Fredrick Point,West Viriginia is your typical American small town. Everybody knows everyone and the people are friendly to the few outsiders who pass by the town looking for a spot to fish. The town is nestled below hills that surround it on all sides except to its south where a small lake rest. Fredrick Point,for many years has had a extremely low crime rate with only the occasional theft from the local grocery store. In return the small police force has had a very relaxed job but recently noises have been heard in the hills above. These sounds are only heard at night when few are awake and have scared those who have heard its ominous almost creaking noise from above. This has been going on for three days but now as the fourth day's sun is going down a unnatural presences will change the town forever.
Hello welcome to my RP! I hope you enjoy.
Rules1. What I say goes but we can discuss it.
2. Cannot Kill other characters without that persons permission or mine.
3. Do not control other peoples characters.
4. Characters will die mostly if you do something dumb like attack the beast with a fork or something like that.
5.If you need help or if you need to ask a question go for it I won't bite.
6. Ideas are welcome but I already have a general direction for this.Still if you think your idea is awesome ask away I may change my mind.
7. Don't be a hostile.
8. You can be anybody but remember officers will have better equipment then a average joe.
9.The limit for officers is 3 and there can be 2 detectives.
10. Be active.I want this to be a fast pace mystery RP.
Bio (It doesn't have to be long):