure and threatened to collapse it entirely. If the humanoid reptile were to look, she would see that her claws had connected with the forearm of the Godly Griffin raised at the last second. Completing a half rotation, the arm that hadn’t released the flame was used to block her strike. Only losing a bit of altitude from the impact, he remained otherwise undamaged. The impervious nature of his hide held firm and the flame still coated around the limb was somewhat used as additional protection. The durable defenses were slightly dented, essentially, but only a strike in that exact spot could whither it further, which was unlikely. The ancient warrior would look up at his adversary with that deadpan expression seemingly fixed on his visage.

“Impressive.” he would initially say, his blazing wings continuing to keep him afloat. Each beat of the fiery constructs sent embers scattering randomly and the heat only seemed to still be rising. Arch wasn’t just a master of fire, but a living embodiment of it. He wills the flames as naturally as he draws breath.

“I am Archontikos. The mightiest of the Allagimorfis. An eternal force of nature that will endure long after you perish.” continued the fiery feline. Just then, the very wing she intended to target as well as the one beside it would bend into makeshift fists and lunge themselves towards her fleshy midsection with blinding speeds looking to deliver a plethora of powerfully burning blows.

@Drifting Pollen
As he had done for the last few sunrises, Archontikos continued to reside in his meditative state. Honing his mental as well as spiritual fortitude was crucial to retain the prime perfection that was his condition. This was until the radiance of the sun was blocked out in a peculiar pattern. It appeared his newest visitor had arrived to perish under his might. With additional senses he had gained and honed over hundreds of millennia, the winged feline had known of this one’s presence for some time now. Things had progressed as he predicted thus far and his prevailing of this foe would follow suit soon enough.

“Foolish creature.” The Lordly Lion would rigidly respond, the ferocity of his vocal cords reverberating throughout the stadium. He’d remained situated as he was, only one of his eyes opened to examine this challenger. The draconian would be met by a stern listless stare from his amber irises. It was a gaze that had seen life and death over abundantly. Almost tortured and shackled by his own prowess. With an abrupt swish from his hexad of wings, the grand beast had risen to his feet in the blink of an eye. Those same limbs would then flare themselves out fully. At that moment their tri-colored plumage would erupt into reddish orange and yellow fire constructs. Rhythmic strokes would send the Griffin Supreme upwards as his tail feathers fanned out in an identical fashion.

“You dare look down on such divinity? The magnitude of your ignorance cannot be fathomed.” Archontikos would continue dully as he drifted upwards, stopping and hovering at a level just above his opponent. With the pads of his palms facing up, a stream of flame began to billow around the murder mittens. Even with this mild display of his Pyromancy, the surrounding temperatures began to skyrocket greatly.

“I will incinerate you into nothingness.” finished the primordial warrior as without warning he’d unleash a perpetual torrent of intensely hot fire directly towards the scaley lady. The flow would persist after the initial launch and would trail her in the chance she would evade. This one did seem somewhat promising though, so perhaps it won’t be so much of a disappointment after she’s reduced to a smoldering heap of ash.

@Drifting Pollen
Name: Archontikos

Age: 1,400 years of his current life

Species: Allagimorfis Griffin Supreme

Gender: Male

Height: 7 feet, 4 inches tall

Weight: 630 pounds

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Physical description: A specimen of prime perfection, Archontikos has the build of a sleek bodybuilder with tight robust muscles throughout his entire frame. He's completely feline from top to bottom and boasts lush golden brown fur with an elongated five and a half foot tail. His irises are amber colored with black pupils. Four medium length golden whiskers hang from each side of his tan muzzle with two smaller ones on both brows. Covering the entirety of his cranium is a full goldenrod mane of pelage with streaks of golden yellow and old gold. Within his maw are a series of thirty golden teeth including a quartet of keen fangs. Claws of similar makeup are hidden in each of his four sizable brown padded paws.

Protruding from his backside are three pairs of feathered wings. These have a scarlet base at the top, an orange middle and golden bottoms. Replacing a tuft of fur at the tip of his tail is instead a series of three foot, eight inch rectricies with a golden base, an orange middle and scarlet ends. When either of these plumaged extremities flare open, they become reddish orange and yellow colored billowing fire constructs.

Personality: A primordial warrior, Archontikos has become rather jaded from living an abundance of lifetimes over the course of many millenia. Any sense of moral compass has long since dwindled and he's become prone to reckless selfishness.


Supernatural Condition

Flight mastery


Fire Embodiment

Ash Resurrection

Resurrection Empowerment


Telekinetic Force Manipulation
Just a little casual combat to test a new character concept of mine. No sign up or character sheet required. Just have fun ;)
In the midst of a vast sprawling desert wasteland rested a grandiose colosseum somewhat buried in the sand. Its once lavish exterior had been wasted away from the ravages of time. The sun unimpeded by a lack of clouds unrelentingly gleaned on the dilapidated structure. Sitting in the middle of this arena was a lone figure. Looking to be a humanoid beast of sorts, its body and head was fully leonine in nature. The well muscled from was a golden brown color while a lush mane of goldenrod pelage covered his cranium. Protruding from his backside however was a triple set of vibrant wings with scarlet coverts, orange centers and golden bottoms. At the end of his lengthy tail were a series of rectrices of the same hue, only reversed.

With this amalgamation of avian and feline attributes one could make the distinction this was some sort of Griffin. However, this was no ordinary combination of creatures. With the nigh impenetrable hide of a Nemean Lion uniting the fire mastery and ash resurrection of a Phoenix, this being known as Archontikos was a primordial warrior who lived many lifetimes over numerous millennia. Becoming jaded from a seemingly limitless existence, the heraldic hybrid would often seek out anything remotely entertaining to fill the void of nothingness. For decades he remained at this location awaiting a worthy opponent. So far only weaklings that were hardly worth his energy had been encountered, but the ancient combatant remained steadfast. Something of substance was bound to break through the barricade of monotony eventually.
The tavern doors creaked open once more as another patron made their entrance. Standing 7 foot 4, this individual seemed to be a bipedal lion of sorts with golden brown fur adorning his well muscled body and a lush goldenrod mane of pelage covering the entirety of his head. What would likely catch attention was the 6 vibrant wings folded along his back and rectrices attached at the end of his lengthy tail. Each were lined with feathers colored scarlet, orange and gold.

Rigid amber irises scanned the establishment and its patrons as the winged feline stood by the doorway momentarily. It seemed he was deep in thought for a moment before beginning to wander without much direction as if he was studying his surroundings. In his many millenia of existence, it wasn't often that he found himself in an unfamiliar location and this perplexed him. Those who found themselves within close proximity to the beast would experience a sensation of pressure and heat emanating from him.

"What an odd place." He would utter under his breath to nobody in particular as he continued to aimlessly survey the building.
Guess I fell off there for a bit. But I got a new character I'm in the midst of fleshing out, so this tavern seems like the perfect place to try him out.
Tharraleos had been continuing to observe the other patrons as the oversized jug of water became more and more empty. These types of places usually seemed to attract some rather unique individuals, which meant he typically didn't stand out as much in comparison. As the last of the liquid slid down his gullet and he opened his maw to call to the bartender, an abrupt decrease in temperature sent a shiver down his spines.

Unwavering goldenrod eyes scanned the area and instantly took note of the spectral entities. Well, this was certainly unexpected. One of the creatures seemed to sense the immense power of Tharr and his hunger for battle. The Tauric Griff barely had time to lean his upper body forward to narrowly avoid a claw swipe aimed for the back of his neck. Pushing it back with the strength of his tail, Tharraleos would return to a standing position and turn towards his attacker, noting how 2 more had joined its side.

"Very well. Come meet your end then." The beast bellowed, letting out his signature battle cry. The piercing screech of an eagle would resonate through the tavern that transitioned into the booming roar of a lion that almost seemed to threaten the structural integrity of the establishment. Sure he was weary from his travels, but he always seemed to have energy for a skirmish. Assuming a defensive stance, he'd stare down his newest prey with anticipation.
With his thrust quenched momentarily, Tharraleos had been spending the last few moments preening his dampened coat. The golden sawtoothed rostrum was at work fixing any nuances. His forked tongue would lick his sizable paws to assist with grooming, exhibiting behaviors of both birds and cats. While taking note of the noisome little humanoids and their shenanigans, an approaching figure suddenly averted all of his attention.

Tharr would turn his unwavering goldenrod irises towards the serpentine lady and raised a brow in curiosity. Well. At least he wasn't the only strange looking creature here presently. Nor the only one with a dual-bodied frame it would seem. That was certainly refreshing. He didn't sense any danger from her, not that many were a threat to an apex predator such as himself himself.

"Greetings." The beast would say to her with his booming vocals and a nod of his silver feathered noggin.

@Song Book
Tharraleos looked wide eyed at the giant jug of water and he began salivating a bit. Pressing his uppermost paws against it,the claws within were used for added grip given his lack of opposable thumbs. In a display of his vast physical fortitude, Tharr hoisted the container with relative ease.

Bringing it to his maw, he'd dig the barbed mandibles in and began tilting it. The liquid within began pouring down his gullet with haste. He even ceased breathing for the time being. Some even spilled out and began dampening the mane of fur on his chest. More and more he drank until a bit over half of it was consumed. Unintentionally of course, the receptacle would slam down hard on the table with a loud crash and Tharr would let out a deep exhale.

"Ah. That is much better." He'd remark with somewhat parted breaths and a look of satisfaction.
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