Avatar of Hannah
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 1 yr ago
  • Posts: 75 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


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Hello, welcome to my Bio!

My name is Hannah. I'm a young adult and work part time. I've been RPing since I was young.

~ Roleplaying ~


18+. Adult content is good! So being over 18 is a must!
MxF please! I am female and play female roles. I like my partner to be male and play male roles. It all feels legit that way.
Posts. My writing quality is decent. I write three or more paragraphs per post. I enjoy character and plot depth, so one or two liners aren't what I'm looking for. Normally, I won't go a day without posting.

Tasty information

Most genres can be good if the story is right.
Romance, adventure, fantasy and sci-fi are all good.
Medieval, Modern and future are all fun times.
Escapism and fun are essential.

Things that don't do much for me

Fandom, Superhero, Anime, Tabletop, Arena, Military. I usually stay away from school and college settings, because I've had enough of that in real life.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Bio! Shoot me a PM if you're interested. You're welcome! :)
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