Name: Luther Dou
Age: 50
Species: Human
Force Abilities:
Art of movement
Force confusion
Force leap
Jedi mind trick/force persuasion
Force stun
Lightsaber Forms:
Non-Force related Skills:
Not bad with blaster pistols
Naturally charismatic
Intelligent and knowledgeable
Able to remain calm and controlled at all times
Decent technical knowledge
A single dark blue lightsaber
Two high powered and reliable blaster pistols
History/Example Post:
Luther was born on Bruji, a planet from the outer rim that has historically been a place of conflict between the Sith and the republic Jedi forces, it was occupied and oppressed by Imperial forces. Since victory over the empire was achieved the planet has slowly begun integration to the new republic, new culture and technology spreading to the small farming settlements. Luther was amount the first of the planet's inhabitants to be accepted as a Jedi padawan, he was taken to the new academy as a young man after a knight discovered him while passing through the town and staying in the inn where he worked. With keen street smarts, good blaster aim and decent pilot skills already in his possession the academy welcomed him and began to teach him the techniques needed to become a Jedi. Luther was able to strike a balance between force use and using his lightsaber, offsetting the weaknesses of one with the strengths of the other, he also tied in blaster practise to allow himself greater flexibility in combat. In time he graduated from being a padawan and moved onto being a knight, with greater access to the data archives he was able to teach himself a great many things about the universe and those who inhabit it. Luther was tasked with assisting several other knights in the search for the lost tribe of the Sith, they followed countless leads all of which were either dead ends or traps, he proved himself capable in keeping calm and dealing with even the worst of situations in a tactical and organised manor. Eventually he was promoted to the rank of Jedi master despite his lack of advanced force techniques, the council recognised that his abilities as an inspiring leader and cunning strategist were more than enough to qualify him. Teaching and instructing came almost naturally to Luther and along with spending time with the older and more valuable holocrons in the archives he found his place in the order of things.