<Snipped quote by Lauder>
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Well then, feast your eyes upon this!
It's updated.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Well then, feast your eyes upon this!
<Snipped quote by Hael>
I blame Tumblr, and my photo editor program. It's literally just called paint, but it works.
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Well, I put up my position on the map anyway I suppose.
I don't suppose there's a way to fix that, is there?
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Just Ch'ak, actually. No 'the'. It's really just the name of their sun (and by extension, the system). The demonym would be Ch'ak'ii, actually.
Is it just me, or did the map get much smaller? Not the map itself, but the size of the image.
<Snipped quote by Hael>
Why not both?
I'm sure there's a planet with considerable trade between the two nations. Perhaps?
I'll edit my sheet after my exam. I have to start walking to it in 10 min.
<Snipped quote>
Should I reduce the max age of Namilee from 1,000 to 800 or so?
Yeah, I might join this. Hopefully it doesn't sputter out after five IC posts have been submitted.
They have the usual superhuman fare going for them: incredible physical capabilities and biological immortality. Diseases, both conventional and artificial, don't phase them.
The only difference is that they're a bunch of drop-dead gorgeous featherbrained savants. They're superbly adept at crunching complex equations in their heads and recalling past happenings with photographic detail, but their capacity to engage in abstract thought is severely stunted. They're disgustingly impulsive--very childlike even--and are quite histrionic in their approach to social interaction with one another and with the various alien species of the galaxy. Most folks may find them to be a grade-A addition to any group outing in the beginning, but as the casual flings, rampant gossiping, and pathological obsession with being adored and desired by everyone around them intensifies geometrically, "friends" start dropping off fast.
They're an obnoxious lot sure, but the ring worlders have a storied legacy of taking in war refugees by the millions and using planetary engineering technology to reinvigorate the shattered homeworlds of the galaxy's vagrant species when they can get away with it.
I know Sigma picked up humanity a few pages back, so I'm willing to brainstorm with him on how to fit this creation into his faction's history.