<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>
For me, this RP will be a struggle to maintain their innocence as long as I can.
Since you'll be doing Explorer posts, and I will decide what happens in some posts (some Explorer posts can be done all on your own, but some I will decide what you encounter and RP as aliens and such, so you are never just RPing alone xD), I'll probably be throwing some tough shit at you.
Like, some of it will be really simple things, like maybe a violent animal runs at your Explorer while her shield is malfunctioning, but she can kill if she blah blah blah
But some might be more complex choices, in an attempt to see if I can get the Namilee to give up their morals. Call me evil, but I want this to be interesting, so I will totally do everything in my power as GM to destroy their pacifistic system.
Definitely why I added that note at the end. Staying alive is a good reason. But... These are the same people that don't want to hurt the aliens that are trying to enslave them / make them extinct.
But I can see a few circumstances where the Xim might make an offer like that - such as if they were offered, in turn, some of the Namilee's high tech secrets. But that ain't happening at the start; neither race would trust the other with their greatest secrets so easily.
Of course not. But you know what? If the Xim decide that they want the Namilee secrets, they might try to manipulate them somehow to convince them of the need for enhancements.
I'll have to think more on it, though