Avatar of Hael
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: StormySea
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2899 (0.72 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Hael 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:
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Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current My Italian friend just asked me if it's true that all Americans are fat. I'm offended but I can't stop laughing.
9 yrs ago
I always respond to OOC tags within 10 minutes, but I respond to PMs within 10 days. I don't know why- I suppose it's just because PMs are so easy to brush aside and forget about
9 yrs ago
I don't have any finals, but everyone else having finals is slowing down my RPs. Second-hand busyness.
9 yrs ago
I know it's time to go to bed, because I just started wondering if maybe the whole universe is a single cell on some alien's ass
9 yrs ago
If a tree falls in the woods and Fox news isn't around to see it, is it still Obama's fault?


I like to write things collaboratively.

And in the end, isn't that all you need to know to RP with me?

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for my inactivity, guys, and I must apologize because unless things change I will probably remain inactive for a few days. My internet is down and without it I only have my phone, which I am using now. Unfortunately all my sheet info and resources are on my desktop so I can't finish it until internet returns in proper.


Nah, it's fine. I'm glad to see you haven't dropped out!
I really don't get the humor in that meme. What's funny about it?
<Snipped quote by Hael>

Eyy lmao

Fuck you, Lauder

<Snipped quote by Hael>
More like Xim Kardashians :P


Eyy lmao

My soul dies a little everytime says something like that.

@Queen Raidne, what would you think of my explorer landing on Ragnorak station, then getting contracted by the Syndicate to chase down your explorer?

Then my explorer shows up and tells your explorers how imperfect their genes are.



The Xim have an odd sense of identity. On the one hand, every Xim believes they're some special snowflake, and they constantly change their physical appearance to fit the recent fashion trends. They're like a bunch of Kim Kardashians.

But on the other hand, they live in a communistic society, where they have no freedom to chose their job, or to leave.

It's individualism socially, collectivism economically.

<Snipped quote by Hael>
So, basically, it's like fighting Russia. Fight them off their turf and win, fight them on their turf and you've done goofed.

Pretty much. They're very technologically advanced, but their ships suck unless they come in massive hordes.
@Hael So, FTL comms, do we have them.

I honestly never considered it.

But I don't want to be too strict, so yes.

First IC post up, hope ya like it! I should be writing another soon to bring everyone up to date on the Ascendancy's present machinations and greasy schemes.

I have to say, writing that out helped me immensely in imaging the Mur-Po. Will be filling out some of the finer details of the NS as soon as possible.

Woah, woah, woah.

I didn't approve you to post.

You can keep the post up, just don't post again. I'm in a good mood right now, so I won't go all dictator on you but in the future, please finish your N.S. before posting again.

Fixed the issues but my sheet isn't done yet. I've been rather busy lately and I have a blessing/curse of great powers of procrastination.

I understand. Don't rush yourself :)


I concur, my empire is among one of the smaller ones and the Doctrinate can barely fill up a mid-sized nebula.

Also I'm going to beef up my economy section, but apart from that is my NS good?

Yea, it's good!

<Snipped quote by Hael>

Understood. And makes sense, the galaxy is beyond huge. Even the biggest of our empires are tiny compared to the galaxy as a whole.

I should be done ironing out my NS and posting tomorrow. Glad to be here to RP with everyone.

That's what I love about this: we're all acting so big, tough, and self-important, but we're all just specks in the wind

@Queen Raidne
(by the way, Rush and Mardox, are you going to fix the issues I mentioned?)

Announcement of Utmost Importance:

I, your almighty and sometimes irrational GM, have decided to speak regarding an issue.

As Arawak and others have brought up a couple of times now, our empires are not nearly large enough to fill 1/4th the galaxy, but the map makes it appear as though they do.

I've decided, therefore, that we should assume the area we are RPing in is only a small part of the alpha quadrant. In other words, we are in a small fraction of a fraction of the galaxy, because space is enormous and it would take hundreds or thousands more years of expansion to actually fill the Alpha Quadrant to it's complete capacity.

Our explorers, it can also be assumed, are not necessarily exploring the part of the galaxy depicted on the map. If you want, we could say that your character has flown off somewhere to the left (or right, or south, or north, or up, or down- it's all subjective in space) of our map to explore the mostly uncharted territories of the Alpha Quadrant.

That is all. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.
So I'm free to IC as long as it's not Kasahov related?


Also how is 1/4th a galaxy too small? That's literally billions of star systems in the playable area. The scaling of this NRP already a wee bit loppy seeing how crazy picky with star systems factions seem to be, but I'd not assume the RP small because of that. It's more that there is a hell of a lot of wasted space more than anything else.

What? Nobody said it's too small.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

EMP is basically an AoE DEW. Aside from interfering with a spacecraft's sensory equipment for a brief period of time, it's not going to really do much damage (if any at all) to a properly-engineered spacecraft. It's to be assumed that the generality of the spaceships zipping about in this RP are going to be sufficiently proofed against stellar radiation elements (star flares, cosmic rays, ect) and--at least for military-grade starships--heavily resistant to mainstream DEWs that can wreck untold havoc on improperly shielded electronics (in example: particle beam weapons, electrolasers, x-ray lasers, and gamma ray lasers).

They're not useless weapons, but they'd be more effective against civilian targets.

Though, a spacefaring (or non-spacefaring) civilization that's still running mechanical computing technology and vacuum tubes or a nation that has forsaken silicon-based electronic technology in favor of optical fiber cabling and laser-based wireless energy transfer methods is probably going to snub an EMP attack with comparatively little effort.

But that's hard science bullshit. No one wants the fun sucked out of this game with nonsense like that.

EDIT: Wow, this filled up quick.

You're back!

If you still want to join, I'll allow it sense you expressed interest earlier, and also because I need someone to distract me from all the shit that went down higher up on the page

Still planning on doing the human-like creatures that can do complex mathematics in their minds? I won't allow them to be immortal or disease-immune, as it isn't possible for any organic creature, but I will gladly accept all the rest that you proposed.

EDIT: I'm just calling mine "Shield Interference Emitters" xD
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