Here is my idea! (Doing some formatting)

「 “A gentleman speaks at need, and listens without.” 」
OCCUPATION HERE ; Peppermint Soldier - Captain - Bodyguard
Clever : Restrained : Kind : Loyal : Watchful : Determined
. Experienced Soldier:
. Trained in Saber fencing and Calvary Saber.
. Trained in spring rifle.
. Has introductory training in steam engine design and operation.
. Specialized in nutcracker artillery and mixing/handling explosives.
. Trained in battlefield tactics, as well as security analysis.
. Scientific Reading
. Horseback Riding
. Cooking
. Camping
. Puppy dog eyes
. Cinnamon Rolls
. Boiling water (can cause him to start dissolving if there is enough)
. Family (He loves his siblings.)
Crisp is thin looking in his uniform, but underneath is very fit, as per the physical qualifications of the Peppermint Military. When acting in official roles, his movements are sharp and precise. On the rare moments one might catch him off duty, Crisp is very relaxed and prefers to sprawl out and lounge with a book. In combat however, he moves swiftly and loosely- favoring fast strikes and quick footwork to brute force.
HEIGHT │ 5’ 11”
WEIGHT │ 190lb
EYE COLOR │ Deep Blue
. Oragami
. Reading
. Freshly Ironed Clothing
. Witty Comebacks
. Fruit Juice
. Meat (the food)
. Arguments
. Lack of Decorum
. Social Status waving
. Stereotyping
Crispata was born to a soldier, and was raised to be one. It helped of course that mint ran in his blood. He was the first born son, and also the smallest and thinnest one. The others grew up strong and went on to achieve academically and financially while he just… Stagnated. Eventually he enlisted in the military, and quickly found his home. As a recruit he became strong, and while never the best of his company, Crispata quickly rose in skill until he had achieved an all round mastery of the Peppermint militaries basic weaponry. Straight laced and trustworthy, soon he was selected to train with the nutcracker artillery, an experimental weapon that was developed due to the growing animosity between the food nations.
It was a monstrous thing, louder than anything he had ever heard, and with a force brutal enough to shred through the hardest defenses. There was a strange mix of ingredients that combined to create the effect, but it was still being developed. He was part of the team that studied the formula and tested it in various ratios. It was one of those experiments gone wrong that produced the scar across his back and put him out of commission for several months. It was also the same experiment that earned him his promotion to captain.
From there, Crispata was inducted into the royal guards- a position of both honor and safety. Now an asset to the kingdom due to his expertise in experimental weaponry, Crispata wasn't to be risked as openly in standard field work. In this position his education into steam engines and engineering began, as the royal guard were a corps not just dedicated to the protection of the king, but charged with developing their own specialties. Every member a dedicated expert in at least one field, should the need arise.
During his short two years in the castle after recovery, he was exposed to the unfortunate circumstances in the royal family, and also developed a shallow relationship with Prince Turron in that time. (Though that in itself isn’t anything special. King Turron was always kind and humane in his treatment of the help.) That familiarity lead eventually to this current assignment, due in mixed parts to his age, being considered young and capable in active combat, yet also not so young as to cast doubt upon the propriety of his relationship with the young Princess.
In the end, the assignment to escort the youngest princess to this meeting is of dual purpose; Primarily to protect Princess Mierea without impinging on her freedom. King Turron had been very specific about this. He was not a chaperone, but a protector. Princess Mierea was one of the few surviving blood members of the royal family left, and she was not to be harmed.
The second purpose was to give him an opportunity to evaluate the defenses and political climates of the other kingdoms, and to report back via specific contacts that would contact him with the appropriate credentials.
-Crisp keeps a fairly decent sized library in his private quarters.
-He has several scars across his back from a rogue explosion while training.
-Crispata tends to keep a notebook on his person at all times to sketch random ideas and to keep track of things for later. He keeps full notebooks in his library rather than throwing them away.

「 “A gentleman speaks at need, and listens without.” 」
Crispata Pennyroyal
OCCUPATION HERE ; Peppermint Soldier - Captain - Bodyguard
Clever : Restrained : Kind : Loyal : Watchful : Determined
. Experienced Soldier:
. Trained in Saber fencing and Calvary Saber.
. Trained in spring rifle.
. Has introductory training in steam engine design and operation.
. Specialized in nutcracker artillery and mixing/handling explosives.
. Trained in battlefield tactics, as well as security analysis.
. Scientific Reading
. Horseback Riding
. Cooking
. Camping
. Puppy dog eyes
. Cinnamon Rolls
. Boiling water (can cause him to start dissolving if there is enough)
. Family (He loves his siblings.)
Crisp is thin looking in his uniform, but underneath is very fit, as per the physical qualifications of the Peppermint Military. When acting in official roles, his movements are sharp and precise. On the rare moments one might catch him off duty, Crisp is very relaxed and prefers to sprawl out and lounge with a book. In combat however, he moves swiftly and loosely- favoring fast strikes and quick footwork to brute force.
HEIGHT │ 5’ 11”
WEIGHT │ 190lb
EYE COLOR │ Deep Blue
. Oragami
. Reading
. Freshly Ironed Clothing
. Witty Comebacks
. Fruit Juice
. Meat (the food)
. Arguments
. Lack of Decorum
. Social Status waving
. Stereotyping
Crispata was born to a soldier, and was raised to be one. It helped of course that mint ran in his blood. He was the first born son, and also the smallest and thinnest one. The others grew up strong and went on to achieve academically and financially while he just… Stagnated. Eventually he enlisted in the military, and quickly found his home. As a recruit he became strong, and while never the best of his company, Crispata quickly rose in skill until he had achieved an all round mastery of the Peppermint militaries basic weaponry. Straight laced and trustworthy, soon he was selected to train with the nutcracker artillery, an experimental weapon that was developed due to the growing animosity between the food nations.
It was a monstrous thing, louder than anything he had ever heard, and with a force brutal enough to shred through the hardest defenses. There was a strange mix of ingredients that combined to create the effect, but it was still being developed. He was part of the team that studied the formula and tested it in various ratios. It was one of those experiments gone wrong that produced the scar across his back and put him out of commission for several months. It was also the same experiment that earned him his promotion to captain.
From there, Crispata was inducted into the royal guards- a position of both honor and safety. Now an asset to the kingdom due to his expertise in experimental weaponry, Crispata wasn't to be risked as openly in standard field work. In this position his education into steam engines and engineering began, as the royal guard were a corps not just dedicated to the protection of the king, but charged with developing their own specialties. Every member a dedicated expert in at least one field, should the need arise.
During his short two years in the castle after recovery, he was exposed to the unfortunate circumstances in the royal family, and also developed a shallow relationship with Prince Turron in that time. (Though that in itself isn’t anything special. King Turron was always kind and humane in his treatment of the help.) That familiarity lead eventually to this current assignment, due in mixed parts to his age, being considered young and capable in active combat, yet also not so young as to cast doubt upon the propriety of his relationship with the young Princess.
In the end, the assignment to escort the youngest princess to this meeting is of dual purpose; Primarily to protect Princess Mierea without impinging on her freedom. King Turron had been very specific about this. He was not a chaperone, but a protector. Princess Mierea was one of the few surviving blood members of the royal family left, and she was not to be harmed.
The second purpose was to give him an opportunity to evaluate the defenses and political climates of the other kingdoms, and to report back via specific contacts that would contact him with the appropriate credentials.
-Crisp keeps a fairly decent sized library in his private quarters.
-He has several scars across his back from a rogue explosion while training.
-Crispata tends to keep a notebook on his person at all times to sketch random ideas and to keep track of things for later. He keeps full notebooks in his library rather than throwing them away.