Avatar of Hael
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: StormySea
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2899 (0.72 / day)
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    1. Hael 11 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current My Italian friend just asked me if it's true that all Americans are fat. I'm offended but I can't stop laughing.
9 yrs ago
I always respond to OOC tags within 10 minutes, but I respond to PMs within 10 days. I don't know why- I suppose it's just because PMs are so easy to brush aside and forget about
9 yrs ago
I don't have any finals, but everyone else having finals is slowing down my RPs. Second-hand busyness.
9 yrs ago
I know it's time to go to bed, because I just started wondering if maybe the whole universe is a single cell on some alien's ass
9 yrs ago
If a tree falls in the woods and Fox news isn't around to see it, is it still Obama's fault?


I like to write things collaboratively.

And in the end, isn't that all you need to know to RP with me?

Most Recent Posts

You could totally enslave mats to clean your water and remove pollution, waste products... No, seriously.

Ah, across the galaxy, stories will be told of how the great Mat Empire fell from conquering worlds and genocide ecosystems... to cleaning water for evil bugs.
If the X'Cor came across the mats, there would already be a war, @Isotope


How the hell do you enslave fuzzy mats? Or do you just need a new material for your furniture?
By law, four.

Well, by the law of HAEL (the one true law), a max of 18 billion humanoids can inhabit a single planet.

As a result, I will ask you to count 4 mats as the equivalent to 18 billion humanoids, or 1 mat as the equivalent 4.5 billion.

It might seem trivial now, but I can imagine several scenarios where knowing how mat population compares to humanoid population might be important.

Also, unless you have some reason that it should be different, I'm going to ask you to follow the same general rule of "a maximum of 3 solar systems for every inhabited planet", for the sake of keeping it even.

And while we're on the subject, do the semi-sentient aliens that serve the mats work in armies to defend the mats? Because if they do, then you should probably count that as your military for the "Military Size" and "Military Details" section of the NS.
An important note: how many mats reside on each planet?

I have devised a simple system for deciding how many solar systems you are allowed to have in your territory, but I need to know how many mats can exist on a single world.
The Federation would be vaguely, sorta aware of them by word of mouth, but the average citizen doesn't know the Mats exist.

Oh, how blissfully unaware the average citizen is, to know not of the microbial horrors that lurk just outside their field of vision...

I almost read that sarcastically. Like, "yeah, suuuuuure she did it for science"

@HaelBTW, I am working on my sheet and it occurred to me people would probably notice the aliens scouring planets clean of life with zero regard for any inhabitants before plopping down disgusting microbial mats and colonizing those worlds.

I'm stuck wondering if people would have tried to intervene in the past.

They may have- I can't really speak for the others (as telling you what other player's nations would have done would be poor GMing), but I can say that the Xim would not have intervened. They would have just watched from a distance, and maybe tried to make contact with the aliens and/or abducted a few for gene-research (gotta find out what gene is responsible for their insanity, afterall!) before realizing that they are actually being partially controlled by microbes within them.

As for other player-nations... well, I can't say. That's up to them.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

You're going to snort at the answer, but it essentially comes down to this:

For science.

No, seriously. She's studying the long-term effects of replication technology manipulating genes. The longer she remains female, the more data she collects.

Yes, that's it. Really.

It's dorky as sin.

x'D And here I was thinking that maybe he/she had just always been transgender (mentally/emotionally, I mean), but nope. It's random gender changes for SCIENCE.

The Namilee are an odd people, Short.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

Well... Okay: so, I've played a TON of character types in the past, but one thing I realized when I was writing up the Namilee leader, Dylaesa, was that I've never played a character that's trans. And I figured "Well, I already decided the Namilee have technology that can make that happen. Why not?"

But I frankly feel pretty darned awkward about having made that decision. At the same time, though, I want to go through with it because I've never RP'd that in a character before.

It's not going to be a huge detail in the story or anything, though. Frankly, given the Namilee way of looking at things, there's an incredibly good chance it'll never get mentioned IC.

Either way: I'm stepping outside of a comfort zone, but that's what RP is for.

(That awkwardness concerning the topic is why I avoided mentioning it earlier when it was just Grave asking, actually.)

xD I'm sorry to make you awkward.

But hey, I guessed that it would be Dylaesa being transgender that you were referring to. So I'm at least glad to know I was right

If you don't mind my asking, though, why doesn't she just change back? If she can change from male to female, then couldn't she fix her condition just as easily?
...And frankly, I was a LITTLE worried about one element of my sheet that nobody brought up. I was really uncertain about putting it in, but there are concepts I haven't explored in RP before, and it's one of 'em.

Okay, I wasn't gonna ask, but now my curiosity has gotten the better of me- what is it?
EDIT: Oh, and @Hael, I got my General Technology and Economy sections down in case you wanted to take a look and see if there's any problems.

Ah! I hadn't noticed, I'll look now.
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