"They probably wanted me to have it, so what's the point in asking."
Name: Itazu
Nicknames/Title: N/A
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Age: 19
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family Ties: A few brothers and sisters still with the tribe.
Class: Thief
Weapon Mastery(ies): Daggers/Swords
Inventory: Dagger
Bullion (S)
Personality: Itazu could probably be best described as self indulgent, plenty ready to dive into most vices with little thought to the consequences. Always looking for a way to come out on top, he tends to attempt to be charming in most cases, figuring if people like you there much less likely to cart you off to a jail cell. Impulsive behavior can lead him to taking chances most wouldn't, and this has plenty of times gained him victories from the jaws of defeat, but just as often left him sleeping in the elements for his bad luck. Has on occasion been afflicted with bouts of a debilitating moral emergence, having tossed away great reward to pull someone else out of the fire. An astute lack of worry in most situations has led some to think him arrogant, while others just brush it off as stupidity.
tends to get maniacally obsessed with any rumor of a loose beaststone he hears, and only attitude to rival it is his depression after they prove to be false, sure to lead to a night of heavy drinking.
Biography: The tale of how Itazu came to be practically trapped in the capital is one filled with daring, treachery, swashbuckling, and daring...
Or so the young tailed scoundrel would regal any lass unable to see through such grandiose tales. Each time he tells the story, more and more embellishments crop up, now rivaling the exaggerations parents tell their children when recounting the tale of the sword brothers.
However, like those stories, the truth is buried in there. While he had always shown an aptitude for going unnoticed on hunts, he'd more often then not shown an even bigger ability to wander fur first into trouble. Wether following game into some local lord's private hunting grounds or getting involved with a mayor's daughter, Itazu oft had a knack for causing trouble for his tribe, though he'd usually escape unscathed, save an occasional lashing from the elder for such events.
Upon their trip to the capitol however, his poor consideration of the future finally caught up to him personally in a rather karmic manner. After a rather fruitful trading venture within the capitals walls, old habits had led the Fox to a tavern rather quickly, eager to make use of his portion of the profits they'd earned. Many rounds had been doled out to the patrons on the impulsive fox's dime, an easy way he'd found to make friends no matter how many furry appendages a new face may have. It really is a rather fond memory for Itazu, both ales and women in seemingly ready supply as the night continued onwards, events becoming hazy as the night continued and the tankards flowed. Unfortunate really that it had to be tainted upon his recovery the next morning. While waking to what few would consider poor company, it didn't take long for him to realize something was very wrong, a familiar weight missing, and its very absence making it all the more noticeable. Clearly during his carousing the night before, someone with considerable knowledge of his race's customs had seen the easy mark. They'd managed to separate him from the stone his clan used to connect them to their more bestial origins.
This loss in turn made him a liability to his clan upon the revelation, often using the form to traverse terrain to difficult for most caravans, bring in food for their travels, as well as protect the tribe from bandits along their travels. After a grace period of two weeks to find his stone passed, the tribe could afford no more delay and set off with out the trouble prone fox spirit.
In the years that have passed since he became a seemingly permanent resident of Jotenvarr, having found it rather easy to slip from stalking wild prey to feed the tribe, to picking easy and fat targets with coin to spare, more often then not hardly sleeping in the same place from night to night, picking taverns based on the days haul, or simply picking a nice roof for the night if he's feeling rather nostalgic. However his rather prominent ears are always to the ground when it comes to rumors of a beaststone about the city, often adopting an almost manic manner concerning such rumors.
Interest in joining the kings own guard comes from a hope of gaining access to better source of Intel surrounding such an object, not that he'd object to the steady cash flow such a prestigious position was sure to bring.