Avatar of Hael
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: StormySea
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Hael 11 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current My Italian friend just asked me if it's true that all Americans are fat. I'm offended but I can't stop laughing.
9 yrs ago
I always respond to OOC tags within 10 minutes, but I respond to PMs within 10 days. I don't know why- I suppose it's just because PMs are so easy to brush aside and forget about
9 yrs ago
I don't have any finals, but everyone else having finals is slowing down my RPs. Second-hand busyness.
9 yrs ago
I know it's time to go to bed, because I just started wondering if maybe the whole universe is a single cell on some alien's ass
9 yrs ago
If a tree falls in the woods and Fox news isn't around to see it, is it still Obama's fault?


I like to write things collaboratively.

And in the end, isn't that all you need to know to RP with me?

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>

For me, this RP will be a struggle to maintain their innocence as long as I can.

Since you'll be doing Explorer posts, and I will decide what happens in some posts (some Explorer posts can be done all on your own, but some I will decide what you encounter and RP as aliens and such, so you are never just RPing alone xD), I'll probably be throwing some tough shit at you.

Like, some of it will be really simple things, like maybe a violent animal runs at your Explorer while her shield is malfunctioning, but she can kill if she blah blah blah

But some might be more complex choices, in an attempt to see if I can get the Namilee to give up their morals. Call me evil, but I want this to be interesting, so I will totally do everything in my power as GM to destroy their pacifistic system.

Definitely why I added that note at the end. Staying alive is a good reason. But... These are the same people that don't want to hurt the aliens that are trying to enslave them / make them extinct.

But I can see a few circumstances where the Xim might make an offer like that - such as if they were offered, in turn, some of the Namilee's high tech secrets. But that ain't happening at the start; neither race would trust the other with their greatest secrets so easily.

Of course not. But you know what? If the Xim decide that they want the Namilee secrets, they might try to manipulate them somehow to convince them of the need for enhancements.

I'll have to think more on it, though
<Snipped quote by Hael>

Of course! And... I'm not going to say "no" to that outright. But the reason that's not something the Namilee want to do:

They don't see a need for that. They don't want to be super strong or super fast. They just want to be left alone, to use their considerable brainpower to create new art, to discover new things, etc. They're not 100% against genetic modification, but to them, it's just unnecessary.

Some of them might be interested in this, note. They've USED genetic modification in the past. That's even in the leader's bio. But for them, there has to be a purpose to it, and becoming stronger is not a purpose in and of itself.

Now, if it were advertised as a means to an end, and advertised well, it's possible they'd be more interested. But overall, they don't see the need, even though they're literally running away from super dangerous bug aliens that want to murder them all.

NOTE: This stance is subject to change. The Namilee may modify themselves one day. Like with weapons tech and killing, this may become a necessity.

Isn't being able to survive in the harsh galaxy a purpose for it? xD

But the Xim likely wouldn't make the offer, anyway. They don't give away their enhancements willy-nilly. Because if everyone is a super-strong, super-fast being, then they have lost their edge over the other races.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

That's fair enough! On both accounts.

I'll reduce the age to roughly 750-850 (which is more than an extra 1/2 onto their lifespan), and I'll add a dot to the map.

As an aside, my thought as to why the Namilee live so long naturally (500 years) without life-extending medicines is basically this: there's something in the atmosphere and the water of their planet which actually works against the chief agents behind aging. That is, aging is partly caused by oxidative stress (IIRC), and they've got something in their atmosphere (which they've recreated on the ship) that works against that (though they still need oxygen to breathe). They also have different genetics from humanity, and their genes involve a slower aging process. But their genes also made them nigh-pacifistic nerds who got roflstomped by ugly bugs.

Which is why I'm still okay with several hundred years.

But, you know, the Xim could genetically enhance them to be stronger and faster and less pathetic, without increasing their aggression or anything. They do things like to themselves practically on a monthly basis
I can add a dot to the map. I can update it regularly. I wasn't going to before, but I totally can if you want me to.

Also, I've done some thinking about the age issue. Is there a particular reason you want me to avoid the 1,000 year mark? Since it doesn't really affect my RP much, I don't mind either leaving it where it is or reducing it to, say, 850ish. (I chose the number originally to give the impression that the Namilee were really advanced.)

I do want you to keep a dot, mainly because I think it helps everyone keep track easily, and also because it helps thing feel more, I don't know, "alive".

As for the 1000 year mark, it is because I feel that even the Namilee's advanced tech could not extend life that far, nor do I feel that life as fragile and weak as the Namilee could sustain themselves that long.

This is true, but unfortunately, it is difficult to depict how large the area between empires really is.

When looking at the map, assume the empty spaces are much larger than they appear to be.
The RP join-status has now been set to "full". No more people. No more, I say!

I will possibly change it back to "apply" in the future, once the IC has began. Afterall, we are a space RP- it is easily possible for a new region of space to be discovered, or to find a wormhole to the Delta Quadrant or something. As a result, we'll always be able to let more people in later on when the RP is more established.
<Snipped quote by Sigma>

I was thinking of maybe squeezing myself in there, if no one claimed it first, but now that you bring that up... xD

I think it would be more interesting to keep that place closed, so that we can do @Sigma's idea.
<Snipped quote by Hael>


Holy shit. You win- I wouldn't even call someone that

@Hael If no one takes that space, I got a little interesting idea for it. Make a sort "Wild West meets Africa" type place. It's wild space filled with independent, unaligned colonies from surrounding nations, no strict loyalties and mostly is in a state of warfare.

Hmmm. I like it!

The Xim would probably be focused on building defenses to fortify their claim to the territory, while also flooding the area with THOUSANDS of ultra-weak ships. Afterall, they have more ships and more people than the NAR and the Federation. The strategy would basically be to overun the place.

Currently, I have two classes of warship and one type of fighter. I plan on developing more as the RP moves on and more technologies come to light. However, for now, I wish you to have a jolly good night. Don't burn the thread down in my absence.

*lowers torch and frowns*
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Filthy insect-mammal racist.

Filthy Mardox (the greatest insult of all)
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